Stylistic road

Chapter 442

The result of 6.55 seconds is very good, and it is a championship result in China.

This achievement can be said to be unexpectedly being cleaned up.

There are also many good players in China who can achieve this result. It is really not surprising.

Even the host was very plain, because they felt that according to Chen Mingliang's standard, it would be strange if they lost.

Chen Mingliang's running movements have been thoroughly studied at home and abroad.Some people even started to study Chen Mingliang's running posture frame by frame, using a high-speed camera to capture every moment of his movement, analyzing where his sports limits were, what were his shortcomings, and what were his strengths.

There are also many people who took out Chen Mingliang's first 60 meters in the outdoor competition separately, and the result was 6.34 seconds. According to this result, Chen Mingliang could easily break the world record.

It is a pity that Chen Mingliang has never participated in an indoor competition before.

He entered the industry too late and became famous too early. The Dongshan Provincial Team did not do much with him. The national team did not control him well. He had already become a lot of competitions. Chen Mingliang said that he didn't want to participate, so he didn't participate.

Among all the athletes, it can be said that Chen Mingliang participated in the least number of matches, which is almost less than that of boxers.

After Liu Feiren became famous, he still participated in domestic competitions, and whether it was indoor or outdoor, he trained hard and participated actively in competitions. This is a role model for athletes.

Many people called for the May 1st Labor Medal to be taken back from Chen Mingliang.

From Chen Mingliang's point of view, what about breaking the men's 60m world record?Because many top players don't pay much attention to indoor 60 meters, they participate in this project just to find the status.

After all, after a long winter training, now is the time to test the results.

Just as the audience was looking forward to Chen Mingliang's 60-meter indoor results, Chen Mingliang was about to retire again!

This is the first time he has retired?

The reason for retiring this time is also very strange: the uniform team explained that Chen Mingliang didn't hold his foot in the final sprint and hit the wall.

Then I didn't choose a good posture when I hit, and I didn't hit the right part, so I felt a little uncomfortable.

At first, everyone didn't pay attention to Chen Mingliang's "landing" posture. After hearing Chen Mingliang's complaint, everyone went to the on-site camera to record.

Sure enough, it's funny, this posture still feels like a Hong Kong movie.

Because the 60-meter track is really short, and the extension after reaching the finish line is not long, there will be a buffer wall in front if you can't hold your foot after the race, and athletes will directly hit it under the influence of inertia.

However, Chen Mingliang's posture against the wall is indeed a bit exaggerated. Is this the posture of flying over the wall?

It's especially like the way the charter-in-law in "Kung Fu" hits the billboard when chasing the star.

But it won't hurt. Is it because the posture against the wall is not elegant enough?Embarrassed.

How this reason feels is the same as Bak Shihong’s injury in "The Stone". It was obviously a scuffle injury, but he found an excuse to hit the door.

After the 60-meter run just now, Chen Mingliang did hit the wall sturdily. The discomfort was really uncomfortable, but there was no real injury.

It's just that he doesn't want to run anymore.

Such a schedule is meaningless. It feels like the game is over as soon as the speed is increased. This is not what he needs to check.

Sure enough, Chen Mingliang did not appear in the semifinals and finals in the afternoon.

However, Chen Mingliang was also afraid of corrupting his character, so he came over to interact with the audience, and he made himself a member of the cheerleading team.

Moreover, Chen Mingliang brought Ren Jing to the show. The popularity of the couple depends on whose popularity is higher. The two of them came out together, like a solo concert, and everyone didn't have the mind to watch the game.

Are you here to smash the scene?

The first day of the game ended smoothly, and the audience was not very disappointed. Everyone could see that Chen Mingliang should not be a serious problem, and the withdrawal should be just a convulsion.

But many people got his signature, really envied it.

Chen Mingliang came very early the next day, he was full of ambition, this time he couldn't be like the 10th National Games trials.

There were three chances in total. As a result, there were no results in the first two times, and the third time he retired without jumping.

Chen Mingliang was well prepared for this long jump, and he felt that his long jump technique had improved again.

The TV station again invited Liu Feiren as a guest commentator. He participated in the indoor hurdles yesterday and easily won the first race with a time of 7.48 seconds. This year is Liu Feiren's peak moment.

There are also many players who signed up for the long jump this time, and the order of appearance was decided temporarily by drawing lots.

The host put down the order of appearances in his hand and turned to look at Liu Xiang: "You were also a guest speaker in the trials of the 10th National Games last time. What do you think of the long jump practiced by Chen Mingliang?"

Liu Feiren put on special makeup before coming over. He looked in the mirror and looked handsome.

