Stylistic road

Chapter 486

It's not far from San Francisco to Los Angeles, and it only takes more than an hour by plane.

Many Berkeley alumni followed Chen Mingliang and they went to Silicon Valley to investigate, because some of them originally came back from Los Angeles.

Brother Meng's goddess also followed. She knew what Lao Meng meant to her, and this time she wanted to revisit her.

Chen Mingliang felt that she was a vulgar thing, so Brother Meng regarded her as a treasure.

After the episode of the consulate, the group got on the handjob and whizzed away.

Everyone often rides on airplanes.

Traveling in the United States is not convenient, and there are basically no trains to take.In addition to driving at short distances, you can only take a plane a little farther away. Therefore, the aviation industry in the United States is very developed, and regional passenger flights are also very frequent.

However, there are still few private jets. Many people still show envy when seeing the Gulfstream G550, especially the old goddess.

Everyone thinks that this plane is Chen Mingliang, because in the United States, many top athletes buy private jets. For example, Tiger Woods who plays golf has the same Gulfstream G550.

So seeing such a luxurious private jet, apart from envy, everyone felt nothing wrong.

But it's different when you get on the plane.

There is a large operating certificate on the wall of the aircraft. The airline name written on it is "Meng XX Airlines", which is simple, crude and direct.

Moreover, the copy of the airline's business license is also on it, and the corporate legal person is Brother Meng.

This is forcibly showing off wealth!

Crude, vulgar, but powerful!

"Lao Meng, yes, this plane is yours?" Everyone was full of surprise.

Unexpectedly, Lao Meng did not make a sound and actually set a large satellite.

Senior Brother Meng was embarrassed to lie. Although he had set up his words in advance and said that the plane belonged to him, but when the words came, he still did not admit, "This is not my plane, this is the company's, it is the company's."

It's really a little shame to pretend to be fortune. The education that Senior Brother Meng received from his childhood prevented him from telling this lie, although it was really cool.

Everyone didn't take it seriously, "We understand, isn't it a reasonable tax avoidance? There is nothing embarrassed to admit."

Even the goddess looked at him differently.

Why did she miss this potential stock? She hadn't noticed it before. It's been more than ten years and it's only now developed.

She didn't expect that although Senior Brother Meng did succeed in starting a business, the plane was really Chen Mingliang. Senior Brother Meng might have to buy the plane for a few years, but he felt a little disappointed in the goddess.

All people with high IQ, as long as they are a little sober, it is easy to recognize the essence.

Chen Mingliang has everything on this private jet.

If you want to drink red wine, there is red wine, and if you want to drink white wine, there is white wine.Even Chen Mingliang has some aged Maotais that are reluctant to entertain customers, and the various agricultural products sold by the farm, various small pots of tea, and donkey glue are standard.

Everyone has seen these things and they know that they were produced by Chen Mingliang Farm, but these things appeared as luxury goods in the capital, and now they appear on this private plane, which is what they deserve.

But still very envious.

After arriving in Los Angeles, each has a schedule to go. Looking at the goddess means to really have a relationship with Brother Meng. Although she is now a married woman, an old man who can only use tongue and hands can have any power.

Senior Brother Meng asked Chen Mingliang if he wanted to invest, because Chen Mingliang really had money in his hands.

Chen Mingliang was said to have moved his mind, it is better to take the opportunity to really buy one or two companies that will develop in the future, such as the inevitable Apple stock in online novels.

But it is only 2007, and it is only appropriate to start at the time of the financial crisis.The financial crisis of 2008-09 was the real global crisis, and even the elder king of Wanwan's business operation died in this crisis.

Speaking of this old man, Mr. Taizong could not be taken lightly.At that time, I asked Taizong to invest in the Haicang project, but he was caught in Guzi Geography, and went back to Wanwan to engage in Liuqing.

Chen Mingliang was fine and listed several companies that could be acquired on his own notebook, all of which were high-tech companies.

This was also the case where Huawei’s company was later targeted, and Chen Mingliang learned that there are so many powerful companies in the United States.

However, there are not many companies that allow him Chen Mingliang to start.

The best one is Intel.

Intel is the dream of many companies and countries, but it is also the most unlikely company to be acquired.

The Yankees are not really democratic, free, fair, and equal.The so-called diversified Western world, headed by the United States, absolutely cannot tolerate a political system that does not take them seriously.

