Stylistic road

Chapter 434

Chen Mingliang’s acceptance speech was very long. Apart from DISS his fellow Jin Dong, he basically didn’t thank anyone.Most of them affirm their acting talents and great achievements, and from time to time friends in Beijing circle applaud.

The TV broadcast shots were cut to Ren Jing on no less than three times. In two of them, Ren Jing was covering her face and smiling, which is the kind of gesture of covering her face in shame while smiling. The old Xu next to her has been very calm. Applaud with a smile.

Chen Mingliang is simply a treasure boy, he really can't handle it compared with people of this era.

This time Chen Mingliang, Ren Jing and Lao Xu were sitting together. After all, they were in the same Beijing circle and knew each other.

However, in the face of this little sister-in-law who dared to sleep all over Beijing, Chen Mingliang had always stayed away. Even the teacher Xiao Dajin spoke up, which is also awesome.

The old Xu is a talented woman, she doesn't care about this, she came with Shuo this time.The relationship between the two people is also an open secret in the circle. Before leaving Lord Shuo, she was established by her talented woman very well; after leaving Lord Shuo, she became Jiang Eryan.

Master Shuo is also very generous. He has a mind-blowing spirit and a shared spirit. He never interferes with old Xu's making new boyfriends.The two of them usually play their own roles, but whenever Old Xu needs help, Lord Shuo will always come forward, even closer than his father.

The awards party was over, and a group of people were still clamoring to go back and continue celebrating. After all, Chen Mingliang won the award, which is of great significance.

The North Exhibition is on Xizhimen Street, very close to the zoo, and the Jiaotong University is nearby. It is still a bit away from Chen Mingliang’s comprehensive base. For a few nights, the big guy who was going to stay overnight did not ask the driver to send it off, so he followed Chen Mingliang’s car and returned .

"How am I doing? My buddies gave them a lot of face today. I have never been so cooperative in sports awards." Chen Mingliang is still discussing his wonderful performance with Ren Jing on the way back.

He also sat in the same car with a few of his friends, among them was the man behind his winning this time, a Beijing circle tycoon who loves fishing and barbecue. This tycoon has not made many achievements in the movie circle, but The TV series are enduring, and they are simply awesome.

His TV dramas have influenced a generation of people, and successively produced "Desire", "Story of the Editorial Department", "Beijing People in New York", even in the era when the Beijing circle began to decline, others still shot "Zhen Huan" and "Red Sorghum, "Miyue Biography."

Chen Mingliang especially likes red sorghum, especially the field scenes in "Red Sorghum" are even more beautiful. I didn't expect Brother Xun to be so charming.

The sorghum field is really a good place. I have already discovered it in Northeast Nagada:

"The big girl is beautiful, the big girl waves.

The big girl walked into the Qingsha tent.

Here the sorghum is jointing,

Sing with a creak."

Don't sorghum leaves mark people?Chen Mingliang thinks about this every time he passes by the sorghum field and corn field.

Private is private, but isn’t it really uncomfortable? Don’t you panic?Don't you panic?

Seeing Chen Mingliang happily like a child, Ren Jing didn't answer the conversation, but pulled the scarf around her neck up and extended a thumbs up approvingly.

"No, what kind of scarf are you wearing in the car?"

"Don't look at the weather, how long has it been since winter, it's cold"


The car soon arrived at Chen Mingliang's comprehensive base.

Everything is ready here in the club.Not only are drinks and drinks available, hot pot, and barbecue grills are also available. It's just that they don't make familiar dishes directly. Everyone likes to DIY it by themselves. You really don't know how to cook in your own home.

But when it comes to the Chen Mingliang Comprehensive Base, it’s really a pleasure to cook by yourself. In fact, the ingredients are prepared in advance by the chefs, and even the meat for different purposes is clearly cut.

Several people were eating and chatting, and Chen Mingliang would also drink a little wine at this time.He occasionally makes an exception when he is happy and tastes Maotai two or two. This is already the best face for his friends.

If anyone said that even Chen Mingliang drank alcohol when he ate with me, that would be a very "participating" thing.

At this time, the banquet was in full swing.There is a person who is not very well-known in the Beijing circle. A writer and screenwriter approached Chen Mingliang and asked him if he had the intention to invest in a TV series describing the state of college life and graduation, which is in line with Mr. Chen's current graduation. Years of life.

Chen Mingliang is naturally not interested.

There are many people in Beijing circle, and there are many truly talented people. Chen Mingliang is not a philanthropist. The premise of his investment in movies is whether Ren Jing can act, and whether he has heard of or watched it.

If even Chen Mingliang, who was very ignorant in his previous life, has heard of or watched a movie or TV series, then he can invest.

Otherwise, please see you!

Regardless of how cheating his money is, he is essentially a conservative person.

The screenwriter, surnamed Shi, was actually introduced to him through teacher Xiao Dajin. He was a classmate of Old Wolf. Chen Mingliang had heard the songs he sang. His ability was really better than Old Wolf. It's a pity that he didn't take the singer route.

"I take the liberty to ask, I have known Mr. Shi for so long, and I have always been like-minded. I don't know what works Mr. Shi has had? Can you show me?"

"I have written some novels, and they are selling well, but not many have been made into TV series. However, I have worked as a screenwriter before, the "Big Name" directed by Xiaogang, that is my work." Shi Writer It's not as low-key as it seems.Would still recommend myself.

Chen Mingliang, the cast member of "Big Celebrity", still knows: "Nani? Is the actress that Guerja, Golf, and Lin?"

"Yes, and there are still two!"

"Liu's life is really fascinating."

Ren Jing was beside her, stupefied that she did not understand what Chen Mingliang and the screenwriter surnamed Shi were talking about.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand why"

The two men smiled knowingly.

"Disrespectful and disrespectful, what kind of work is Mr. Shi planning to shoot now? Is he planning to make a movie or a TV series?" Chen Mingliang still came to be interested. A man who has fun must be talented.

"Filming is something I'm not good at. I'm planning to make a TV series. I'm planning to adapt my novel into a TV series." The writer Shi said that when shooting a series, his confidence suddenly began to be a little lacking. After all, he had never contacted the director.

"Then you can show the script to the film and television investment company on my side. I don't quite understand this, I just put a name on it. I still need a professional person to evaluate the script." Chen Mingliang saw that Shi Writer lacked confidence and showed his cowardice. , He was a little disappointed again, and wanted to tactfully refuse.

"This is the script. I wrote it a long time ago. You can find someone to shoot it. I can be an assistant director. This work is called "Struggle". It is a story of the struggle of several college graduates."

"I voted!"


"I didn't read the script. I voted for this drama! I will be a sole proprietor if I don't follow the vote."

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