An Ping was trembling all over. The current on his body was completely out of control. Before the Jiro who Leng Ling called, the current seemed to be far beyond the reach of ordinary leakage current. degree.

Those currents were constantly gathering on him, all the lights in the hall began to flicker slightly, and the power supply began to appear insufficient.

Leng Ling has already walked away, and the attention of the audience has been focused on Anping at this moment. Lin Zicong worked extremely hard to put Sun Jiali, who had turned pale, on the iron frame behind him. He got up and slowly pulled out Leng Ling’s rapier from the shelf. After doing all this, he is already brow beaded with sweat, all the wounds are bleeding finely, and he has used up all his strength.

Lin Zicong sat down again leaning on the steel frame, took Sun Jiali into his arms, and asked Sun Jiali: “Someone Lin has crossed the mountains, crossed the sea, has been a thief, has beaten bandits, I have been a Prince Consort, I have been a general, and have soaked countless women. Now I’m leaving, would you like to go with me?”

Sun Jiali lifts the head and asked dyingly:” Did you… just give up like this? No, you shouldn’t give up. I have already exposed, but you have a foundation in the military after all. Even if they catch you, they will be impossible to do to you.”

“I can’t live without you.”

“But…” Sun Jiali is still struggling.

“Other things, I have arranged. If it is not, it is a matter of fate.”

Sun Jiali stopped talking, just stared blankly with a soft gaze Hold him. Lin Zicong nodded, and then stretched out the rapier to the right and placed it on the filaments that bound Anping.

Suddenly, an electric fire followed the rapier towards Lin Zicong and Sun Jiali.

“no!” At this moment, a black figure screamed and threw himself on the execution platform, throwing into the increasingly intense electric spark.

Where electric fire goes, no one can live.

Leng Ling has retreated below the execution platform, Anping’s body on the stage has stopped trembling, and the muscles all over his body have swelled like inflated. He doesn’t have one after another streamline like a mechanical warrior, but energy obviously flows in his body, part of it overflows, and one after another tiny current filaments emerge around him.

Realizing that there was an abnormality in the courtroom, I hired a few fully armed soldiers to rush out from the back door of the mercenary group lobby. They were not holding guns or electrical equipment, but looked like The liquid jet weapon, Erlang, is the name of a team like the seven tigers before it.

Everyone in the audience has already begun to retreat. Everyone can tell that a fierce battle will follow. If you can’t control the charged Anping, no one knows what will happen next. Li Xiuxian pulled the beautiful mountain, and the beautiful mountain was a little lost, still uncomfortable while running, looking back at the three Lin Zicong who had been scorched by the electric fire.

At this moment, Anping a long whistle suddenly exerted force, and the wires on the steel frame were all broken!

“Burn him to death!” The second wolf commander shouted. For the mechanical lifeform, if you don’t use a machine gun, flame is the best way to deal with it. Several liquids sprayed from the jet towards Anping’s head and face. With a sound of “hong”, a ball of flame enveloped Anping.

“Stop!” Lin Xinyan roared wildly. Lin Zicong and Sun Jiali’s bodies were outside the flames. When the flames ignited, they would burn even the slag!

Lin Zicong’s body can’t even be snatched out, he is a waste of life.

He can’t take care of his own safety anymore. He makes all his moves. The soldiers who hired the mercenary group are also blushing. They are blue and purple. They are not much different from Lin Xinyan. Both sides used them. He has all the answers, but no one can help anyone. The mercenary fighters could not completely defeat Lin Xinyan, but Lin Xinyan could not break out of the siege either.

Just when everyone thought Anping was dead, in the center of the flames, Anping’s figure suddenly disappeared from the flames. The flame didn’t burn him. Everyone could tell that the clothes on Anping’s body had instantly turned to ashes in the flames of the flamethrower, and the muscles and skin on his body suddenly became the raw material for the flame to burn. , But Anping, who was in flames, still disappeared silently.

Someone screamed: “He is here!”

According to the reputation, Anping appeared in the center of the two wolf team. There was still flames on his body, like a demon coming out of hell, with red tongues of flame from the inside to the outside!

What’s the matter? Will he move instantaneously?

