With these words, Lin mingjue turned off the bedroom light, walked slowly to the sofa and lay down gently. The fastest chapter is on the txt home novel network

But Jiang Qiao's ear was facing the dark room, and her heart was even more uneasy. She still didn't come back from her flushed face just now.

Although Lin mingjue just said good night, she was not so calm in her heart. She tossed and turned in bed.

"Little ear, why can't you sleep?" Lin mingjue suddenly asked.

This caught Jiang Qiao's ear a little unprepared. She deliberately pretended that she was asleep and didn't resume Lin mingjue's words.

Lin mingjue also knew that Jiang Qiaoer didn't sleep at all, and then said, "little ear, just sleep at ease. I won't force you to do that kind of thing. Don't always think I'm like a hooligan."

Jiang Qiao's ear still didn't speak after hearing Lin mingjue say so. It's not just that Lin mingjue will take her off guard to do something shameful, but that just now Lin mingjue suddenly hugged Jiang Qiaoer and the path in her heart collided.

Such complex emotions even tangled Jiang Qiao's ears. But Jiang Qiaoer kept obeying herself in her heart, sleeping, sleeping, don't think so much.

Lin mingjue and Jiang Qiaoer spent the night inexplicably.

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Palace officials and Ning Gu are still dealing with Lin Shuxin. Today, Lin Shuxin's body has almost recovered. They sent her out of the hospital.

An Jiu, who had been confused before, was also released and walked to the palace official with his head down. He was full of guilt and regret. He didn't say a word. At this time, he hoped that the palace official would punish or scold him, and his heart would be better.

The palace imperial minister just patted him on the shoulder as if nothing had happened and said, "let's go together."

The self reproach in an Jiu's heart increased again, and Ning Gu on one side saw an Jiu's mind and whispered in his ear, "if you feel guilty to Gong Shao, you can work hard for him and find Qiao er. Now we are passing Lin Shuxin and hope to get Jiang Qiao er's whereabouts through her mouth. You can cooperate with us."

An Jiu hurriedly said, "that's for sure." then he followed the imperial minister

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