Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 1357: : The Great Reckoning

Lu Chen was so angry that he wanted to break through his last remaining rationality, but he knew that Li Daoming was right, they could no longer hold the barrier of Tianyuan.

If he does not retreat, the entire army will be wiped out, and once the person who can fight the Immortal King dies, the Diguan will really be broken by several Immortal Kings in an instant.

But he still couldn't bear to see Li Daoming cut off like this for himself, it was the lives of hundreds of millions of soldiers in Diguan, and he was trying to buy him time to recover.


With one blow from the Immortal King, a large number of soldiers fell. When Lu Chen and a group of soldiers finally retreated into the Immortal Emperor City, Li Daoming had already been blown up above the sky.

Before dying, the elegant commander-in-chief turned around and smiled, "Brothers, I'll go first!"

Standing at the head of the city, Lu Chen urged the primitive imperial city to increase the pressure on Tianyuan, and at the same time he slashed at the five immortal kings.

"Wang Erma, take the children and the old man behind Diguan!"

Lu Chen ordered that he was actually overstepping his authority to command. Even if Li Daoming died, his position would not be the highest, but at this time, no one in Diguan questioned his status.

"I'm not leaving! I'm not a deserter!"

The Supreme Realm cultivator called Wang Erma once met Lu Chen in Diguan, and was very stubborn at this time.

"That is, if Diguan falls, the world is so big, and where else can I escape, all I can do is to take one step first!"

Some soldiers roared.

Lu Chen felt sad in his heart, knowing that what they said was right, when the foreign army conquered the frontier, everything was really over.


Shenchu ​​arrived with several immortal kings, and under one palm, they combined the divine power of the five immortal kings. Even Lu Chen, relying on the Emperor Pass, was still coughing up blood.

Because most of the power of the Primitive Imperial City is linked to Tianyuan, without the assistance of the Primal Imperial City, the War King and the Barbarian King would not be able to fight against Wushang at all. If Wushang came over, then everything would really be over.


The screams of killing in the original imperial city were so loud that not only the soldiers, but also the young adults who were in the training period in the rear also took up weapons, and the young people with the strength of the gods and the real world also rushed to the front of the city.

In order to maintain the operation of the original imperial city, a large number of young people started blood sacrifices, one by one fell at the head of the city.

After that, there are those young youths. They are all powerful. Although the oldest is only a few dozen years old, they all have the strength of the Venerable Realm or above, and some even ignited the fire of God.

"Dad, let's go together!"

"Grandfather, grandson is willing to die with you!"

"There is no one else in the family, I am willing to go with the ancestors!"


One after another silhouettes stepped on the city head and died, just to face the frenzy of the disaster and block the last moment.

It was like a pebble was thrown at the tsunami, sad and respectable, making Lu Chen, who had not cried for a long time, have some tears in his eyes.

In the end, the fire seeds in the original imperial city, those children and teenagers, also picked up the spears, with determination on their young faces.

Lu Chen suddenly remembered what an elder said to him when he first joined the army when he was a child.

In fact, everyone is very afraid of death. Many troops in history can lose 30% and still maintain their fighting spirit, even if they are absolute elites.

But there are also some wars, in which there is not a single soldier left, and all of them fight to the death.

It is because on that vast battlefield, there were brave pioneers who went to their deaths, and on the front line of the frenzy of death, the most blazing light bloomed, thus igniting the courage of all living beings.

The warriors picked up their most powerful weapons in the face of a mighty and invincible enemy, and the hymn of courage was sung on the battlefield, and finally turned into that roar.


There are thousands of soldiers in the original imperial city, and there is no one to command them, but a neat and unified battle cry broke out.


With the violent roar, the new immortal king made his move, the original imperial city was shaken, Lu Chen's body collapsed, and the blood of hundreds of millions of soldiers rushed into the sky, turning into a misty fog.

This is destined to be a battle that is difficult to leave records in later generations, but it is also the most tragic sad song, written with blood and fire.

The blood mist gathered, Lu Chen's figure solidified, his eyes were full of blood and tears, and his body was full of cracks, and the last roar of Emperor Guancheng's head erupted, "Kill!"


The immortal king made another move, shaking the city head, and Lu Chen burst into a mist of blood.

