"…I wanna go."

Eriyi was wearing clothes behind Lu Chen, making a rubbing sound and whispering softly.

After the two stayed quiet for a while, during the sage time last night, Lu Chen still confided to Eliyi.

Eriya is a careful girl. Although Lu Chen didn't say anything, she also guessed that Lu Chen might not be...from this world.

After discovering that Huiliyi was hesitant to speak several times, Lu Chen directly explained it.

Of course, he didn't say much about the details of the origin space, after all, he didn't know much about it.

"It may be very dangerous. For some reasons, it is easier to travel to a more difficult world if you are with me."

Lu Chen said softly.

The origin space allows to reveal the existence of space to the extraditable person, but never allows the pioneer to disclose the existence and particularity of the pioneer to anyone.

But whether it was for receiving Eriya earlier or the challenge he personally wanted, he couldn't refuse the pioneer's contract.

He didn't hesitate in his heart, so he gave the decision to Eriya last night.

He said that Eriyi actually doesn't need to accompany him to the space, because he can adjust the time difference between the two places. Even if he stays in the mission world for another year or two, Eriyi may only be here for two weeks.

After the mission is over, he can live in the dragon world for a long time, and the period of time to perform the mission is equivalent to going on a business trip.

Ke Liyi still made up his mind this morning, looking at her husband firmly with both eyes, "As long as I'm together, I'm not afraid of anything."

She smiled, "And I'm afraid that if no one supervises you, you will mess around again..."

This is a point she worries about. She knows who her husband is best.

He is... lunatic Wu.

She has no doubt that in some cases, if no one reminds her husband or restricts him, he is likely to completely let go of himself, encountering an invincible enemy, and may not retreat.

"How come... I promised Eriya couldn't beat her to run..."

Lu Chen scratched his head and said.

Eriri's pretty cheeks puffed up slightly, "But you obviously didn't take it away before..."

Lu Chen didn’t know how to refute. Although he didn’t have a choice at the time, he did violate the agreement with Eriyi. Moreover, he heard a saying from Brother Caesar very well. Sometimes, don’t try to keep trying with the girl you love. Reasonable...

Looking at Lu Chen’s embarrassment, Hui Liyi felt a little funny, stepped forward to help him tidy his collar, and whispered: "Besides...it would be too unfair if you only endure loneliness..."

Lu Chen trembled. It turned out that this was what Eryi was really worried about.

Yes, for Eriya, it was not a long time since he left, but he had to endure long-term loneliness and longing in the space.

Eriya even thought of this, it turned out...everything was for herself.

Lu Chen looked at his delicate wife with crimson cheeks in front of him, and kissed him unconsciously. For a long time, his lips parted, and the glittering silk thread slipped off.

"I understand, I will find a way as soon as possible, and I won't let Eriya wait for a long time, trust me!"

Lu Chen said firmly.

After he is ready to find a way to return to the space, he will complete the advanced task as soon as possible, so that he can take Eriyi away.

And he also faintly felt that there might be other solutions...


Kassel College, Nibelungen built by Fenrieux.

Everyone was gathered around and happily eating a barbecue, while Fenrieux made a grill by himself, and the "brother-in-law" helped build the fire.

The rest of his life was warm and warm. Not only the people who finally fought the Dragon Slaying Squad, but also friends who had a good relationship with Lu Chen came to this party.

For example, Milana of the Lionheart Club, Zero of the Eriya Dormitory, Brother Fingel.

At this time, Ling was sitting between Lu Mingfei and Lu Mingze, very patient, grilling with precision like a machine, and then put the roasted meat on the plate next to him, Lu Mingfei picked it up and sent it cheeky. Into the mouth, and Lu Mingze sometimes eats, sometimes he is in a trance.

Xia Mi and Chu Zihang stood side by side, one to control the fire and the other to brush the barbecue sauce, and they had cooperated very well.

Caesar and Nono were sitting on a stone chair by the side. Nono was holding juice in his hand and Caesar was holding champagne in his hand. They laughed between words, not knowing what they were talking about.

And there were special guests at today's party. I saw a woman wearing an OL uniform holding the wine jar that was not used up last time at Lu Chen's wedding banquet, drinking heavily while drinking and eating meat.

