Gong Yuchen followed Jiang Qiaoer closely and wanted to explain well. He didn't want the woman he loved to misunderstand him again. See the fastest chapter (txt home / / small / / say / / net xtjia. Com)

But Jiang Qiaoer's brain at this moment is a mess. She doesn't know how to face everything. She chooses to believe in the palace imperial minister. What's the matter with the child in Lin Shuxin's stomach.

Jiang qiao'er walked into the room. The Imperial Palace minister grabbed Jiang qiao'er and hurriedly said, "wife, listen to me. All these are Lin Shuxin's lies. I didn't do anything sorry for you. The child in her belly really has nothing to do with me. Wife, you have to believe me."

Jiang Qiao's ear was silent for a moment and said firmly: "Husband, I believe you fight, but now the most important thing is to find out who the child in Chu Lin Shuxin's stomach is and what her ultimate goal is. This is the top priority. We have to do it, husband, I believe you, but you also give me the most real result. After all, Lin Shuxin's stomach really has this child."

"OK, wife, as long as you are willing to believe me, I will find out the truth." the palace imperial minister said firmly. He really can't let himself and Qiao Er fall into a crisis of trust again because of this inexplicable thing.

This is Jiang Qiaoer saying, "husband, I'm so tired now. Txtjia.com"

Knowing that the little woman couldn't accept such an emergency for a moment, the imperial minister said with concern: "OK, wife, you go to rest first."

When Gong Yuchen left Jiang Qiaoer's room, he came to Yan Hui's office. Yan Hui saw that Gong Yuchen's face was dignified. You don't have to guess. Lin Shuxin made a lot of trouble.

Yan Hui asked directly, "Gong Shao, what's the matter? Can you tell me? I think Qiao Er is more or less uncomfortable. You should always give her the most reasonable explanation."

"Yan Hui, do you believe me?" the palace official suddenly asked.

Yan Hui was a little surprised and hurriedly said, "Gong Shao, I believe you, but now Lin Shuxin's baby is what's going on."

"Yan Hui, I want to tell you

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