The immortal king also seemed to have emotion, "The oyster may also have the courage to shake the tree, which is commendable."

"Little Lu!"

"Stinky boy!"

The severely wounded Soul King and Barbarian King roared with grief and indignation when they saw this scene.

After all, Diguan missed, the foreign army was too strong, they could not resist at all.

"Distract him, take the way of death."

Wushang stepped forward and pierced the barbarian king's chest with a single blow, almost cracking it. If it wasn't for the war king's help at the critical moment, he would have exploded directly in Tianyuan.

Just when several immortal kings wanted to shake the imperial city, move it away, prevent it from interfering with the heavens, and help Wushang.

A drop of blood appeared on the top of the city, and the blood mist was withdrawn from the sky, which surprised several immortal kings such as Shenchu, and Lu Chen was still alive! ?

Although Lu Chen used the forbidden technique to temporarily reach the king's realm, in their opinion, his Primordial Spirit was always inferior, so it shouldn't be difficult to kill him.

But the Immortal King made two shots in a row and blew it up, but he still hadn't scattered his true spirit yet?


Because the original imperial city was pushed away a bit, Tian Yuan and the Barbarian King War King could no longer stop Wu Shang, and were knocked out of Tian Yuan, their bodies almost collapsed, and they coughed up blood.

No other immortal king took action against the two desolate kings, because that would anger the terrifying giant, Wushang, who knew that Wushang hated others to join forces with him and **** his opponents.

At the same time, in the face of two immortal kings who have been severely injured and dying, if they still take action, it is really an insult to Lord Wushang.

Watching the blood flow into the river of Diguan, there is hardly a living creature in sight. At this time, even an iron-blooded man like the King of War left two lines of tears, "Children..."

"I fought with you guys!"

With blood and tears in the eyes of the barbarian king, he was ready to use his last life to his death.

They can't complain that the Immortal Realm doesn't come to help, but the ancient realm is really too weak, and the way of heaven has just been completed.

bang bang

Just as Lu Chen was condensing and the Barbarian King and War King was about to die, the whole world was shaking, making a cracking sound.

Not only the original ancient world, but also the immortal king on the foreign side has changed, and their world has also changed.

What absolute power is impacting the Great Realm, and what level of master is fighting to shake the Three Realms at the same time! ?

At this time, opposite Tianyuan, the master of the immortal pot made a gloomy expression, "Wushang, I'll go back first, the chaos is over, we are a step behind."

He was referring to not being able to break through the Di Pass faster. The soldiers of Di Pass were too determined. Even if they all decided to die, they slowed down their pace. Coupled with the variable Lu Chen, they fought for so long. Haven't been able to pass the Divine Pass.

"I will finish the battle that should be fought, and what we want to take, we must take!"

Wushang said with a firm gaze. After he walked out of the abyss, his injuries were already recovering, and it could be seen that he was a heroic man.


The heaven and earth trembled again, and then, in a deafening sound, there was an unparalleled strike through the three realms, whether it was the original ancient world, the exotic realm, or the fairy realm, all of them were penetrated in an instant!

At this moment, whether it is the immortal king of the foreign land, or the only people left in the borderland, they all look up to the sky.

On the turbulent ocean, there was an old man in sackcloth sackcloth with his back to all beings, with a nine-story pagoda hanging above his head, holding a pitch-black fire stick, and opposite him, there was endless darkness.

"You dare!"

There was a roar from the sky, and Lu Chen, who had just condensed his true spirit, was excited, because he was familiar with the voice, it was the voice of the old man in commoner clothes.

"Heh, can you protect it?"

A sneer came from outside the sky, and then, another attack that shook the Three Realms swept out, the world was about to be shattered, the gods were mourning, and endless fragments of the void spread over the world.

The continent was shattered, and the primitive ancient world, which had just closed, cracked again, and cracks erupted. Fortunately, someone was blessed at the last minute, otherwise it would be torn apart again.


From the foreign direction, people heard the screams, which were the unwilling wails of the Immortal King, which made the Immortal King in the direction of Diguan feel chills.

Lu Chen knew that it was probably the Immortal Emperor of Darkness who devoured the Immortal King of the foreign realm to replenish his combat energy.