He was still yelling, "Finally liberated, my old lady will be presumptuous in the future and won't eat potato chips!"

But this sentence caused a certain dragon who was barbecued to wonder, "Why don't you eat potato chips? It's so delicious."

Su Enxi rolled her eyes and somehow answered the stupid dragon's question. She was addicted to alcohol, so she would often eat potato chips to suppress her alcohol addiction.

Now that the world is peaceful, she certainly wants to indulge.

On the other side, Fingel looked at the woman on the opposite side with a serious face, and the woman with a figure that made the supermodel ashamed also stared at the front with a serious face, the atmosphere was like a master decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City.

In the next moment, the two shot at the same time, with the goal of...a skewer of freshly roasted meat on the grill.


Jiu De Mai's hand moved quickly, somewhat complacent, and glanced at Fingel, "Where's your Flame Demon Knife?"

Fingel smiled with a humble smile, "When the boss is finished, the knife will naturally be retired. If you eat, you eat, and I will bake it."

Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Hui Liyi focused on roasting meat, and Lu Chen carrying a jar of wine, left from his wife and walked to a secluded place.


He sighed slightly.

"Brother Lu."

Chu Zihang walked over and greeted Lu Chen.

"How about it?"

Lu Chen slurred in the direction where Xia Mi was, and said to his heart that the battle was over and there was no result.

"I have already confessed it, but we want to be more legal. Mom and Dad also mean the same."

Chu Zihang said that he had to wait for Xia Mi to be 20 years old and did not want to commit a crime.

"Haha, good too."

Lu Chen and Chu Zihang "clink glasses"

"Brother Lu..." Chu Zihang hesitated and said, "Isn't you from this world? After the decisive battle, did you go back?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised. He hadn't told Chu Zihang about space, but the other party keenly analyzed it through various intelligence.

"Well, I am in a special place and will be sent to various worlds to take risks on missions."

Lu Chen said vaguely.

"Will it be dangerous?"

Chu Zihang's eyes changed slightly.

Lu Chen saw Chu Zihang's concern. The guy with facial paralysis was always enthusiastic, "I don't know, but I'm pretty strong, so it should be fine."

Chu Zihang fell silent and said, "...Brother Lu remember what I said, if you need it, I can always fight with you."

He heard from Lu Chen's words that the other party didn't seem to know the place well, and he was a little worried about Brother Lu's...IQ.

From their deeds in this world, Chu Zihang knew how many times, if Brother Lu only relied on recklessness, he might not end well in the end.

Lu Chen smiled, did not speak, just raised the jar and touched Chu Zihang again.

He was really surprised. He hadn't told Xia Mi and the others about this. He didn't expect Chu Zihang to find himself first and expressed his willingness to continue fighting with him.

But... Lu Chen has changed his mind now, not to mention that he has no authority at all. Even if he does, he gradually feels that this matter needs to be considered carefully.

After all, he still didn't know what he was going to face, and he didn't know the more secrets of the space, he was just a rookie.

He brought Eli Yi, because his wife and himself are in love with each other, and they don't want to be separated from each other.

But Chu Zihang has been reunited with his family and can live a peaceful life. He doesn't want the other party to accompany him on adventures.

And Xia Mi brothers and sisters...to tell the truth, they are not very suitable for fighting, as can be seen from the extradition amount of space, they are "high in value" simply because of their current strength.

But the potential is not enough, without a heart to fight, it is not suitable for adventure in all kinds of dangerous places, because there will be stronger enemies in the end.

In this respect, Chu Zihang may not be the strongest among his friends, but it is indeed the most potential. Not only does he have a super high IQ, his learning ability is superb, he is also very talented in combat, and more importantly, this is true. It's a...killing embryo.

In the fight, there was a lot of vigor, which is the reason why Principal Angers and Chu Zihang were “worthy” higher.

So he thought about it for a while, and decided to tell Xia Mi brothers and sisters about this matter, and give them time to consider. During this time, he will talk to the principal, and the other party is not so unreasonable.

In any case, the performance of the Xia Mi brothers and sisters in the final battle is considered to be completely on the side of humans, and the principal's grievances have also been removed a lot.

