Start with a Blind Date

Chapter 169 Shouldn't it be scum?

Yang Qiuyun:Yes.

Yang Qiuyun:I already know your basic information, so let's get straight to the point, what do you think?


Yang Quyun:Do you have a monthly income of more than 20,000?

What does it mean when you ask me if my monthly salary is over 20,000?

Yang Qiuyun:After marriage, men have to support their wives and children, and can't afford to do so with an income of less than 20,000.

An aside.

Luo Ran suddenly said, "You ask her, she is unable to take care of her own life? And need a man to feed her?"

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years, and has been working on the development of the new product for the past two years.

Yang Qiuyun:Who brings the child? Who does the housework?

Qin Dust:My parents love to take care of their children, so I can bring my parents to work during the day and share the household chores equally, which is fair.

Yang Quyun:I hear you, you don't earn more than 20,000 a month, people who earn more than 20,000 a month don't say that, bye!

When Qin Dust saw this message, he couldn't help but laugh in anger.

What kind of fucking logic was this?

You wouldn't say that about someone earning over $20,000 a month?

Is it really fucking stupid to be the guy who makes 20,000+ a month?

He hasn't said that Yang Qiuyun doesn't even have a job!

Qin Dust opened his mobile bank, intercepted the picture of the balance, and then sent it to Yang Qiuyun.

Qin Dust:Bye bye!

Qin Dust deleted her.

On the other end, Yang Qiuyun saw the screenshot sent by Qin Dust and couldn't help but click on it to zoom in on it.

The balance was 10 million!!!

Yang Qiuyun saw the balance and felt remorseful that she had misjudged it!

Shouldn't a rich guy with a $10 million balance think it's normal to support a woman for the rest of his life?

You're so rich and you still let your wife work?

Yang Qiuyun thought about it and sent a message to Qin Dust:You misunderstood my meaning... I think you're right, and I want to explain it to you.

A red exclamation mark appeared as a result!

When Yang Quyun saw this, he stiffened and deleted her!


The other end.

Luo Ran looked at Qin Dust, "She just wants to find a rich man to marry and then live comfortably for the rest of her life, this kind of woman can't marry, because when you're broke, the first thing she'll do is divorce you, and when she does, she'll think of ways to divide your family fortune more."

"...." Dusty looked at her, "I know ah, I'm not stupid."

Luo Ran nodded lightly and said, "It's best to get married because of love, because people who get married because of love, even if you're broke, she'll carry it through with you."

"Mm, I understand." Dusty.

"Mm." Luo Ran nodded lightly and felt relieved, because of that incident, she was worried that Qin Dust would leave her or do something wrong to her.

If that day really came, she wouldn't let go of Qin Dust.

As for now, she would make Qin Dust realize that she was more reliable than some women.

At that moment, the system sounded a prompt.


Congratulations to the host for winning back a game for the man!

[You have one chance to sign in! Whether to sign in or not!

"Check in!" Qin Dust silently recited.

[Host check-in successful!

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the 'Never Forget' skill!

After hearing this, Qin Dust immediately took out his phone and swiped through a random novel.

The result...

2000 words in a chapter, and he even remembered the punctuation clearly!

That's a good skill!

Qin Dust then transferred a thousand dollars to the owner of the marriage agency and asked, "When are the other two going to add my WeChat?"

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are looking for.

The first thing you need to do is to ask her to add me.

After a few minutes.

The Queen of Hi applied to add you as a friend.

Qindu looked at the image of Queen Hi, it looks familiar, as if I've seen it before....

Qin Dust thought about it.

"Fuck!!!" Qin Dust remembered, wasn't this the person Wan Dapeng had talked to in high school!

Just not from the same school!

Wan Dapeng is in love with a girl from another school!

At that time, Wan Dapeng also sent him a photo of this woman, asking him what she looked like.

But then by chance, Wan Dapeng saw this woman and another man kissing on the road....

Wan Dapeng lost control of his emotions on the spot and went up to the woman and hit her.

He wasn't there at the time, it was Wan Dapeng who was in a bad mood and told him when he asked him for a drink.

"What's wrong?" Luo Ran saw Qin Dust's appearance and looked at Qin Dust's phone.

"I know this blind date girl..." Qin Dust.

Luo Ran frowned slightly, "It can't be the scum girl you used to play with, right?"

"...." Qin Dust shook his head lightly, "No, this blind date woman is a girlfriend that a friend of mine had in high school, and then my friend happened to see this woman kissing another guy on the road..."

Luo Ran's face went cold after hearing this, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

That is to say.

This blind date girl was a scum, playing with Qin Dust's friend's feelings!

Qin Dust's friends must have been devastated at the time, right?

Luo Ran tried to imagine that she loved Qin Dust to the extent that Qin Dust's every word could affect her emotions, and if Qin Dust left her sight, she would be very uncomfortable and would want Qin Dust to be bored with her all the time.

Love to such an extent.

If she were to see Qin Dust kissing another woman on the road one day, she would feel her heart breaking!

Really love someone and get betrayed!

In addition to her heart breaking, she wanted to hammer Qin Dust even harder! One meal is not enough, then two! Keep hammering!

"Scum!" Luo Ran said in a cold voice.

"???" Dusty looked at her in confusion, "Shouldn't it be scum?"

"...." Luo Ran looked at Qin Dust, only then did she come back to her senses, the substitution had just been too strong, thinking that she had witnessed Qin Dust kissing another woman.

"Mistake." Luo Ran.

Qin Dust nodded, he thought that Luo Ran's brain was in water, he couldn't tell right from wrong.

Qin Dust didn't immediately agree, but sent a message to the owner of the marriage agency:What's the problem with this woman?

The first thing you need to know is that you can't afford to be in a situation where you're not going to be able to do anything about it, and you're not going to be able to do anything about it.

Qin dust:Okay.

On the side, Luo Ran read the message sent by the owner of the marriage agency, her face clear and cold.

"You have a boyfriend and still come on a blind date? It seems her current boyfriend is her ATM, and she wants to date her current boyfriend while trying to find a better one, and then dump her current boyfriend when she finds one!"

Luo Ran looked at Qin Dust, "To quote her, after knowing her basic information, I'll have someone look into it, this matter must be made known to her boyfriend!"

"...." Qin Dust looked at Luo Ran, "You're quite attentive to this."

Luo Ran said coldly, "I'm not happy with anyone who plays with my feelings right now!"

Although she hadn't personally felt the feeling of being played with her feelings, just thinking about if she had been played with her feelings by Qin Dust, she would have wanted to imprison Qin Dust and torture him for the rest of her life!

She's sick of scumbags now!

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