He couldn't tell the time he spent with the old man in commoner clothes, just like he had thousands of years in a blink of an eye, or maybe the old man had been fighting against the dark quasi-immortal emperors for a long time in the world sea.

Now that the battle is exhausted, he is forced to the major worlds on this side of Jihai.

The source of the immortal king of the exotic land is the dark matter, which is of the same origin as the dark quasi-immortal emperor. Devouring it can replenish energy, which is very detrimental to the old man in commoner clothes.

"Go ahead, this time the reckoning starts early, and it's time to harvest our people."

Through some cracks in the borderland, there is a sound from outside the domain. This sound seems to be heard only by people in this area. It came from the foreign domain, or from the space-time crack on the foreign domain. Over the abyss.

The three kings of Bianhuang and Lu Chen heard it clearly, but they only felt a chill in their hearts, something more terrifying than the invasion of foreign land was about to happen.

"Break the Emperor Pass first! Enter this world to search!"

Wushang issued the decree, and at the same time, the halberd pointed at the battle king and the soul king, "It's time to hit the road."

Lu Chen had just gathered his body, but before he could stand firm, he had to fight again, even though it might be a man's arm.

But at this time, the Soul King rushed down and took a hard blow. He also hit Lu Chen with a gust of wind, "Now it's time for adults, go back, kid!"

Lu Chen just condensed his body, and he still hasn't stood firm yet, how could he attack the Soul King?

He glared angrily, "No"

But it was hard to resist this power, and he was directly swept back into the depths of the ancient world of the same origin. He watched the Soul King be besieged by several immortal kings again.

The barbarian king turned back and grinned at himself, his mouth was silent, but he also conveyed the meaning, "Keep the fire."


The next moment, the monstrous mana fluctuations drowned the place where the original imperial city was located, the war broke out, and the ending was doomed.

With blood and tears in his eyes, Lu Chen stood firm, smelted his own blood, adjusted his state and wanted to fight back.

But in the next breath, the sky changed. He heard the roar of the immortal kings fighting, and the cry of the falling of the strong. One after another silhouettes crossed the dam and landed on the fairyland and the ancient world of the same origin. The powerhouses in the bounded sea attacked them.

Everything was messed up, and the most terrifying dark wave came, which drove back the strong men in the world, including the lackeys of the dark quasi-immortal emperor, who came to invade the original ancient world, for the sake of the old man's heart.

At this moment, the exotic realm is The fairy realm and the homologous ancient realm are almost indistinguishable from each other, because they were completely opened up by the powerhouse, and the powerhouses of the fairy king level fought in chaos, killing from one realm to another One Realm, and sometimes kills to Jiehai again.

The sky is falling apart, the blood is raining and the wind is full of chaos.

When the big reckoning comes, no realm can be spared, and even the foreign realm will be attacked by those realm sea powerhouses who do not recognize the six relatives.

Lu Chen saw a sky-piercing skeleton rising in the direction of Xianyu, pushing the sun, moon and stars, striding towards the sea, and fighting with a strong man in the sea, that was Gu Qing's father!

He saw a big tree covering the heavens rise, and the boundless Dharma image swayed in the sky, but it was finally broken by someone, that was King Qingqiu!

He saw a beautiful woman walking out, thousands of flowers in full bloom, petals falling with blood rain, that is the King of Hundred Flowers.

he sees...

Xianyu has not been spared, this time, everyone was involved in the liquidation!

Because rather than targeting the realm of Jiutian, the Dark Immortal Emperor wants to fight the Immortal Territory, because they know that the hometown of the commoner is in Immortal Territory!

The Dark Immortal King crossed the dam, and several of them boarded the original ancient world. Wherever they passed, with a casual blow, the earth sank, and hundreds of millions of creatures fell.

All spirits are crying, people are howling, this is destined to be the most tragic era, blood flows into rivers and gathers like sea!

Those strong people have no feelings, regard life as dust, and do not enjoy the thrill of abuse. They come to slaughter just because they are ordered!

There were Immortal Kings from the Immortal Realm, but they were quickly restrained by the powerhouses in the Realm Sea. They fought in several ancient realms in an instant, and finally escaped into the Realm Sea.

"God, why is there such a catastrophe!?"

"Are all beings in this world going to die!?"

All sentient beings cried out in grief, as if the sky were crying.

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