Stylistic road

Chapter 401 Aftermath (seeking monthly pass)

The audience thundered.

But Chen Mingliang didn't show excitement. After all, he is no longer an active athlete, and he still feels a little disappointed.

This feels like a group of people participating in the marathon Olympic trials. Only the first place can qualify, but the amateurs won the championship.

But this amateur player himself did not qualify for the Olympics.

Chen Mingliang didn't participate too much in the celebration. After all, the result of breaking the world record was not recognized. There is still a little regret.

But this is an established fact, already known before the game.Regret is also a kind of beauty, and it will definitely be recorded in sports history in the future.

Chen Mingliang took back his personal belongings from the volunteers, and then took photos with some contestants and sports fans, and he was ready to leave the stadium and go back.

Eventually, the organizer of the event came over and hoped to conduct a drug test on Chen Mingliang. Although this record was not recognized, the results of the drug test can also prove that Chen Mingliang's results are well-deserved.

Chen Mingliang first stated the fact that he is no longer a professional athlete, but he still cooperated with the work.

Anyway, I got used to it. After he retired, a doping testing agency came to check him, but the frequency was not as high as before, so he cooperated.

After all, he didn't think about leaving sports completely, and he is now a member of the provincial judo team.

Ren Jing and the people in the coaching team are very excited to achieve such results. Chen Mingliang is not old.

Genius is different!Breaking a world record is just like playing, breaking it if you say it.

Should we reconsider the abandonment of the 800 meters previously envisaged. If this continues, it is indeed a pity to give up.

A lot of media at the scene came over to interview Chen Mingliang, but Chen Mingliang declined.

After all, on the cusp of the storm, don't jump too high, it won't be good to be over-interpreted.

If the domestic media is sure to be the first to accept the interview, the foreign media will forget it.

These people didn't hold their farts, they were all double-labeled goods, and they often wore their hats crookedly and spoke irrationally.

Al Jazeera also wanted to interview him. Chen Mingliang declined, "You are the host. You can wait for me to find a time to do an interview after I go back. It is not particularly suitable now, please forgive me."

Chen Mingliang's attitude was very friendly, and they expressed their understanding.

10 o'clock in the evening in Doha time, converted to capital time is already 3 o'clock in the morning.

Basically, not many people are paying attention to Chen Mingliang, nor do they know his appearance at the Doha IAAF Grand Prix.

Perhaps only the employees of the Xinlang Sports Department are watching this, because they have received internal information in advance.

The editors began to compile the manuscript before the game. As long as Chen Mingliang performed well, they would swear a wave of advocacy for Chen Mingliang's comeback and build public opinion.

In other words, Chen Mingliang is also one of the bosses of the company, so he should be supported.

Al Jazeera TV is still very powerful, using English to broadcast live all over the world.

It can be received by using ordinary satellite channels in China. If you have a little professional knowledge, even ordinary household satellite pots can also watch foreign channels.

The satellite pots we install usually can only watch domestic satellite stations. This is because we didn’t adjust it. Generally, the default is 115.5 degrees Zhongxing-6. If you want to watch foreign stations, just enter other satellite parameters. It's easy to make, that is, you can watch it directly on foreign adult channels.

When Chen Mingliang was on the stage, some of the little beauty editors who stayed up with him said, "Boss Chen is still so handsome. Look at how well his chest muscles are and how thick his thighs are. Oh, he can't close his legs."

The male editor immediately expressed his dissatisfaction, "Look at how beautiful his girlfriend is, just sitting in the audience."

Sure enough, Ren Jing was given a big shot on TV. Although the aesthetics of various races are a bit different, the language of beauty is similar.

Even the female ghosts on TV who live by inhaling yang, see men who are too wretched, and feel that they can't speak.

As a rabbit, Chen Mingliang enjoys more treatment than ordinary athletes. This makes the editors feel that this organizer is not bad, and I want to say something nice for them later.

Game start!

Boss Chen is so awesome, he really treats other athletes as nothing!

What does it mean to stand alone? This is it!

Show to fly.

Soon, Chen Mingliang will cross the line.

Even though there are only five or six editors, the cheering sound also yelled out the feeling of a great army.

Chen Mingliang soon ended his first rabbit career with a world record.

It's incredible! It's a miracle!

The drafts prepared by the editors were instantly unusable, but they were still very happy.

Chen Mingliang provided them with enough ammunition, brothers and sisters, now is everyone's battlefield!

Let's start everyone!

These people are going to stay up all night.

Although the media at the scene did not get Chen Mingliang's permission to interview, they had enough topics.

A picture of the opening, all content depends on editing.

What's more, now Chen Mingliang has provided enough material. He doesn't need an attitude at all. The attitude of the media is his attitude!

BBC, CNN and other media all left the headlines of the next day to Chen Mingliang.

"He retired!He is suspended!He still broke the world record!

"The most special world record!

"The world's first man is still ruling track and field, he is the next Phelps!

"The only one who can stop him is the official ban!

"He passed the drug test!He passed the finish line!He has not broken through the uniform group!

"Who stole our world record?"

"Chen does not only belong to China, he also belongs to the world, come to us"

The domestic media had some hindsight. Only Xinlang, an online media portal, reported Chen Mingliang's performance in Doha for the first time.

"Our national idol still wants to win glory for the country even after being hit like this. If it weren't for some people's mischief, the men's 800-meter world record is already our Chinese.

"Where is the road to system reform?"

The posts were even more unbearable, and some people even criticized the first name and last name.

At this time, the river crab god is not strong enough, unlike later, when you put the snake spirit in the gourd baby, you will be involved in pornography.

Although other media realized afterwards, they were not to be outdone. Everyone regretted that the honor was lost at the door. The Athletics Association suddenly became the same as the Football Association.

It's a bit passive now, and the leaders sit on the wax a little bit.

What else can I do? Who wouldn't pretend to be dead? Just don't respond.

He Chen Mingliang still broke records every day.

In addition to pretending to be dead, the leaders also implemented some methods.One is to find someone to see if Chen Mingliang’s visa to go abroad can be suspended, let him go out and jump, and break his freedom; then find someone to persuade him to see if Chen Mingliang is willing to accept the terms, we are still very generous , Can let him come back at any time.

The leaders had resisted the pressure before and did not refund the endorsement income that Chen Mingliang turned over, but this matter could not last long.

I'm getting used to my rich life. What about next year's budget is still undecided? This matter can only be counted as one step.

Chen Mingliang didn't care about this, he felt happy and determined to return to China.

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