Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 920: : 0 morning, 0 snow

The deep, icy and biting murderous intent lingered in the space like a mist, and it penetrated the human soul.

The long hair as white as snow fluttered in the air, and was dyed a strange red by the crimson blood.

The ice-blue battle armor outlines her exquisite figure, but no one will pay attention to the wonderful curve, and the invisible evil spirit entangles her body, making everyone who sees it fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Fusheng retreated subconsciously, feeling like his scalp was tingling, he recognized the person who came!

This is the Valkyrie of the Heavenly Dao space, and she is also a pioneer, but she is currently much stronger than herself!

However, the icy blue arc flashed, the blade that was as light as snow flashed, and a head with a vertical crown flew high, with remnants of consternation.


Fu Sheng couldn't believe that Qianxue had killed him because according to the last contract, they should not offend each other in the next three worlds.

But the cold-looking Valkyrie did not stop, she moved her hand slightly, raised her hand and slammed it into the air, smashing away the remaining spirit of the floating life with absolute power.

"It's just a complete Divine Crystal, I said, you've crossed the border."

After Qianxue put her hands away, she said lightly, no longer looking at the blood mist floating in the air.

After turning around, the evil spirit on her body subsided, and the cold murderous intent dissipated.

In the slow turning back movement, the sense of sharpness she gave disappeared disappeared, as if she had changed from a Valkyrie to a girl who was once introverted and timid.

It seemed that she hadn't smiled for too long. She smiled a little stiffly, trying to get back the feeling she had when she was in her hometown.

"Captain, long time no see."

The astral wind rebounded on the barrier in the small world and turned into a gentle flowing wind, blowing the ends of the girl's hair. She had white hair, but her face remained the same.

Lu Chen returned to his senses, put away his qi and blood, and recovered his wounds in a secret and orderly manner. At the same time, he said to Hui Liyi in the team channel, "The crisis is lifted, it is temporarily safe."

He was very surprised when he saw the girl in front of him, but the surprise occupied more of it. He didn't expect to see the old people in his hometown and the comrades who fought side by side in his lifetime.


Lu Chen was a little unsure, because the person in front of him was very different from what he remembered. Even if the person in front of him was trying his best to restrain his breath and find the feeling he once felt, it was still different.

He was a little taller than he remembered, about 1.7 meters higher, his long dark hair turned into fluorescent white, and his body seemed to have changed a little.

"It's me, Chihaya."

Qianxue nodded and explained, "Just after I came here, I changed my name and called me Qianxue. The captain can call me anything."

Lu Chen's crisis was resolved and he was relieved, but there were thousands of doubts in his mind who wanted to ask the person in front of him.

Qianxue saw what Lu Chen was thinking, and stepped forward to grab Lu Chen's arm naturally, "Go to the cave and talk."

Lu Chen understood in an instant, glanced at the entrance and exit of the small world, "Is someone watching over here?"

The two were extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, they reached the entrance of the cave, and in the cave, the sound of battle could be heard from the depths.

Qianxue took out a prop to isolate the surrounding voices and prying eyes. As a veteran pioneer, she pays great attention to safety. In the big world, sometimes she only relies on her own methods to shield her, and accidents may occur.

After stopping, Lu Chen withdrew his arm without a trace, and asked curiously, "How did you come to the space?"

Qianxue looked at the man in front of her, her eyes twinkling with light, and her admiration was not concealed at all, "I... a long story..."

Lu Chen didn't say "then make a long story short." Qian Zao was the first comrade-in-arms he met, and he was eager to know all the details.

Moreover, he still has an unrealistic desire in his heart. Since Lu Ming was selected into the space and Qian Zao was also selected into the space, it is possible that those excellent comrades-in-arms he used to have not died at all, and are still in the nineteenth century. Wandering in a big space?

This thought lingered in his mind, and he even thought of more "fantasy" things.

