Stylistic road

Chapter 456 Usher in a powerful opponent group?

Chen Mingliang's strategy this year is to practice by match, because the overall arrangement is proper, so he did not feel very tired.

At this time, you can see the importance of a team. Chen Mingliang is like a marionette. Every day itinerary is arranged meticulously and thoughtfully, and even the time spent shopping with Ren Jing is listed.

Chen Mingliang doubts that Ren Jing participated in the formulation of this plan.

But this time he doesn't think about anything, just enjoy it with peace of mind, quite a bit red-sleeved to add to the happiness of studying at night.

Now Powell is different from his previous life. In his previous life, he broke the world record, and then became proud and complacent. After all, Jamaican athletes are used to degenerate and degenerate immediately after achieving good results, enjoying the BMW, slut and beauty.

And now Powell has always been suppressed by Chen Mingliang in front of him, so he has never relaxed, and has always wanted to overturn this disgusting Chen Mingliang under his horse.

In fact, Powell had already used some unspeakable methods in the last game, so his ability to maintain speed was so strong that he almost defeated Chen Mingliang.

After going back for more than a month, he broke the boat and increased the dose again.Some organizations are also deliberately pretending to be deaf and dumb. They always have to maintain the competitiveness of the entire project. Otherwise, like later generations, do you think they don’t know about Tyson Gay, just because they can’t let Bolt be beautiful. Deliberately create a leading figure to participate in the competition.

Chen Mingliang didn't think about it, it was more important to be yourself.

He has never relaxed himself, so he is not afraid to face challenges.

Especially when facing Powell, he has a supreme psychological advantage. He feels that Powell is a soft-footed shrimp, and no one needs to be afraid of him.

Chen Mingliang did a few more back and forth sprints on the runway, and then took out a bottle of drink from the foam incubator next to him to add moisture.

This kind of foam box is like the kind of small boxes that sold popsicles when I was a child, especially during the wheat harvest season in summer. I spent five cents on a rural area to buy a sweet pink popsicle. It was simply too enjoyable. The ice is dumbfounded.

"What are you in a daze? I heard that Powell has also come to Brussels. They are training in the stadium next door."

While Su Zu was sitting in the director's folding chair and drinking a drink, Ren Jing didn't know where she came out and squatted down beside him.

Ren Jing wore a long skirt, which was very European and local. When she squatted down, she could see the gully in the collar of her neck and couldn't help but drank another sip of water.

"I'm not a lady at all, you dare to squat down in a skirt, I saw it all." Chen Mingliang didn't say where he saw it.


Ren Jing could only stand up and tidy the hem of her skirt. She thought she had leaked the inner inner part, and then continued to squat down, shaking her body, and the two little ones also swayed, looking very playful.

If it weren't for the match right away and the coaching staff was watching from the same place, Chen Mingliang really wanted to pull her over and rectify the law on the spot.

Now I can only change the topic:

"Didn't it mean that someone went undercover, did you gain anything?"

It turned out that Ren Jing and the assistant coach visited each other in the past and sent some Chinese specialties to those who were training next door. Chinese specialties are very popular over there.

Do you know what the gift is?

Many people would never think of it, yes, that is Fengyoujing!

Chinese Fengyoujing is simply a panacea, it is the favorite of athletes.Especially on the football field, many people apply Fengyoujing to relieve the dullness of the body. It not only repels mosquitoes and relieves itching, but also stimulates the host to cheer.

The Fengyoujing challenge has also formed a trend on the Internet. Many Internet enthusiasts around the world, especially those girls who do not believe in evil, have launched the Fengyoujing challenge, and they are all undefeated.

The coaches are also here. Huntington has been studying a topic recently, which is what Powell called the problem of starting and connecting Chen Mingliang.

How about the opponent can better discover the problem.

Everyone is a top sports training talent, and they are not in vain. After knowing the results and looking for the reasons, they quickly understood the problem.

Chen Mingliang does have some problems in the starting connection. Although he is also very explosive and has good acceleration ability, but the starting step is too large and a bit old. This will lose some acceleration ability. I did not expect this. It was discovered by Powell's training team. Fortunately, Chen Mingliang's comprehensive ability is too strong.

However, this problem will not be solved in a short while, each step needs to be fine-tuned, so let's save it for later.

An important match is about to be played now, and Chen Mingliang's opponents are particularly strong this time.

At least that's what the media said.

Ordinarily, the period from Athens to the rise of Bolt should be a low sprint period, because Conte, the owner of the American Barco Laboratory, detonated a big bomb on TV, and no one American track and field champion was involved. Even Gatlin suffered greatly, but he was found out not because of the new type of THG, but because of steroids. Anyway, it was not the fig leaf of ADHD.

This time the man's 100 meters, the old poison king Montgomery still did not come, but Sean Crawford returned.

The 200-meter runner is still strong in the 100-meter run.