Both Lao Maozi and China are their key targets.

In fact, China has been targeted for escalation since Bush Jr. came to power. The South China Sea collision incident in 2001 made many people indignation.

Since Bush Jr. took office as the 43rd President of the United States on January 20, 2001, he has made a series of adjustments to China's foreign policy after he took office.

His focus is on China and Russia.

On the Russian side, just two months after Bush took office, the largest battle to expel each other’s diplomats broke out between the United States and Russia since the end of the Cold War. The relationship between the two countries has become increasingly tense, that is, from this time, the United States began to block Russia. .

In terms of China policy, Bush Jr. also gave up the statement during Clinton's period about establishing a Sino-US "strategic partnership" relationship, and instead positioned Sino-US relations as "strategic competitors" during the campaign.

He publicly stated that the Clinton administration's China policy is too weak and should be added with tough elements.

No, the tough element is to directly send reconnaissance planes to invade our airspace.

In their bones, they will never admit that this is a world of dual or even pluralistic regimes. The value they recognize is universal value, and they require China to follow the path of "universal value" set by the United States, and let others prosper while rebelling against others. Die.

However, the ** brothers still helped China get tied up.Those two planes are really very useful, much better than sending Vice Premier Qian to the United States to negotiate.

From then on, Bush Jr. found his opponent and began global counter-terrorism, fighting Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yugoslavia.

The *** after Bush Jr. is a moderate politician who understands the art of compromise. He is not aggressive towards China.

Later, the old man with the big mouth came to power. He once again aimed at China, but China has become stronger and no longer afraid of challenges.

The so-called boss and second child must have a battle. When the position of the boss is challenged, he must want to suppress the second child.

For example, the relationship between Britain and the United States after the end of World War I.

Chen Mingliang thought for a while. It is actually unrealistic to acquire US high-tech companies, but what about other countries, Samsung?Toshiba?Sharp?Italian law?It is estimated to be the same unreliable.

The Chinese are not rats, but everyone shouts and beats.

It is more reliable to dig people back to start a business.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Mingliang lost interest in investment, and then his attitude towards visiting changed.

"Speed ​​up the journey, go home as soon as possible!"

During the period, someone really came to Lao Meng and Chen Mingliang, wanting his angel investment.

This person's surname is Wang, he is the brother of Lao Meng and the brother of Chen Mingliang.

Brother Wang feels that content is king now on the Internet.There is a good website called Facebook in the United States. After he returned to China, he used a gourd to make a similar one, and then he sold it halfway and made a fortune.

This time I also came to the United States to investigate new opportunities, and happened to ran into Chen Mingliang in Los Angeles.

"Brother Wang, what kind of website do you want to build?"

"I want to build an instant messaging software based on Twitter, on a mobile terminal. It will definitely be the world of mobile Internet in the future, and it must be promising."

"Brother Wang has a good idea, is it Weibo that you want to do?" Chen Mingliang had the pleasure of a prophet.

"Junior Brother Chen uses the term well. Weibo, microblog, yes, it is Weibo! I intend to limit my personal dynamics to 140 characters and develop real-time social networking."

This is a good idea!

But how did this brother's Weibo die?

In future generations, everyone only knows about Xinlang's Weibo, where did other companies' Weibo go?

However, talent is rare, and investment is indeed possible.

"How much does Brother Wang want?"

"I have money, and I will discuss money matters later. My campus network has sold a lot of money. I want to use the platform of the younger brothers, such as the promotion platform of Xinlang, such as Ari's shopping platform, which can be used as a drainage platform. Means, customers are valuable."

Yes, seeing that Brother Wang has already had entrepreneurial experience, and he was talking about speculation. Chen Mingliang decided to invest in this venture capital!

He is optimistic about this person and thinks that Brother Wang has ideas and can get things done.

Brother Wang quickly brought the plan, and the name of the website was "Eat or Not", which meant to come and pick one after dinner.

What Chen Mingliang looked for was irreversible.

He has no upper limit on the business of Brother Wang.

Brother Wang also asked Chen Mingliang how much he can invest at most?

Chen Mingliang said that he doesn't have a lot of money, and that he can get it out now, which is only a billion, or US dollars.

Isn't this a lot of money?

This is the richest man!

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