Start selling jars from Hokage

Selling Jars from Huangjun No. 558

These are all dispersed the strength of the jar.

As silently said, the Rong Hao is powerful, but the premise is that you have to open more jars than others.

Finally, in the seventie tin, she opened the first award.

- Gold fierce.

You can sway a golden splendid.

"The power is not very strong, however, the advantage is that it is simple to make, the success rate is high, and the requirements for materials are low, and the power can be superimposed." Silent laughed, "This is the reason it is rated as a blue amount. If you accumulate, you have enough, countless golden, even the whole planet can be cleared. "

Xiaonan reads information about this champion, the more the eyes are getting bigger.

Similarly, a simple detonation is simply a difference in the ancestrality than it.

There will be no more energy, the attack is fast, and the angle is diverse ...

She has no need to explode in the future.

"The whole world will be changed by such power." Xiaonan looked at the items in this place, muttering self-speaking self, suddenly lifting the lead asking, "Adult, I can use the property, how much A three-level jar? "

"Two thousand six hundred and six hundred," silence added, "do not count the fixed property and food reserves."

Close to 800 billion points.

This is undoubtedly an amazing figure, most of which are materials, such as metals as war necessities.

If all converted into property, even more cost of financial resources.

After all, this world is only a small world with only tens of millions of people.

And the War of the Year, the productivity is dragged.

The people of many countries are still only barely to maintain their livelihood.

Wonderful book house

Chapter 293: Conditions for merchants

In fact, even know the organization.

If it is not a corner, there is always a good time, it is difficult to take out so much property in a breath, after all, they manage a whole rain, and consumes not low.

Just like the big snake pill, most of his money is actually consumed, replaced by various bases and experimental consumption.

"Then I bought a thousand and five hundred three-level jar." Xiaonan is very decisive to make decisions, "said" "Yuhe Village, can not rely on me, you must leave some of the funds for the village And the development of the rest. "

"Listen, do you seem to have a tissue?" Silent read her thoughts.

"Xiaonan silenced a moment, led the exquisite face to see the sea, whispered under the distant nights," Xi Xiaomi is the organization established by Nishi, I will continue to maintain its existence, but the member, the member, must also inherit Baiko and my will. "

Nowadays, members of the organization, although a one is superior, but it is a respective will.

No one has the same idea with the leader.

Such an organization violates the original intention of Baiko.

Xiaonan still misses the tissue of the past, although weaker, the companions are recognized each other.

Silence to understand.

She does not buy all the money, I want to use new companions that cultivate some like-minded.

"Very nice decision." Silent Suddenly said.

Xiaonan turned his head.

She found that this is like the world dominated the general existence, but the smile is different from before.

More gentle.

"You really didn't live up to my expectation, Xiao South." Silent looked at her mildly, smiled, "Faced with strong power, not anyone has courage, share it to the rest of the people, In the near future, you will be fortunate for your decision. "

Xiaonan has a big eyes, and it seems that I don't quite understand the meaning of this sentence.

But she lacks firmly.

In fact, silence is indeed satisfied with her decision, from a long-term income, in the later stage, must avoid excessive concentration of resources as much as possible.

To this end, silence has made plans.

It's just when I haven't implemented it yet.

But improve the rest of the companion, even the strength of ordinary ninja, then, it will be more beneficial.

Silence I thought about it, suddenly said, "Do you know what conditions do you need to be a business opportunity?"

"(??? д ???) !!!"

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