Stylistic road

Chapter 416-Conquering the Sand City

On Zhihu, what are the most vulnerable parts of track and field athletes?

The answers are varied, but in summary, the most vulnerable parts are thigh muscle strain, ankle sprain, ligament strain, plantar synovial Achilles tendonitis, groin strain, back strain, every kind of injury. It is a torture for athletes.

In addition, groin and back injuries are difficult to heal. Many track and field athletes have suffered from such injuries for a long time and even retire directly.

Chen Mingliang asked, "I have a back injury. Do you want to rest for three months."

The team doctor responded directly: "No, just keep it for a few days. Don't do too violent exercises. This is not what you should be injured."

Chen Mingliang’s strain is indeed uncommon among track and field athletes. The most common are badminton players and tennis players.

But Chen Mingliang didn't take the usual path and sprained this part.

For Chen Mingliang, the unfortunate thing is that the sprained right shoulder blade did not affect the left unicorn arm.

The left hand is still as flexible as ever, and he can do a lot of desired movements.

If the earthen jar is broken without leaving Inoue, the general will inevitably die before the battle.

As an athlete, there is no one who is not injured.

Of course, there is another kind of injury that is also uncomfortable, that is, I am training and friends are watching and showing affection on the sidelines.

The news of Chen Mingliang's retirement spread to China, and everyone's reaction was strange.

Most of them were rejoicing voices, and no one doubted it.

Ordinarily, if the athletes who have given high hopes retire without participating in the competition, there will definitely be a lot of people who are reluctant, but it is different here for Chen Mingliang.

Everyone said that fortunately, it was just retiring, and there was still a sense of happiness in the faint.

Only the leaders of the association were unhappy, but they couldn't really blame Chen Mingliang, because in any case, he was the best performer.

Chen Mingliang has many things to do, but to make the leader happy is definitely not one of them.

Chen Mingliang’s trip to the Helsinki World Championships has ended ahead of schedule. He returned home without waiting for the closing ceremony. It is his regular operation to arrive late and leave early.

Without notifying the media in advance, Chen Mingliang came back and no one picked up.

Now that Chen Mingliang has become famous for a long time, he has long discovered that 99% of the so-called celebrity pick-ups are revealed by the celebrities themselves. These people hope that someone will pick them up, but also hope that fans keep a sufficient distance from him, and then they are unhappy. Also hire someone to beat fans.

Everyone needs the recognition and affirmation of others, and Chen Mingliang is no exception.

Chen Mingliang did not wear makeup, and appeared often with sunglasses. It really caused crowds, but it was not violent.

When Chen Mingliang said that he was injured, everyone consciously kept a distance, and only those fans who were left behind would be so unqualified.

Chen Mingliang didn't take any luggage. He walked in and out in a cool manner. The enthusiastic citizens followed all the way. Everyone just took a photo and said that Chen Mingliang was tall and handsome.

Because everyone knows that Chen Mingliang likes others to call him handsome.

There is a female celebrity named Xiaolu who will be followed all the way when she travels. Some people say, "This is not good-looking at all, how can she cheat." So embarrassing.

Chen Mingliang’s return to China is August 13th. Of course, it’s not a special day. Ren Jing hasn’t come back from filming "Qiao Family Courtyard", but the classmates who stayed in the capital are all there. You can still get together. .

Chen Mingliang left, but his base in Shuangqingyuan still has many classmates who come to play, and now there are some new people, these classmates from Ms. Meng's project team, they were brought by Xiao Zhu.

The students used to study in Beijing, but I didn't know that there was such a good place. It was a free cafeteria, library and gym. It seemed that Beijing University was still inferior to Qingmu.

After Chen Mingliang came back, he could not heal his injuries. After a simple treatment, he had to deal with some chores in the capital. For example, some documents need to be signed by Chen Mingliang; there are also some important things that require Chen Mingliang to make decisions; then the National Games qualifiers will be soon It's going to start.

If it was not for testing, Chen Mingliang would not really go to the National Games qualifiers. He would not even want to participate in the National Games, let alone the qualifiers.

Really participate in the National Games, this is to grab someone's job.

It just so happened that, taking advantage of this injury, Chen Mingliang announced the abandonment of the men's 100 meters, 200 meters and 800 meters in the qualifiers on the first day of his return to China. He will only participate in one event-the men's rapid jump.

In order to adapt to the venue, Chen Mingliang was invited by Wang Han to come to Shacheng ahead of schedule.

