Start with a Blind Date

Chapter 368 - How do you keep it?

Until 4:00 p.m. when Luo Ran couldn't take it anymore, and while Qin Dust was engrossed, she disappeared into thin air and reappeared to Ning Luo Manor.

"...." Qin Dust was still kissing, and suddenly realized that he had kissed the air and loneliness.

"Is this the way to go?" Qin Dust was speechless, and also disappeared into thin air.

When he reappeared, he arrived at Ning Luo Manor.

He saw that Luo Ran was already sitting on the sofa and had turned on the TV.

His father-in-law and Luo Xiaoyu were also there.

When Luo Ran saw Qin Dust, he secretly stared at him.

"Dad, how old are you this year? Still like that." Luo Xiaoyu didn't have a good temper, "And mom looked reluctant."

Luo Yunhan looked at Qin Dust, hummed and didn't say anything.

Qin Dust sweated slightly and also sat down, watching TV.

He used his mind to communicate with Luo Ran, "Tomorrow... Continue, huh?"

Luo Ran didn't turn his head back and looked at the TV in front of him, "Get out!"

Qin dust, "cut, also rolled, think about you back then.... Old initiative, now older, and shy on."

Luo Ran, "It's not respectful to be old, it's not proper to be old!"

Qin Dust, "How old am I? I'm young, okay? Anyway, we'll continue tomorrow, and if you don't let us, we'll stay home."

Luo Ran said in exasperation, "Can't you be serious? Do you just want to see me ashamed?"

"Yeah." Qin dust.

Luo Ran gasped, "Get out!"

Qin dust, "Continue tomorrow, the refusal is invalid."

"I'll sleep with my daughter tonight, and I won't be with you tomorrow during the day!" Loraine.

"What's in it? Kissing you in front of your daughter, it's not like you haven't done it before." Qin Dust.

"You're shameless!" Loraine.

"First day you met me, huh?" The Dust.

"What would be more normal?" Luo Ran sighed, helpless.

"Are you begging me?" Qin Dust.

"Yes." Luo Ran.

"OK, then we'll play something different tonight, you have to cooperate." Qin Dust.

"OK." Luo Ran agreed, as long as we are in the bedroom, we can play whatever we want.

"Don't you want to think about what I want to play?" Qin dust curious, this promise is too quick.

"Whatever." Luo Ran.

"..." The dust, hey, in the bedroom, Loraine is normal, kissing in front of others, shame on you.

Is it true that the older you get, the more you care about that?

Why doesn't he feel anything?

At five o'clock, the robot cooked the meal, and after it was ready, everyone stopped practicing and ate downstairs.

Because there were so many people, there were two big tables.

One table for men and one table for women.

Qin's father also saw the online video, he looked at Qin Dust and said speechlessly, "A big old man, still like this."

"That's right dad, after I get married, I'm too embarrassed to kiss outside." Qin Fan said.

Qin Dust, "..."

The other table.

Su Wan looked at Luo Ran and said, "It's better to keep a low profile when you're older."

"I was forced to do it." Luo Ran.

"...." Su Wan sweated slightly, she looked at Qin Dust at the next table, this guy....

This guy... can really toss and turn, he's a big old man and still has a lustful heart.

Luo Shihan then said, "Mom, was Dad like this back then too?".

Luo Ran stared at her.

Luo Shihan sweated a little, and couldn't help but think of the way Mom and Dad loved each other when she was little.

Compared to that time, this was all good.

It's just that Mom was very active at that time, and now Mom is not so active.

But Dad is still so active.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the company's website.

The two of them didn't have any dust on their bodies and didn't need to take a bath, so they went straight to the bed.

Luo Ran took a look at them, although after so many years, she was old, and her need for some aspects was not so great, but now, if she did not follow Qin Chen today, she would have to take her to a crowded place tomorrow.

Luo Ran took a look, and her clothes changed automatically.

She looked at Qin Dust, "What else do you want to do?"

Qin Dust sighed, "It always feels like it's just the two of us, and you're not ashamed at all, you're missing that feeling."

"Get lost." Luo Ran looked at him, "Don't blame me for turning my face if you try to act like you did during the day."

"Cut." The dust.


The next morning.

Qindu stretched his waist, he took a look at Luo Ran who was still sleeping, and wanted to sleep for a while, sleeping lazily is also very comfortable.

So, he hugged Luo Ran and went back to sleep.

Luo Ran was also sleeping.

It was not until 9:00 a.m. that they had enough sleep.

The two of them slept on their sides, and then opened their eyes to look at each other.

Luo Ran closed her eyes, did not want to say a word, just let her eat food.

I don't know what is good to eat.

When Qin dust saw her eyes closed, he couldn't help but say, "Let's go for a walk."

"No go." Luo Ran.

"...." Qin Dust, "Don't worry, it'll never be like yesterday."

"I want to sleep." Luo Ran.

"You're a saint now, still sleeping." Qin Dust shook her, "Don't sleep, go out and play."

"Don't bother me... I want to sleep." Luo Ran.

"Okay, then I'll go to KTV at noon to sing and find two girls to accompany me for fun." Qin dust said.

Luo Ran opened her eyes and stared at him with eyes that seemed to kill.

The dust blinked, "You hit it."


Luo Ran punched Qin Dust in the stomach. The punch was so powerful that the saint's power poured directly into Qin Dust's abdomen.

Qin Dust grimaced and covered his stomach, in great pain, "You... You're for real."

"Try being angry at me again." Luo Ran swept a cold glance at him, then closed his eyes, "Don't bother me."

Qin Dust suffered for a while, which eased a little, he was a little depressed, Luo Ran could hit him, he definitely couldn't hit Luo Ran like this, hey...

"Alright, alright, then I'll go for a walk." Qin dust got up, changed his clothes, and walked out.

When he arrived downstairs, he didn't see anyone, and with a sweep of his mind, he knew that his dad and mom were practicing!!!

"Boring." Qin dust hey, the whole family is cultivating, Luo Ran is still sleeping lazily, do not want to see him, he is alone, where can he go to play?

So, he looked at his phone, the news on his phone, and the short video platform, a lot of them were showing him and Luo Ran kissing.

In the comments of the video, he said: "I envy you.

I'm envious, I'm so old and still have passion.

:666, begging the question, how is it that you can still be so passionate after so many years together? My wife and I are now like brothers, hey ....

:envy ...

: Qiang, the sword is not old yet.

The following is a list of the most popular ones.

The first thing you need to know is how to get along with your wife for so many years and still maintain your passion.

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the old man's shyness and embarrassment by kissing him in public.

After finishing his reply, he continued to brush up on his other videos.

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