Strange game designer

Chapter 260 Past Cause, Present Effect

Opening his arms, Gao Ming seemed to be giving the bloody monster a big hug. His calm expression and gentle gaze made the monster's eyes hidden in the festering flesh slowly shrink.

"Are you shy?"

Gao Ming was two meters away from the monster, wrapping his arms forward. The monster seemed to sense something and stopped in place.

The next moment, eight thick arms stretched out from behind Gao Ming, and the monster was tightly hugged by a pair of hands.

No matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't break free. The scent of meat penetrated its body and its arms were entangled in its flesh.

The flesh and blood ghosts and gods embraced its soul, letting it fall deeply into the embrace of flesh and blood until it merged with flesh and blood.

"Any abnormal monster with flesh and blood will be restrained by the Flesh Fairy, and eventually they will become part of the congratulations."

The ghosts and gods with four arms were very satisfied. When the arms were released, the monster had disappeared, leaving only a tattered hospital gown on the ground.

"I probably didn't sleep long."

Gao Ming's clues about Xuan Wen ended here, but he felt that Xuan Wen was trapped in this building.

"Lu Zang can only appear in a place where the two worlds are deeply integrated. The back building of Lishan Hospital may have been transformed by them little by little from a long time ago. This is not only Situ An's home, but also a passage to the shadow world."

Gao Ming saw countless patients in his dream. They had been "collected" by Lu Zang and Situ An over the years, and they were also Situ An's biggest legacy.

"Situ An told me the information about the Eastern District Investigation Bureau, and through three core subordinates, I obtained the map, which is equivalent to indirectly telling me the location of my home."

Situ An would not be so kind to help Gao Ming. He took great pains to lure Gao Ming over, explaining that there was something here that could kill Gao Ming and let him regain his freedom.

“Which decent person would put the most dangerous things in his own home?”

The clues were interrupted, and Gao Ming walked out of the psychological counseling room and came to the corridor.

The back building is full of abnormalities. Being too normal here will make you stand out, out of place, like an "alien".

"When the whole world is out of whack, normal people are treated as monsters and normal ideas are treated as crazy. Apparently, that's what's happening to me right now."

After exhaling a breath and waking up from his dream, Gao Ming felt a lot more relaxed. He walked in the gloomy and twisted corridor, like a diligent gardener walking through the owner's garden. He held huge scissors in his hand, but Simply for pruning flowers.

The shoes that had been chasing him had left. Gao Ming pricked up his ears to listen to the sounds around him, and unknowingly arrived at the seventh floor.

Compared with the dream, this place was much darker and more terrifying. The ground was littered with personal belongings that the patients had not had time to take away.

The withered flowers were trampled to pieces, the music box was thrown beside the bed, the cheeks of the little people kissing each other in the box were cracked, and their mouths were shattered on the ground. Only their bodies were still swaying with the music.

When I pushed open the door of ward 7001, I saw thick blood covering the room. Uncoagulated blood kept dripping from the ceiling, and there were messy shoe prints on the floor.

The huge hospital bed was overturned, and the white quilt cover was all covered with cuts made by knives. The medicine bags hanging densely on the wall were also pierced, and the dripping smelly medicine was mixed with blood.

Picking up the sleeve with the Bureau of Investigation logo on the ground, Gao Ming stopped in front of the hospital bed.

"Patient 7001 has not been discharged from the hospital and has been living there until now. He died before I entered the back building." Looking at the familiar liquid on the wall and the infusion lines that were entangled together like a snake's nest, Gao Ming felt that Familiar, yet strange.

"My dreams about the past are incoherent. Lu Zang didn't tell me everything. He also hid a very important part. He wanted to guide me to find him."

Throwing the sleeve back to its original place, Gao Ming returned to the corridor. He wiped off the blood on his shoes and looked at Ward 7002.

The wooden door was open. In the messy room, there was a female corpse lying crookedly in the center of the ward. The wounds on her body were over-treating herself. Each time she shed her skin, her body would be fully strengthened. Unfortunately, her spirit and will seemed to be completely defeated.

"This group of security personnel has a lot of skills and no obvious shortcomings."

I don’t know if fate is correcting the deviation. All the patients Gao Ming saw in his dreams in the past seemed to have been killed, and he could no longer see them.

"I wonder if Mr. Question Mark in Ward 7003 is still there. More than half a year has passed. He should have escaped from the hospital, right?" With a hint of expectation, Gao Ming gently opened the door of 7003.

Frowning slightly, Gao Ming saw that the floor and walls in the house were splashed with blood, and there were marks of hacking and gouging with knives everywhere.

"The house was originally supposed to be filled with the words of Patient 7003, but it was destroyed by the people from the Bureau of Investigation. What are they afraid of? Why did they deliberately hide these things? Is everything the crazy question mark said true?"

Stopping in the middle of the room, Gao Ming slowly twisted his body and stared at the wall next to the hospital bed. There was obviously a large piece of space there, as if something was posted on the wall and had been torn off and taken away.

Recalling the memory of Patient 7003, Gao Ming walked towards the hospital bed. He lifted the sheets and slid his fingertips between the gaps in the bed board, finally stopping at the seventh gap.

"Just like in the dream."

Taking apart the bed board, Gao Ming took out a worn hand-drawn map.

In the dream just now, after Gao Ming agreed to help Wen Mark get the medicine, the other party took out the map from here and swore that if Gao Ming brought the medicine back, he would spend the rest of his life helping Gao Ming wake up from his dream.

His eyelids blinked, Gao Ming's expression became subtle, and he stared at the words on the back of the map, which seemed to have been written half a year ago - Live in a dream, never wake up! There is no hope in the world after waking up from the dream!

"Lu Zang tried his best to hope that more people and I could wake up from the dream and return to the real world. Now this patient who calls himself Question Mark says never to wake up? This is what he said after waking up from the dream. My message?" Gao Ming held the wrinkled hand-drawn map and his mind was full of doubts: "What did he see when he woke up?"

No one will have good guys and bad guys written on their faces. Every force in this city is trying their best to achieve their goals. Fate, Lu Zang, the Investigation Bureau and the Shadow World, Gao Ming is sandwiched between them. Just like walking on a tightrope high in the sky, he doesn't know what kind of future is the best future.

"The more he said this, the more curious I became about the world after waking up from the dream." Gao Ming turned the map to the other side. It was a reduced version of the map of Lishan Hospital, with five exits marked on it, three of which All were marked with red crosses, except for the underground morgue in the back building, which was marked with a red question mark.

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