Chu Zihang Xia Mifenrieu had one person and two dragons. He gave a long period of thinking, and he could also understand the space better during this time.

If necessary in the future, you can extradite again. In terms of strength improvement, it will not be a problem to wait for your own pockets to be generous.

He also noticed in the space that explorers mostly gather in the form of adventure groups, although Lu Chen's character does not feel that a person's power is ultimately limited, because he does a lot of things by himself.

But in some cases, the presence of teammates is also very useful. For example, in the previous battle with Niederhogg, without Brother Chu and the others risking their lives to help themselves fill up the vacancy, he could not wait for a turnaround.

Besides, he has to be sure that Brother Chu is more intelligent than himself...

"Brother Lu, take care over there, and if he comes back, he must meet with us."

Chu Zihang saw that Lu Chenxin had scruples, so he stopped mentioning it.

In fact, he was faintly reluctant to admit it. It turned out that after regaining his father, he discovered that he was chasing for power and becoming stronger was not just for revenge. He also somewhat...enjoyed the process.

The feeling of life and death when fighting the enemy makes this killing embryo... a bit addictive.

Therefore, when he first went out on a mission alone, he could not hesitate to turn on the second violent blood.

After the party, Lu Chen went to the principal's office.

"Have fun?"

Principal Angers served Lu Chen tea.

Now Niederhogg has fallen, but the Secret Party can't talk about unemployment. After the disaster in the world, coupled with the global live broadcast, it is now impossible to wipe the ass.

The dragons are exposed to the eyes of the world, and this storm may take a long time to subside.

"Of course I am happy to be with everyone."

Lu Chen picked up the tea cup. He had also invited the principal before, but the principal said that he would not go to activities for young people.

"You came to me to talk about Fenrieux and Yemengard, right?"

Anger laughed, seeing through Lu Chen's thoughts.

"It's true..."

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed. He had promised that he would disappear Xia Mi and the others, "...I hope the principal can allow some time. After all, they are my friends too. I still want to get their consent for some things, and The dragons that threaten humans in this world have not completely disappeared. I believe that their existence can help the Academy better handle various situations."

Angers leaned on the sofa, was silent for a moment, and sighed, "In fact, I understand some truths. The brothers and sisters are indeed not malicious to humans. Without them in the battle of the doomsday, we humans may have been perished, but humans. When I get old, it's always a little difficult to get past the hurdle in my heart."

He is a stubborn person, so he only lived to be more than 130 years old, still struggling on the front line, with boiling blood burning in his body.

"I understand. I just hope that the principal will give Haihan a look before I die."

Lu Chen showed a wry smile.

Anger's expression stagnated, "Are you living longer with the old man?"

Then he waved his hand again, "It's fine, anyway, if you are there, even if they have ambitions, they won't be able to make a big storm."

He still made a concession. Lu Chen's combat power is the world's highest. The power that broke out in the final battle has already killed Nidhogg. As long as Lu Chen is still on the side of mankind, there is really nothing in this world now. Something to worry about.

In addition, the existence of brothers Caesar, Chu Zihang, and Lu Mingfei can also suppress the pair of monarchs, which is also the reason why Anger feels relieved.

If there are no worries, why not let Dragon King work?

Angers found himself a reason for concession in his heart.

"Thank the principal for your understanding, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, let's stop here today, I'll talk to them."

Lu Chen got up to say goodbye. He had a lot to do when he came back this time.

In the evening, in the Nibelungen of the college, there were only three figures: Lu Chen, Fenrieux, and Xia Mi.

"Senior Brother Lu...you don't mean to... unload the mill to kill the donkey, do you?"

Xia Mi felt a little uneasy.

"How can that be."

Lu Chen shook his head and smiled: "I just want to ask what you think. Now that the era of the dragon clan is completely over, the principal is still very stubborn. Everyone is close to me. It's difficult to handle it."

He continued: "Junior sister, you should have reacted during this time. I didn't really die. I just went to another place before I died, repaired my body, and returned here."

Xia Mi had a little speculation in her mind before, but she was still surprised. He didn't expect that Lu Chen really was not from this world.

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