Tyson Gay of the United States also came this time. Although he is not as famous as Bolt's time, he is already a rising star.

Needless to say, Asafa Powell, Chen Mingliang's first opponent, even the old man Obiqwiru came to join in the fun. The lineup of this competition is really comparable to the Olympic finals, or even worse!

The game is about to begin.

Powell and Chen Mingliang were not close to each other. There was a Belgian native athlete between them, but Powell still came to talk to Chen Mingliang.

It's a bit like the teasing of boxers before the weighing ceremony.

"Thank you for your Fengyoujing, it works well, I don't know why there are so many damn mosquitoes here."

"You're welcome, I have a lot more here, but the best way to repel mosquitoes is a mosquito net." Chen Mingliang didn't know how to say a mosquito net in English, he said it was a tent.

"I'm not Gaddafi, and I don't want to destroy the green turf of Brussels. Besides, are you sure there are no mosquitoes in that thing?"

It is said that Gaddafi rented a park when he visited Belgium, set up a tent on the grass of the park, and was strongly protested by environmentalists. Later, Gaddafi was beaten, many people did not support him, and many because of him. He corrupted his reputation.

"Chen, I'm full of curiosity about everything lately. I might try to break your world record later, don't you mind?"

"I hope as you wish!" Chen Mingliang responded with a smile.

The two people laughed softly and were full of swords, lights and swords. Everyone was not willing to regress, and challenged the new record. Chen Mingliang didn't think Powell could be better than him.

The local Belgian athlete was an unknown player, and his performance was particularly embarrassing at this time. Two people chatted through his site, but no one greeted him.

This is the same as when Japan and Russia fought a war in northeast China in 1905, but the Qing government remained neutral.

Fortunately, at the end of the conversation, Chen Mingliang gave the little brother a sincere but polite smile.

The referee couldn't stand it anymore, and signaled the athletes to go back to their track and the game was about to begin.


The competition is really about to begin preparations, Chen Mingliang quickly converged his mind, and the others began to move around.


The starter immediately fired the pistol after saying set!

This Nima does not play cards according to the routine.

Everyone was stunned. It was Chen Mingliang who reacted the fastest, and he was the first to break the track!

Neither Asafa Powell, Tyson Gay nor Crawford reacted slowly, and even Obikweiru, who was about to challenge the pressure gun, did not react.

Under normal circumstances, the athletes who often participate in the competition and the referees who often preside over the competition have a tacit understanding with each other. There is a rhythm in every step. Otherwise, they will run with a gun. The athletes are fighting by running with a gun. The starting rhythm of the starter.

Give it a try, after all, if you do a good job, your bike becomes a motorcycle.

Chen Mingliang had a clear first-mover advantage at the start!

The reaction time given on the big screen also proved this point. Chen Mingliang’s reaction time was 0.141, while the second place’s reaction time was 0.182. That was Scott, who was the main one, even he fell down. Up.

"Today Chen Mingliang’s opponent is extremely strong. Chen Mingliang suffers the biggest threat since his debut. It is said that Powell ran into 9.70 steadily many times during training on weekdays. He vowed to win the world number one crown from Chen Mingliang... ...."

A European TV station is still doing a live broadcast of Chen Mingliang's worrying prospects.

"The game is about to start, let us see how Powell defeated Chen today.

Everyone is ready, and the game begins!

This this!It was the referee, Chen Mingliang was ahead! It was the referee who killed Powell's championship dream!"

The game has just begun. Seeing that Chen Mingliang is leading, even the TV commentator believes that the lead Chen Mingliang is invincible.

In fact, they had no idea about whether Powell could defeat Chen Mingliang, but they didn't expect the referee to come so out.

The shots given by the cross-section are very obvious. Chen Mingliang takes the lead. The other seven athletes are in order, but they are basically on the same line. Only Chen Mingliang is clearly ahead of most of his body.

The camera was switched to a bird's-eye view. This broadcast adopts a new technology that can compound Chen Mingliang’s last record-breaking trip, meaning that there will be a rolling red line to show where the world-record line is.

The audience in front of the TV clearly saw that only Chen Mingliang was leading and following the record line, and everyone else was behind the red line quite a bit.

Chen Mingliang ran all the way. His competition with the red line continued. Relying on the first-mover advantage, he was always a little bit ahead of the red line. Could it be that he was breaking the record again?

The spectators watching the game on the spot are still quite disappointed. Everyone is paying attention to the game, but the poor start on the spot has basically killed it, and the cheering of everyone seems a little weak.

But the audience in front of the TV is blessed. They are not looking at Chen Mingliang’s opponent. They are looking at Chen Mingliang himself. They see that he has been fighting with the red line that followed him, and he won the battle and left the red line behind. Behind!

Seventy meters, eighty meters, ninety meters...

Chen Mingliang is getting closer and closer to the end!

The red line he threw away is getting farther and farther, he is about to break the record!

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