Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 4 sold out for the first time! Sales volume exceeded 1,000! Excellent oily guy!

"Is this the place?"

"Lin Ji Meishi, yes, this one, it's exactly the same as the name they posted online."

"Then go in and have a taste."

"Try it, the praise is so ridiculous, I want to see how delicious it is."


After Li Qiang and others left, some more customers came to the store one after another.

These customers basically come here to taste it after seeing the promotion on social platforms.

As soon as I walked in, a strong fresh fragrance penetrated my nostrils.

"Hey, it smells so good."

"It looks really good. Just smelling it makes me greedy."

Every customer in the store was holding a bowl of noodles and eating noodles. The new customers suddenly felt hungry.

"Boss, here are three big bowls of tomato and egg hand-made noodles!"

"We want one big and one small."

"We are two adults and two children."


The food in the store is very friendly to people who have difficulty choosing, because there is only one item, so you don’t have to make any choices at all. You only need to order a large or small bowl according to your appetite.

After finishing the meal, some sat down and played with their mobile phones, while others went outside the kitchen to take pictures of Lin Xu rolling noodles.

Now that I'm here to check in, I naturally want to take photos and videos to post. If it's delicious, I have the eyes to discover treasure shops.

If it doesn't taste good, I'll trick my friends, I can't be fooled alone.

At six o'clock in the evening, as the number of customers in the store increased, so did the various requests.

"Boss, do you have any chili?"

“If you don’t add some spiciness to your noodles, you always feel like something is missing.”

"The boss takes two heads of garlic and eats noodles without garlic, and the flavor will be reduced by half."

"Be jealous, boss. How can you not be jealous while eating noodles?"

Vinegar and garlic are available in the kitchen, which is easy to satisfy, but chili...

Lin Xu apologized to everyone and said:

"I was in such a hurry today that I didn't bother to make chili. Let's do it tomorrow. I will fry the chili oil early tomorrow morning. It will taste absolutely delicious. I guarantee you will want to eat it again!"

The technique of making excellent spicy oils has been acquired. If it weren't for the lack of ingredients in the store, Lin Xu would have made it half an hour ago.

At 7pm, the store was officially sold out of noodles and toppings.

"Isn't that right, boss? I'm planning to have another small bowl."

"Me too, I can't get enough of a big bowl."

"I'm going to bring my friends to eat tomorrow. Boss, you need to prepare more."

"I'll come tomorrow too!"

"And I have to come even if I ask for leave!"


Lin Xu prepared sixty bowls this afternoon. He originally thought he wouldn't be able to sell a single bowl, but he didn't expect it to be so popular.

After sending away all the customers, he opened the collection account and found that today's turnover actually reached 1,678 yuan.

ha! Over a thousand!

"Be more prepared tomorrow and strive to have sales exceed 10,000 as soon as possible."

He set a small goal for himself and started cleaning up the kitchen.

After cleaning the pots and pans and placing them in an orderly manner, I locked the store door, took the sweat-soaked chef clothes, and took the subway back to the University of Finance and Economics dormitory to rest.

It's almost July, and most of the graduates have already moved out of their dormitories. Only those students who are taking postgraduate entrance examinations and those who have not found jobs are still staying in the dormitories and do not want to move out.

After all, the accommodation fee in the school dormitory is cheap, and you can earn a day more if you stay there for one more day.

Arriving on the fifth floor, Lin Xu opened the door of 504's dormitory.

His roommates had moved out half a month ago, and he was the only one in the entire dormitory.

But this is good, at least no one will disturb his rest.

He washed the chef clothes he brought and hung them on the balcony, took a shower, then lay on the bed and began to prepare for sleep.

As a restaurant owner, getting up at three or four in the morning to buy groceries is a basic skill.

Although Lin Xu's store only has one staple food, it's okay even if he doesn't get up early, but the dishes in the store will definitely increase in the future, and more and more ingredients will need to be purchased.

He felt that it was better to adapt to the routine of getting up early in the morning in advance, so as not to be uncomfortable when he needed to get up early in the future.

It was half past four in the morning, the sky was just getting bright, and the air was cool with dew.

Lin Xu rode a shared bicycle energetically along the empty streets to Yingchun Street.

I was exhausted when I went to bed last night, but I woke up feeling energetic. The fatigue from last night was gone, and I felt like I couldn't exert enough energy.

This made Lin Xu more motivated and planned to prepare more ingredients today to make as much money as possible.

Arriving at the Chunfeng Vegetable Market at the end of Yingchun Street, he found a stall with good-looking ingredients and started selecting the dishes he wanted to buy today.

“What’s the price of tomatoes?”

"Four six dollars!"

"Just pick?"

"Pick whatever you want, just don't tear it apart."

"Don't worry, my hands are gentle."

Lin Xu held a large plastic bag and began to select the tomatoes for today one by one.

The cooking skills of the system bonus include experience in selecting ingredients. Otherwise, he really wouldn’t know how to start, because he feels that the ingredients are similar in every house.

But with the blessing of the system, the advantages and disadvantages of various ingredients become clear.

For example, for tomatoes, you should choose ones that are round in size, uniform in color, and slightly concave at the top. This way the tomatoes will ripen naturally and taste better.

The ones that are green or red in color, not round in size, and have a convex top are those that have been ripened with a ripening agent.

The taste is sour and tastes bad, which is very different from ripe tomatoes.

After picking the tomatoes, Lin Xu chose a basket of fresher eggs and some condiments, onions, ginger, garlic and other ingredients.

After paying the bill, I went to the dried vegetable stall and started picking out the ingredients for making spicy spicy dumplings.

"Boss, do you have the Northwest chili peppers?"

Excellent-grade hot peppers require three types of dried chili peppers.

One is the line pepper from the northwest, also called Qin pepper spicy noodles, the other is the Chaotian pepper from the Sichuan and Chongqing areas, and the other is the new generation from the Central Plains.

Thread chili peppers are fragrant, Chaotian chili peppers are hot, and the new generation is red.

Each of the three types of chili peppers can produce a bowl of spicy, attractive and brightly colored chili peppers.

After selecting three types of dried chili peppers, Lin Xu asked the store to help process them into chili noodles.

Ground chili peppers should be ground into thick noodles so that the chili seeds are more complete and the aroma is stronger.

Chaotian pepper should be ground into medium noodles, which is more conducive to the penetration of spiciness.

The new generation needs to be ground into fine noodles so that the capsaicin can be fried better, making the spicy seeds appear more red and attractive.

After grinding the chili noodles, Lin Xu saw a small shop selling lard next to him and picked out another can of lard.

If you want the oily chili seeds to be fragrant, rapeseed oil alone will not do. You must also add some lard so that the aroma will be stronger and longer-lasting.

Don't put too much lard, just one-quarter to one-fifth of the rapeseed oil, otherwise the chili oil will solidify and affect its appearance.

After all the ingredients were purchased, Lin Xu hired a tricycle to deliver all the ingredients to the store, and then devoted himself to the intense preparation work.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, the dough was ready, and the spicy pepper and tomato and egg toppings were also ready.

Lin Xu placed the electronic blackboard with the meal prices behind the door.

Today's business officially begins!

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