Stylistic road

Chapter 425 Daily Training and Campus Life

Chen Mingliang's injury recovered very quickly. After all, he could still play the game of pulling carrots. It can be seen that the injury was not in the vital part. He quickly resumed training.

Each profession has its different characteristics.As far as athletes are concerned, different types of sports require different abilities and skills. Some sports require great physical activity and a good tongue; some sports need to come and go like wind, but not work.

Chen Mingliang's rapid long jump not only solves essential problems by running and jumping, but also depends on technique.

Now Chen Mingliang’s difficulty lies in the inaccurate pedaling. His current approach rhythm, combination of running and jumping, and air posture are already well practiced, but he is not very accurate in his steps.

Ordinarily it shouldn’t be. Practice 100 meters all the year round. The size of each step is fixed. There are also counts for how many steps you can run in 100 meters. Basically, the current sports training has reached each stage of each step. After shooting and analyzing it bit by bit, the presence of high technology has really facilitated life and improved the quality of training.

However, the approach rhythm of a 100-meter run is different from that of a long jump. There is a process of adjustment of the center of gravity. After all, when Chen Mingliang is running, where is the center of gravity of each step is not so tight, and muscle memory has not yet been formed.

This matter can't be done. You can't look at your feet when you run. I would rather have no results than deliberately try to make a move.

Someone has said that it is safer to get a result first, isn't it better?

What Chen Mingliang wants is not security, but to win the championship. It is meaningless to only seek security. What can be done to dominate the roost in the country, so that it will not be easy to pursue higher.

The effect Chen Mingliang needs to achieve in his practice is that his last step just happens to be pedaling successfully, and the front and back cannot exceed 10 cm.

A long way to go.

These days when Xiao Jingjing was not in the capital, Chen Mingliang didn't feel lonely by guarding the vacancies. He also fell in love with playing Warcraft. Unfortunately, Dayao played in the US server, otherwise he could team up and pay for the book.

For Chen Mingliang, Warcraft is a new game. He hasn't played it much before, so it's a brand new experience.

Moreover, he also organized a labor union. The members were his juniors and classmates. He opened up a game studio in the training base of Shuangqingyuan, and he was just about to make money.

Chen Mingliang is also drunk every day with these people from Ms. Meng's research group.

Fortunately, Supergirl just ended at this time, and many stalks in Warcraft have not been created yet.

But soon there will be a stalk that has been popular for many years and has become a daily language. It is called "Brother Xinchun, get eternal life."

The origin seems to be that the defensive paladin has a talent called the fiery defender, who can save lives when the blood volume is offline.

As a result, the Frozen Throne followed suit. The Paladin of the Human Race was also called Brother Chun. Not only could Brother Chun use the Holy Light to increase blood for teammates, but also had a resurrection skill after level 6, which could revive 6 surrounding units.

After World of Warcraft became unpopular, the League of Legends began to rise. At this time, there was a game item called Resurrection A. Netizens also called it "Chunge A."

The jokes about Chun Ge are in the same line.

Chen Mingliang is playing in games these days. At this time, something big happened in WOW.

On September 13, 2005, World of Warcraft officially released a copy of version 1.7 of "Zul'Gurub".

The boss of the copy is the famous blood god-Haka, Haka has a plague skill called "Fallen Blood".

Fallen blood will cause the infected character to suffer 250-300 damage every few seconds for a period of time. This is a group damage skill, and the poisoned person will spread like a plague within a certain range.

In the dungeon, after the pet is infected, the pet is put away directly. Not only will the pet not die, but it can also stop the countdown of Plague Blood.

Wait for the player to exit the dungeon and return to the densely populated main city before summoning the pet. At this time, the pet's plague blood time will be restored, and the pet will eventually die, but before it dies, it can spread the plague to other player characters, and This plague will also spread to NPCs.

The consequence of the mutual infection was that many trumpets were killed on the spot, and the entire main city corpses were everywhere.Later, many people had to avoid places where other players gather, or avoid big cities completely.

This is the quarantine and black death incident in the game.

This matter has also been published in the journals of "Science" and "Epidemiology". Many people regard this matter as an epidemiological subject in research, which is still educational in 2020.

Back then, some players were infected with the plague and deliberately ran into the crowd, and now some people are infected with the new crown and deliberately smeared saliva on the doorknob mentality is almost the same.

It's a pity that people only remember what they eat, watch the fire from the other side, gloat for misfortune, and under all kinds of ambivalence, they still let the **** epidemic rages.

In fact, the best game that Chen Mingliang played was the stand-alone version. If you don't count fruit mahjong, it would be CS and the King of Fighters.

Chen Mingliang has been in university for four years and has maintained the record of invincible singles in the accounting class 97.After decades of pondering in his previous life, he has thoroughly studied the characteristics of each hero's skills.

Internet addicted teenagers don’t need a girlfriend, and there is no fun to play with a girlfriend.

Chen Mingliang is playing games and training while attending classes. He hangs out in colleges every day, which is actually quite interesting.

The life of a group of people eating, drinking, playing and making trouble together every day is also very comfortable.

In school, this time of year is the hottest time for military training.

Of course, postgraduates do not need military training. As far as the country is concerned, there are only a few schools that really need military training, such as Guizhou University and Zhejiang University.

You can stay on campus after you graduate, and it's even better after finishing your Ph.

Generally speaking, the university is good, the classmates are good, and the teachers are good.

Everyone who enters a classroom casually is talented, and speaks nicely. Chen Mingliang really likes it.

It was different when Chen Mingliang went to school in his hometown when he was young. Chen Mingliang still remembers the scene when he first went to school.

At that time, Chen Changshou was still alive and led to a bare ass for a summer. Then Chen Mingliang, who had just worn his new pants, went to school: "Teacher, my children will be handed over to you. You should be beaten or scolded."

The biggest impression that Dongshan people leave to the whole country is reality.

Chen Mingliang’s teachers are also true, and the teachers believe when the parents say it.

In the face of Chen Mingliang and their hairy children, they really should be beaten and scolded instead, and they should be beaten and scolded.

Let's not talk about being beaten, and stand fine outside at every turn.

Chen Mingliang just counted the tiles on the roof outside the classroom.After long-term unremitting efforts, Chen Mingliang finally mastered this skill: he can easily tell how many rows of tiles are on the top of the opposite classroom, and how many tiles are in each row;

Even sitting in the classroom, he also likes to wander around too much.

Chen Mingliang has been secretly in love with female classmates since the fifth grade of elementary school. Seeing the girl’s white, small and exquisite earlobes, he can think of it. Unfortunately, TM is in the same village, the same old Chen family, and later learned that it was his family. Sister far away.

National Day is coming, Ren Jing said that he hadn't seen Liang's brother for a month, should he go see her again?

How could this be possible, the time has been arranged, and the National Day still has to be written for 7 days.

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