At this time, Shacheng is holding an annual festival-Super Girl.

After last year's warm-up, this year's super girl has an unprecedented fire.This time, not only the championship and runner-ups will be hot, but also the others, and the fourth place is also because of widowed divorce, which is always on hot searches.

There is also the future wife of the diving little prince. He has a really good vision and chose the most beautiful one.

Now this time is the fiercest and hottest time for Super Girl, just like the current weather.

This year's Super Girl is also the most successful Super Girl. These singers have characteristics and strengths, and they have maintained good friendships with each other.

The super girls of 2006 were also popular, but they didn't even maintain the friendship of the most basic plastic sisters.

For example, the second place Supergirl is very unconvinced. In terms of her appearance and her singing skills, she is obviously the best. In the end, the champion will PK. Who can do it?

She had been stubborn for several years and finally couldn't help but write a song, "I stand on the left of the champion, and accompany her with a hippy smile. She is not as good as me in everything, I am the old supergirl Tan."

The champion immediately replied, "NoNo, what you said is wrong, saying that I am noble and I am not worthy. In the past few years, I have offended who I have offended, and I often provoke some nasty mouths."

That’s not even counted. In the subsequent career development, the champion was not as good as the runner-up. The champion again sang the DISS song on "The King of Masked Singer", "I stand on the right of the runner-up, and she accompanies me with a hippy smile. I'm not as good as everything. She, she is the old super girl Tan XX."

Reality is really more YY than novel.

Even more than ten years later, these people are not fuel-efficient lamps one by one.

The champion of the year was the three national idols of DISS. They said that they were not popular for long, or that their company's F4 was great. As a result, they were not good at picking people, and F4 was ugly; their artists would scold the judges if they did not perform well, and then beat the wheat. Leaving; selling feelings on "Ace" and overturning the car, the super girl of the same year DISS fake warmth on the spot.

This drama is a masterpiece of the toilet.

When Chen Mingliang came to Shacheng, the weather was hot, and there was a desperate atmosphere in Shacheng in August.

After the handjob, the heat wave from the pavement gave Chen Mingliang a disarm.

Chen Mingliang said that Helsinki was too cold, and others didn't believe it very much, so he had to believe it. If Chen Mingliang had been in Shacheng, he would not believe it either.

Gigi Leung has a song called "Quiet Summer".

My friends of fulan, is summer peaceful?

Is Aunt Tranquility really peaceful?

In the hot summer of Shacheng, suspenders and ultra-short denim are the standard equipment for girls. Now it is inappropriate to wear skirts, because it is not ventilated and it is easy to mold if the thighs are covered inside.

Chen Mingliang had a classmate who was studying in Shacheng. He said, "I don't have a girlfriend, so I have to take four baths in one night."

Chen Mingliang refuted him, "Obviously there is a girlfriend!"

At night, if you don't go to an Internet cafe to book overnight, you should take a shower before going to bed, and then take advantage of this cold air to fall asleep.

Wake up from the heat and wash again, several times a night.

The heat in the university dormitory is unbearable. Two fans are required to blow at each other, one blows the head and upper body, and the other blows up from the feet, with a little irritation, so that it is cool enough and sleeps securely.

The heat in the capital is hot during the day, and it is generally cool at night. Sanlitun can drink some wine and be blown by the cool breeze. Sleeping may require a cool summer quilt; the heat in Shacheng is a long-lasting heat, and it is midnight The mold floor is still hot, and you can pick up the corpse at two o'clock in the night with a drink on Jiefang West Road.

This kind of heat is very difficult to survive without air conditioning. In the local language, "The moon is really good, and it’s as if it’s falling like a coal house, and it’s not going to win."

Chen Mingliang stayed at the famous local Shuihui Hotel Bi Tao Pavilion, not too far away from Helong Stadium. The 2005 Shacheng itself was very small, and even the Orange Island has not been repaired yet. The above is really OK. Picking oranges, there are still residents in the area who have not yet completed the relocation.

Boss Wang is now an important host of Supergirl, flying so busy every day, there is not much time to hang out with Chen Mingliang, so he can only simply ask him to have a meal and express his apologies.

Chen Mingliang doesn’t matter. He also went to Xingsha to see the supergirl girls. Now they are in the top five and will soon be in the top five. Chen Mingliang got the ticket on the spot, ready to take a look at Brother Chun’s style and see her. Is it Dayao's long-lost sister?

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