“Quickly disperse!” Standing on the execution platform, Leng Ling yelled downward. Things are not normal, there must be danger, this is intuition.

But it was too late for his cry. Under Anping’s body, four blue rays of light suddenly stretched out. The rays of light spread out in a cross, and after spreading to a radius of ten meters, they began to rotate. . Almost in an instant, almost everything in the area where the rays of light was located flew up, then shattered, burned, annihilated, and finally turned into fly ash. More than 20 mercenary soldiers disappeared from this world without even screaming.

“monster!” Leng Ling roared bitterly, the action group is Lin Zicong’s heart, and the seven wolves and eight tigers are also his heart. Watching them disappear in front of his eyes, can it not hurt? Those representatives of the group army, Xiumei Yamashita and others who ran to the door were touched by the cry. They turned their heads and stood still, only to see Anping’s figure reappearing in the flames that originally burned Anping, like a figure. The walking messenger of hell.

“hahaha…” Anping was laughing. After the human voice was stripped from his voice by flames, his voice became as emotionless as metal: “I am Death God, but I enjoy After more than 20 years of my life, hahaha, it’s not wasting that I have walked around this world…a circle.”

After speaking, there was an explosion, and a group of blue rays of light suddenly appeared in the center of the flame. A strong wind swept across the lobby of the mercenary headquarters. Anping’s energy batteries couldn’t stand the flames and exploded directly. As a result of the explosion, the nearest mercenary soldiers’ doors were directly wrapped in flames. Among. Leng Ling was blown by the strong wind, hit the wall and fainted, while Lin Xinyan and the mercenary soldier who were far away were also lifted up and blown to the ground.

The rest of the people can only escape quickly.

“Anping!” Lin Xinyan is already crazy. Lin Zicong died in front of him, he was powerless, Anping died in front of him, he was powerless, even Strogg, Tong Liya… these former friends died in front of him one by one, he failed to save them, himself Is it so… incompetent? !

No! Shouldn’t!

Anping reassembled his body, Lin Zicong specially made a training tutorial for him, he should not be so useless! What is going wrong?

The more upset and mad in my heart, the more disorganized the movements of his men. One movement was slowed by half a beat, and the fists of the mercenary fighter flew towards him, hitting Lin Xinyan, and he flew out directly. .

Without waiting for Lin Xinyan to get up, one foot of “Iron Pagoda” came next, and Lin Xinyan was shoveled up with one foot, making an arc in the air and hitting the wall. Hit a hole!

This time, Lin Xinyan did not get up.

“Huh! I finally got this guy under control.” The long-armed mercenary soldier said. Everyone raised their hands, wiped their sweat, or rubbed their sore spots. Although Lin Xinyan couldn’t break through their defense, it also caused them inexorable pressure. “I have never been so tired from playing. I see that all the effort at the bottom of the box has been taken out.” The man with the towel covered the wound on his face with a “towel”, complaining.

“Really?” Suddenly, Lin Xinyan asked coldly.

Everyone turned their heads and looked, Lin Xinyan slowly got up again. A torn wound appeared on the wall on his head, half of his eye was covered by blood, but he simply didn’t seem to feel it.

The mercenary soldiers also didn’t answer, and several people regrouped and prepared to deal with Lin Xinyan’s impact.

But Lin Xinyan is not at all like before. It seems to be a different person, completely deprived of emotions, like a machine with only an empty shell, executing instructions one by one, standing slowly He got up, with his hands down, holding the dagger that was already somewhat curled, standing up straight and walking slowly towards the mercenary soldier step by step. Rather than saying that he is a person, it is better to say that Lin Xinyan at this moment is a mechanical lifeform, completely devoid of human feeling.

No one knows. At this moment, in Lin Xinyan’s consciousness, Tirathmis silently wrote a formula. He stood on the hill of the wireframe world, a little hesitant, but in the end he still used him The same staff as Divine Item sent the formula to the sky.

If someone can get into Lin Xinyan’s consciousness and understand it, you can see that the formula is an equation that simplifies many places, and there are not too many other things in it, but nothing A parameter is related to emotion, and at this moment all calculations in Lin Xinyan’s body will flow through this equation. After such a change, all calculations have become less burdensome and much faster.

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