Start with a Blind Date

Chapter 104 - I Can Give Birth

The next day.

Qin Dust finished washing up and walked out of the bedroom, just in time to also see Luo Ran walking out of the bedroom.

The two of them looked at each other.

"Morning." Luo Ran.

"Morning." Dusty.

They didn't say anything and went downstairs together.

Qin Dust said to Luo Ran, "I'm going to make breakfast."

"Mm." Luo Ran.

Qin Dust went into the kitchen to busy himself.

It was a busy twenty minutes.

Made the breakfast and served it out.

A few people sat down.

Luo Shihan and Luo Xiaoyu saw that mom and dad were silent, "Mom and dad, why aren't you talking?"

"Say what?" Chin dust.

"Just say something, don't you usually say something?" Lo Shihan.

Dusty, "I won't say anything until I have something to say."

"Oh." The two children nodded their heads with plausible understanding.

Qin Dust didn't say anything, it felt a bit awkward after that kind of thing happened yesterday.

He was swiping a short video as he ate.

After a few minutes.

A pop-up window popped up on Qin Dust's phone.

An Stranger applied to add you as a friend.

Attached content:Introduced by marriage agency.

Qin dust clicked to agree.

The first thing I want to do is to get to know each other through WeChat to make sure there is no problem before going further, can I?

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're looking for.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are looking for.

It's also a good idea to get a few photos of your own self.

The first thing you need to do is to take a picture of yourself.

Dusty took a photo with a time watermark and sent it along.

Yuuka's eyes lit up when she saw it, and her whole spirits instantly perked up, so handsome! And in the background of the photo is a huge living room with high-end decor.

Handsome and rich, perfect.

Yu Jia:I'm very satisfied with your basic conditions.

Qindu:I would like to ask you a few questions.

Yu Jia:Good.

Qindu:How much do you think a boy's monthly salary is considered standard?

The first time I saw a man with a monthly salary of at least 30,000+ after marriage, I couldn't give my wife and children a good environment if it was less than 30,000.

Qindu:You mean men with a monthly salary of less than 30,000 are not eligible to get married?

Yu Jia read this message, her heart was in a bad place, she had thought that what she said was fine, Qin Dust was a rich man, she said that a monthly salary of at least 30,000 a month was nothing for a Qin Dust who could drive a sports car and live in a villa.

But now.

Yu Jia sensed something bad.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest models.

Dust:What about the caravan?

Yu Jia:Isn't a man's marriage RV a must?

Qin Dust:What about the bride price?

Yu Jia:188,000, not much for you, right?

Qin Dust:Where is the dowry?

Yu Jia:Don't you have a villa and a sports car? You have everything and a dowry? Don't you think it's redundant?

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of all the stuff that's been going on for a while.

Yu Jia:After I marry over, I can give you children, and I will serve you well at night.

Dusty was very annoyed when he heard this!

The face visibly sinks, and you can have a baby?

Just a simple one that can make babies?

And you said you'd wait on him at night?

Qin Dust sank and quickly typed:The child is for me? Isn't the baby yours? Or do you think that having a child will get you the materialistic life you want? Also! Serve me well at night? Aren't you glad? As far as I know, women get more pleasure out of that kind of thing than men!

Yu Jia read the message and sent a message with an ugly face:The child born is with your last name!

Qin Dust:The child can also take your last name!

Yu Jia:After I get married, I still have to go to your family's account! Break off legally recognized ties with the family!

Qin Dust:The law never required that a woman must move her household into the man's home after marriage! All you need to do to get married is bring your family register and get a marriage license!

Yuja:I don't do housework?

Qin Dust:Half the chores! I never said you had to do all the housework!

Yuja:You can breastfeed your child?

Qin Dust:Can't drink milk powder?

Yu Jia:You can have children?

Qin Dust:Without a man, did you give birth to a child?

Yuja:Cao Nima!

Qindu:Silly X!

Qin Dust just deleted her!

What a dickhead!

Get married and get nothing!

All you know is that you're an empty glove!

Luo Ran sat opposite to Qin Dust, she had been following Qin Dust's every move from the moment his phone sounded a WeChat alert.

Although she couldn't see what Qin Dust was chatting about, but from the change in Qin Dust's appearance, she also knew that Qin Dust was angry.

"What's wrong?" Luo Ran asked.

Qin Dust put down the chopsticks and looked at Luo Ran, "A blind date woman added me to WeChat, you know the result."

Luo Ran was curious, "What did she say?"

Qin Dust spoke to Luo Ran, still annoyed in his heart.

Luo Ran shook her head gently after hearing it, she looked at Qin Dust, "What do you think she went through to make her think like that?"

"Is that a stretch?" Qin Dust was annoyed, "For her to have such thoughts, she's mostly been licked by a dog too many times! The licking thinks he's popular! Licked to think he's a princess! The licker thinks all men lack women! It's like you can't live without a woman!"

Luo Ran smiled, "From what you say, it kind of makes sense."

Dusty looked at her, "What are you smiling about?"

"?" Luo Ran restrained her smile and didn't blink, she was naturally happy to laugh.

If Qin Dust were to meet this kind of matchmaking girl, she could also save her mind, otherwise she would have to be on edge every day.

Luo Ran looked at Qin Dust and said comfortingly, "You can change your circle, there are very few girls born and raised in wealthy families that have this kind of problem."

"Okay, then change the circle." Qin Dust nodded his head lightly.

"....... "Luo Ran.

Can you pretend I didn't say that...

Dusty was in no mood to eat and went to lie down on the side of the couch.

After a while.

The two children also went to the sofa and lay on top of Qin Dust, "Daddy...send me to school, okay."

Dusty opened his eyes and rubbed the two children's heads, a smile appearing on his face, "Good."

"Oh yeah!" The two children sat up happily.

Luo Xiaoyu looked to Luo Ran, "Mommy, will you walk us to school with Daddy?"

Loran nodded lightly, "Good."

After a while.

Qin Dust and Luo Ran sent the two children to the kindergarten.

When they arrived at the kindergarten, they sent the two children in.

Qin Dust looked at Luo Ran, "You're going to the company?"

"Mm." Luo Ran nodded lightly and looked at Qin Dust, "What are you doing?"

"Go back to sleep some more." Qin Dust said.

Luo Ran nodded lightly and she said to a security guard, "Leave a car for Qin Dust."

Luo Ran left.

Qin Dust drove away as well.

On the way.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning back the game for the man!

[You have one chance to sign in! Whether to sign in or not!

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