So the flying man replied confidently: "From the last two trials of Chen Mingliang in Shacheng, once he has effective results, his results are top-notch, and he has the ability to lead other athletes by an era.

The host plays the role of acne roots and advocacy: "In the last loss of the competition, many people said that Chen Mingliang's long jump technique was not yet at home. What do you think of this?"

"The technical requirements of the long jump are indeed very high, but Chen Mingliang's entire approach, acceleration, pedaling, flying, and landing are all very stretched. This really cannot be said to be bad.

However, the competition is always full of chance. Chen Mingliang’s inaccurate pedaling twice can indeed show that he has a little lack of pedaling technology, but his overall technique is already very powerful, which can be said to be better than some athletes who have practiced long jump since childhood. Still great."

Liu Feiren supported Chen Mingliang as always.

"It is said that he also wants to participate in the men's 100 meters and men's long jump golden league at the same time. What do you think of this issue?"

"According to what Chen Mingliang often said, I'll watch it at home!" After speaking, Liu Fei laughed.

"This year's Golden League does not have a men's 110-meter hurdle. I can only participate in the IAAF Grand Prix this year, but this event is really not as high as the Golden League.

"However, from the point of view of the rules, Chen Mingliang's participation in two events at the same time meets the requirements, but modern athletes are rarely able to compete as well as Chen Mingliang.

It should be said that there has never been an athlete like Chen Mingliang who can also run 800 meters.If I were him, I would also practice 400 meters. In this way, by the 2008 Olympics, I would win five gold medals in men’s 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters, and long jump at the same time. This is an unprecedented initiative."

Liu Feiren becomes a fan of Chen Mingliang, two people in the studio

The long jump preliminaries are finally about to begin. Chen Mingliang did not rank last, he jumped in the middle.

The last time he smashed the halberd and sank the sand in Shacheng, but he did not seem to have the slightest anxious look on his expression. He still just sat there calmly, looking for his place and foothold in his head like a movie.

Soon it was Chen Mingliang's first jump, and the focus of the audience once again focused on him.

Chen Mingliang is a world champion after all. Although he is not very old, he looks very old.

So far, he has participated in two Olympic Games!

Over the years, Chen Mingliang has continuously climbed one peak after another.

Only by surpassing the green boots and the sleeping beauty can climbers truly stand on top of the world.

Chen Mingliang raised his hand to the audience, and beat his hands rhythmically. The audience immediately understood the spirit and followed the beat.

He walked to the starting point step by step, his expression seemed serious, but in fact a temperament, that temperament is the pride and confidence of a world champion.

Chen Mingliang looked up at the direction of the bunker fiercely, and began to run one, two, three, and four.

Chen Mingliang quickly increased the speed to the extreme.

This is the speed that belongs to the world champion. Let alone the people on the scene, there is no second person who can surpass Chen Mingliang's absolute speed even if he is searching all over the world.


Chen Mingliang stepped on the pedal, with his toes at least 15 cm away from the marking line.

Sure enough, he didn't pursue his limit this time, so he shouldn't foul.

Chen Mingliang's take-off movement was very stretched, and it can be seen that he didn't deliberately stepped off the pedal, but took off at his own rhythm.

He is like an Australian kangaroo, struggling to cross a narrow river.

"Perfect!" Liu Fei could not help but exclaimed.

"His take-off is not perfect, right? There is so much free distance." The host refused to accept.

"I said his movements are perfect, so beautiful, and this movement is really pleasing to the eye!"

Chen Mingliang's movements in the air were almost flawless. At the point where the inertia ended and began to fall, he strenuously stretched his feet forward and was ready to land.

Following the inertia, Chen Mingliang finished his body movement and collapsed forward.

Good distance!The intuitive judgment from the landing point should be between 8 meters and 5 to 9 meters.

8 meters 5?Is not it!This is Chen Mingliang's first jump!

The referee raised the white flag and the result is valid!

The surveyor quickly took out the measuring tool and began to carefully measure Chen Mingliang's long jump performance.

8 meters 56!A new national record is born!This is a result that can hit the championship in the world!

Before the competition, everyone thought that Chen Mingliang's results would be outstanding, but after seeing the results, everyone still couldn't believe it.

Is this natural ability?

So powerful Chen Mingliang!

The host and Liu Feiren haven’t thought of any more glamorous words yet, Chen Mingliang is already packing things up again, and there are two more jumps behind.

Does he stop fighting for it.

It seems to be true, he is actually packing things into his bag.

The assistant referee asked everyone what they were saying: "Chen Mingliang, did you not participate in the following matches?"

"If you don't participate, I think this result is enough. Let's leave the suspense for the next game."

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