In Lu Chen's memory, Qianzao was a Dongying girl who had been with him for a long time. She was very smart and was in charge of intelligence, scout, and communications.

In the special team he led, Chihaya was not considered a very strong blood secret warrior, but this was only relative, because his team was all elites.

This girl speaks very little and is a bit introverted, and she is timid when talking to her teammates, so in many cases, Lu Chen would not send her to attack the fortress.

"Captain, do you remember the battle in Dongwei Province that year?"

Qianxue had a look of reminiscence on her face. She was talking about the battle of that year, but she was thinking about something earlier in her mind.

In that time that once passed, 1996 AD.

The little girl from Dongying Island is still looking at the sea in the distance under the cherry tree, thinking about what the outside world is like.

She is the second daughter in the family, her second brother has already started working, and her sister is thirteen years old and married.

The life of Dongying Island was very difficult. Affected by the war between the East and the West, a large number of young and middle-aged people in the country were forcibly recruited by the Shenwu Empire to be responsible for the logistics of road construction, and the domestic economy was depressed.

Coincides with the constant natural disasters, the crop harvest is extremely poor, and people starve to death every year.

Shirakawa Chihaya, who is only five and a half years old, lives in a low-level family in this country. Her father and eldest brother were recruited to go abroad. trance.

During the day, my mother is very normal. She does some manual work in the workshop, maintains the family expenses, and raises her, a growing girl.

The second brother is not married, he just goes in and out of the wharf and does some hard work. He is already sixteen years old, and he was not married at that time, which is a bit late.

But the second brother said that the situation is very tense now, and maybe one day he will be transferred from above to join the army in the Shenwu Empire, and he will never come back.

Qianxuan asked his brother curiously, "Why can't I come back after I went to the Shenwu Empire?"

Seeing that her brother was silent, she asked, "What about the elder brother and father? Are they also unable to come back?" Gu Rui

When the second brother heard her innocent questioning, he was speechless. When his mother passed by, he scolded the second brother for a while.

But she still couldn't bear the curiosity, or the worry in her heart. She missed her father who was vague in her memory, and her brother who hugged her and looked at the sea.

But once the second brother was about to speak, he would be forced back by his mother's gaze, and the mother hugged herself and said, "Xiao Qianzao, grow up well, when you grow up, your father and brother will come back. ."

But Qianzao later found out that it was a lie, because after her mother said this to her in the daytime, she cried secretly in her room for a long time at night, and she saw it outside the door.

One day, the second brother came back from work at the dock. After taking off his vest, his upper body was covered in bruises.

With a sad look on his face, he took out a bottle of sake that he had kept for a long time from home, poured it on himself, drank it by himself, and got drunk.

After getting drunk, he looked at himself and laughed and cried, "Qianzao, you say people from our small country are not people?"

Chihaya looked at her brother, she knew that he was very sad, but she didn't know why, and she couldn't understand what he said.

She asked timidly, "What is a person?"

The second brother was stunned for a while, and even woke up from drinking, but he couldn't answer a child's question.

What is a person? Does he live, does he have a personality?

After a long time, the second brother sighed: "I just think that the people of the Shenwu Empire don't treat the people of our country as people at all."

He took a sip of wine, perhaps because the taste of wine was surging, and it was in his own home that he dared to speak loudly, "It is clear that the war has been lost again and again, but it is very prestige to our subordinate countries."

"Your brother and I worked so hard at the wharf, and even had to be deducted from wages. I complained a few times with the workers, and then the person in charge beat me up."

He put down the wine glass heavily, "They are powerful, why don't they fight back the white-skinned pigs in the west? They will only keep squeezing the people and subordinate countries. This war, I don't think it can be won."

At this time, my mother came back from work and saw the second brother who was talking eloquently, stepped forward and slapped him in the face.

This surprised the second brother, because in their country, this kind of thing is rare, the second brother is already an adult, and is currently the only male in the family, that is, the temporary head of the family.

"What are you doing!?"

The second brother was obviously in a bad mood and roared.

