Start selling jars from Hokage

Selling jars 727 from the fire

He wants to become a pirate, to defeat the most powerful people, and become the strongest.

So he challenged himself, once again, a whole hundred times.


He is behind it.

"You said, I want me to become a pirate."

The sound of white beard, once again in the darkness of this gradually silence:

"But that is originally your own dream, Es! I have never thought about become a pirate king, and I don't care about the so-called 'strongest' title. I want to say my dream ... I am from fate. At this moment, my dream is, I hope that you can surpass me, I hope that person is one of you, not Tiqi! "

Chapter 390: Fierce Toy Battle

Ace didn't think of the old man will say this.

It's completely stunned.

The rest of the people are almost expressive.

In their hearts, white beards are the most powerful, everyone is orally in white beard, I only think that this man should be the most powerful man in the world.

But I looked at the eyes full of expectations.

They found it.

In the hearts of their own, there is such a look forward to them.

"Old ..." Ece low, kneaded his fist, then lifted it, "I know ... Old, I will be beyond you." Men, becoming a strong person than your old man! "

Alone feels that it is old.

It's even more feeling that I am looking for my old age.

This is a jealous, plus the unwillingness of the white beard.

Let Al, once again clear his goals.

Just as the sea is in the sea.

He wants to be the strongest man!

"Hey." White Beard once again looked up, "This is right, take me for the goal! I will wait for you to defeat my day!"

Only when you are unswerving, there is hope that there is hope to board the ship of the fate.

The rest of the people do not change so quickly, but they look at each other, and it seems that some different emotions can be felt.

Is it a goal of old?

This evening, the members of the White Beard One Piece, most of them did not sleep overnight.

Not cheering, it is thinking.

The entire 100 pirate began to change.

The next day.

Everyone opened his eyes.

It has also appeared in five three-stage tank.

"Is there five every day?" White Beard woke up, "Everything is looking for teammates, three squads together, scattered into these five places, robbing the jar!"


Everyone calls.

Especially Es.

It is like a fire that burns the flaming of the bears, and his strength is unprecedented.

The battle started.

There are six six teams in the White Beard.

According to white beards, every three teams are sent, and then they will start with the five jars.

Even each other, it will compete, if anyone snatches the tin failure, will definitely be laughing after returning.

In order to ensure fairness, and power allocation is uniform.

As the second team captain, the team leader Fosada, and the eleventh team captain gave a brigade, with a total of more than 50 people, moving towards the three in a desert. Stamping cans start.

When you encounter your place, there is no doubt that I have met with the same year toward this goal.

The battle is in touch.

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