Txtjia.com sweet chat on the phone, such a pleasant time always passes quickly.

Ning Gu, Yan Hui and ye Wushuang in the living room are chatting leisurely,

Yan Hui also looked very curious. Ning Gu was so unruly that he never forgot a girl.

He asked, "Mr. Ning Gu, I think you are still full of worries. Are you still missing that figure?"

Ning Gu drank a cup of coffee and then said faintly, "it's because it's so like her that I can't forget it."

Ye Wushuang was also very curious about Ning Gu's special feelings, and carefully asked, "I dare to ask Mr. Ning Gu, what kind of girl is this young lady, which makes you so unforgettable."

"Naturally, her appearance is needless to say. Although she can't be said to be invincible, she is definitely beautiful. Her character is cold outside and hot inside. Although her appearance is always cold, she actually attaches great importance to feelings."

Ning Gu said, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was even more obvious. It can be seen that Zi Ran's position in his mind, and ye Wushuang also vaguely felt that the person Ning Gu said was still somewhat similar to his patient Zi Ran, but everything was only ye Wushuang's speculation, and it was really inconvenient for the patient to disclose.

Yan Hui asked directly, "then why can't we be together. The fastest chapter will be on the txt home novel network."

Ning Gu sighed slightly and said, "you are affectionate, but I have no intention. She and I are on a different road, and we can't go back together."

Yan Hui said, "how do you know if you don't work hard, Mr. Ning Gu? You have a chance to fight for it."

"Then I'll see her again. In this way, I haven't seen her for nearly a year." Ning Gu said with some regret.

Seeing this, ye Wushuang immediately changed the topic and said, "it seems that Qiao Er can't get out in two or three hours to answer this sweet phone."

Yan Hui said, "just Jiang Qiao's ear and Gong Shao's sweet strength. It's not good to be greasy without more than three hours."

Ning Gu replied, "it seems that doctor Yan still knows qiao'er and Gong Shao. By the way, I'm curious about doctor Yan's feelings. Are you single or not?"

Yan Hui was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Ning Gu would ask like this. He said, "doctor

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