Stanley Prison, visiting room.

Master Su Zheng, who was carrying a briefcase and wearing gold-rimmed glasses and looking like a gentleman, followed behind Zheng Jirong and said with a smile on his face:

"Rong...Brother Rong, I have read all the information you gave me. Wow, this Lu...Robinson is really miserable. But there is...the video tape evidence and the human...witnesses you gave me. Can you help him reverse the case?" …There is no problem."

Zheng Jirong patted Master Su on the shoulder with satisfaction, "Asu, I can rest assured that you will do something good. If this thing is done, you will benefit from it."

"Thank you... thank you Brother Rong, Brother Jimmy... he mentioned... your name to me more than once, Brother Rong, and... please take care of Brother Rong in the future."

Zheng Jirong smiled and nodded. Master Su is still very capable. Although he is a bit greedy, he is very serious about things. In the original film, he was able to find opportunities everywhere.

By the way, it suddenly occurred to him that Awu, the "gaqian brother" with great professional ethics in the original film, was also introduced to Jimmy by his master Su.

Just when he wanted to ask Master Su about Awu, the door of the room opened from the outside, and a prison guard came in with a white-haired and handcuffed Robinson.

We haven't seen each other for a few days. Robinson seems a little older. Speaking of which, his real age is actually only over 50 years old. However, the death of his daughter and so many years of imprisonment make him look like a waning old man. .

"Mr. Lu" Zheng Jirong stood up and greeted him.

"Mr. Zheng is too polite. If you don't mind, just call me Uncle Lu. You have worked hard during this time."

Zheng Jirong waved his hand, took out a cigarette and gave it to Robinson, "Uncle Lu hasn't suffered much in this period."

"Last time you came to greet Chief Zhong, he transferred me to the infirmary. I want to thank you for this." Robinson took a puff of cigarette and said slowly.

"That's good." Zheng Jirong then said bluntly, "Uncle Lu, I have obtained the surveillance video of Liu Yaozu killing your daughter. Not only that, I also found the witness who gave him perjured testimony. She is willing to appear in court to testify against Liu Yaozu."

"Cough...cough!" After hearing this, Robinson choked a puff of cigarette in his nose and throat, and his whole face turned red. He held Zheng Jirong's hand tightly, his originally cloudy eyes bursting with light, "You... You didn’t lie to me?!”

Zheng Jirong patted his hand tightly and said, "Uncle Lu, don't worry, I have obtained all the physical evidence. Now there will be no problem whether I reverse the case for you or accuse Liu Yaozu of killing his wife."

He then lowered his head and whispered in Robinson's ear: "Just to get these evidences, I have already taken out your 300 million bonds from your house, and withdrew 10 million to the person who provided the evidence."

Robinson smiled and shook his head nonchalantly, "This money should be yours. You don't need to tell me how to use it."

Seeing his renewed hope, Zheng Jirong said at the right time: "Uncle Lu, have you ever thought about what you will do after you are released from prison?"

Robinson thought for a while and said, "Aron, what do you mean?"

Zheng Jirong took out a cigarette and lit it, "As I said last time, Liu Yaozu is dead this time. When uncle comes out to take over the ocean trade again, I can return the 300 million bonds to you, but I have A request."

Exhaling a puff of smoke, Zheng Jirong said matter-of-factly: "I want to become the largest shareholder of the company! And I hope that Uncle Lu can continue to help me manage the company and revitalize the entire ocean trade."

Different from the silence that Zheng Jirong expected, Robinson just shook his head and chuckled after hearing this. He raised his hand and patted Zheng Jirong's arm, and said: "Arong, I told you last time that you can help me reverse the case." I will take revenge and give you whatever you want! I can sign a contract with you after I get out!"

Seeing Robinson's determined look, Zheng Jirong thought that in the original film, Robinson was very kind and righteous. He helped him avenge such a great revenge, so he shouldn't repay kindness with hatred.

Zheng Jirong waved back and introduced Master Su to Robinson, "Uncle Lu, this is the lawyer I hired for you. He is very good at defending innocence."

"Lu...Hello, Uncle Lu, my name is Master...Master Su, please...please take care of me in the future!"

Robinson looked strangely at Master Su, who was bowing and nodding. Lawyers who stutter are really rare.

The three of them briefly discussed the case in the visiting room. In the words of Master Su, this case would be 100% winable even if a novice lawyer came in, as long as Liu Yaozu was careful not to jump over the wall.

Zheng Jirong agreed. He had sent Ah Yi and a few brothers to keep an eye on Liu Yaozu 24 hours a day.

After telling Uncle Lu to take good care of himself, Zheng Jirong left with his master Su.

He was not prepared to participate in the following matters, including appearing in court to accuse and reverse the case, and would just leave it to his master Su.

As for Meng Na, that woman is very seductive. She has not shown her face since she last traded evidence with Zheng Jirong. She probably won't show up until the day of court.

Inside the villa on Gao Shimeidao.

"Bang!" Liu Yaozu smashed the phone with a gloomy face.

He couldn't contact Meng Na for three or four days. He was not worried about the safety of this bitch. Liu Yaozu didn't care whether she was dead or alive, but if she leaked something...

Liu Yaozu called his bodyguard and said anxiously: "Are you sure someone has broken into the house?"

The bodyguard nodded and said confidently: "There are traces of being stepped on on the wall and balcony, and the door lock of the balcony has also been pried. I'm sure someone has come in."

"Didn't the surveillance camera capture him?"

The bodyguard hesitated and shook his head and said, "No, this person is either very familiar with the surveillance layout of the villa, or he is a veteran."

After hearing this, Liu Yaozu kicked the coffee table in front of him angrily, and then asked eagerly: "Is there anything missing in the house?!"

Seeing the bodyguard shaking his head, Liu Yaozu cursed in his mind, "Something must be missing. It must be the 300 million bond. The 300 million bond hidden by the dead old man has been taken away!"

With a sullen face, he said fiercely: "You mobilize your forces to find this bitch Meng Na, and find out who she has met some time ago!"

The bodyguard quickly agreed and led a group of people outside the villa.

At this time, Liu Yaozu was the only one left in the house. He walked to the lizard he had raised, picked it up, put it in his arms and stroked it slowly.

Like Liu Yaozu, Zheng Jirong also had an angry look on his face at this time.

As soon as he returned to Mong Kok from prison, he received a call from Tie Dan. Several places on Tai Nan Street and Lian Sheng had been vandalized. The leader was Liang Kun's leader, Sha Qiang.

Zheng Jirong quickly asked about the situation of Mengluo Bar. Tie Dan said that Mengluo Bar had escaped because it was not open yet and was not owned by Heliansheng.

Zheng Jirong felt relieved, but then he became angry again. Liangkun, that bastard, thinks I'm easy to bully? Do you think I'm Dakoujiu?

He then called Zuo Zuo and Wu Liushou, and ordered more than two hundred young men who could fight, and rushed towards Liang Kun's territory.

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