The mother was very angry, pointed at the second brother and scolded: "You only know how to complain, but what was this place like 20 years ago!?"

Qianhaya hadn't seen her mother make such a big fire before, she huddled in the corner in fear, not daring to say a word.

The second brother was a little silent, and the alcohol made his mind unclear, "The westerner called, but didn't he already leave."

Yes, Chihaya also learned later after studying history that Westerners have long since come to the East to try out, and the first to land was the small subordinate country of the East China Sea of ​​the Shenwu Empire, that is, their country.

In that era, it was the darkest era of the Eastern Ying Kingdom. Westerners rushed to this small island, digging for gold and silver, killing their men and strengthening their women. They were like livestock, enslaved and bullied by Westerners.

"Why do you think they left? It's not that the Shenwu Empire sent troops, and there is no such kind of you!"

The mother scolded, but looking at her bruised son, she felt very distressed. After rummaging through the box, she found the ointment that was about to expire, and helped him apply it, "Son, people in a small country have no human rights, but life always ends. Hasn't it been, if you work for another two years, Mom will definitely help you find a daughter-in-law."

The family dinner has always been silent. Qianzao ate the rice that was as thin as water, and it was the second brother who finally shared some of his bowl with himself, so that he could barely be too hungry.

But she didn't expect that this would be the last time she could get together a family dinner for the three of them.

The next day, bad news came from the dock. Westerners' warships passed by the sea and tested artillery fire. The people at the dock were killed and injured, and his brother was among them.

Chihaya didn't see his brother's body, and his mother didn't let him see it. The next morning, in his room, he saw his mother's body hanging on a beam.

She has no real feeling, just thinking, is she... an orphan?

Sitting in front of the door, she remembered that it was raining lightly that day, and the people on the road were in a hurry, no one noticed her, a skinny and dirty little girl.

She cried, and the tears were heart-wrenching. The rain mixed with tears fell on her face. She had never thought that a summer day would be so cold.

This world is very cold, people can't take care of themselves, everyone is dying, and everyone is struggling. Some people struggle to get enough food and clothing, some people live desperately, and no one pays attention to the reason why a girl is crying.

She worked in front of the door for a day and a night until someone came to the door, it was a man in a black kimono, which was rarely decent.

The man casually threw the finished cigarette holder on the ground and stepped on it, "Is it still buried? Half a tael of silver, if not, we will throw the person into the ditch."

Qianhaya was a little confused, she couldn't understand what this adult said, "Please, may I ask you... who are you?"

"The person in charge of the funeral. Your brother's burial needs half a tael of silver. If you don't pay, we will handle it at will."

The man looked inside the door, saw the mother's body still hanging on it, shook his head, looked at Qianhaya with some pity, and turned to leave.

Later, Qian Zao realized that he had no money at all in his family, and the money that his mother and second brother earned from work every day could only cover their daily expenses.

The second brother died tragically in the cannon fire of the Westerners, but their family couldn't even get the money for the burial. The woman who led the child to support the family finally couldn't bear it and hanged herself.

Qianzao sat in front of the door in a I don't know what to do in the future. It seems that she is the only one left at home. Should she go to everyone?

After waiting for another three days and three nights, she slumped in the corner from hunger, unable to speak because she was thirsty. When she was in a trance, she heard the sound of hooves on the street.

Next, she heard an oriental language that she didn't quite understand, and it seemed that someone had patted her face.

"It's still alive, it should work."

The one who pulled himself up was a middle-aged man in a kimono. He picked himself up and nodded and bowed to the Eastern officer on the warhorse.

I didn't hear what they were talking about, but the middle-aged man squeezed his face, sobered himself a little, and asked, "Boy, do you want to live? Go to the Shenwu Empire in the east and have food to eat."

Qianhaa had no ability to think at that time, and her sadness was suppressed by her instinct for survival and hunger. She nodded subconsciously, "I'm hungry..."


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