Stylistic road

Chapter 510: Investigation Results

Don't be so stupid as everyone thinks, there are too many smart people in the world to count.

Fortunately, Chen Mingliang himself was not injured, and Ren Jing did not come over in Dujiangyan. Only the staff who followed him were injured.

But the nature of the matter is bad.

If it were a criminal case, this matter would be a big deal.

Everyone has to think about this aspect.

It is indeed simple to investigate thoroughly.

Investigate the driver's call records, investigate their interpersonal and social background, and then check whether they have large amounts of money dealing with their immediate family members and collateral family members.

What professionals do is absolutely meticulous enough to surprise you.

They even checked all the communication tools that appeared here during this period, and then checked them one by one.

Take a look at who is using mobile phones and other communication tools at these service stations during this time period, and who are the two communicating parties.

It was shown on TV. The culprit finished the phone call, then removed the calling card and lost the phone. Everything was fine.

Don't think that everything will be fine this way, it's useless.

As long as they know that there is such a number, they can know where the number was sold, where it has been, and where it finally disappeared.

As long as there is a melon, you can touch it along the vine.

It is not as difficult as imagined to locate the suspect.

In the eyes of Detective Xing, everyone is suspect.

It really wasn't that simple, but the suspect was also somewhat unexpected. The barbarism of the real estate developer really exceeded many people's expectations.

This is indeed a man-made accident, and the cause of the accident has nothing to do with the local construction units, which is very strange to think about.

The source of the matter turned out to be in the capital.

Beijing has recently been constructing new districts and renovating shanty towns. In many cases, such a large-scale construction is for the smooth holding of the Beijing Olympics.

Chen Mingliang's real estate company has robbed a lot of businesses that others have almost obtained, and what they have robbed is unscrupulous.

No way, the relationship is harder than you, and there is no reason to go.

Originally looking for a car to hit him was just a warning. Don't stretch your hands so long, but they underestimated the influence of an Olympic gold medalist.

Chen Mingliang didn't look for anyone, didn't move anything, and the matter was resolved.

Lao Jin really almost turned Chen Mingliang's real estate company into a huge white glove.

Fortunately, Chen Mingliang's company has always been a model of law-abiding. On the surface, it is absolutely legal business, and the quality of the developed real estate is definitely a boutique project, which is considered a conscientious project.

The only difference is that it is a bit too easy for them to obtain land or bank loans. For some projects, they even get land in the morning, and the bank loan has already been credited in the afternoon.

The virtuous circle is established in this way.

With Chen Mingliang’s reputation, it saved the initial publicity costs; the quality of the real estate they built was excellent and began to establish a reputation; the house sold well after the opening, and the occupancy rate was high after the house was handed over. Therefore, the supporting facilities such as elementary and middle schools are also special. tight.

As for why the matching can match so well, whether there is any help, this is not known.

After the second and third generations get the land, they want to change into money, and handing it over to Chen Mingliang’s company for development is one of the best choices, and it also reduces a lot of worries.

Don't think they are so stupid, they are very shrewd.

Only with sustainable development can they secure a piece of land with peace of mind.

Chen Mingliang's injury was a major event, but it could only be an ordinary traffic accident. Chen Mingliang was not injured anyway.

As for how to deal with the real culprit, these do not need to be said specifically.

Ignoring the harassment on the Internet, Chen Mingliang thought that he really should go back.

He has been here for too long, and spent too much money here, and he started to arouse suspicion from others.

Some people even asked why Chen Mingliang had a soft spot for Sichuan.

Are there other unknown reasons?

Regardless of other reasons, Brother Liang couldn't be too much.

Once the donation amount reaches a certain scale, some places begin to suffer from unevenness. There are obviously places where donations are more needed. You just spend the money here, and you have to make people doubt your motives.

Okay, so be it, but do good things, don’t ask about the future.

The 100 million dollars that Chen Mingliang had put out before did not continue to invest here, it is safer to invest in his hometown, at least there will be no muck truck to hit him.

The water in the hometown is not beautiful, and the hometown people are not close.

Chen Mingliang took Ren Jing directly to the capital. He came to Rongcheng in the name of taking Ren Jing to relax, mainly to resolve the depression caused by her company's failure to go public.

Back to the capital, life will continue.

As public figures, Chen Mingliang and Ren Jing have almost no personal space of their own. Whether it is Shuangqingyuan or the comprehensive base, they are surrounded by Wuyang Wuyang people.

Only when I returned to my courtyard did I feel that this might be my home, at least I felt the air.

At the end of October, the capital had already started to get a little cold. The two looked at the refrigerator’s reserve, there was nothing in it.

Then the two put on their overcoats, ready to go out for a stroll.

Of course not to buy vegetables. Chen Mingliang’s vegetables are all specially provided. In Beijing, many people have become Chen Mingliang’s loyal customers. Some people do not believe in evil and really test themselves, and they develop themselves into Chen Mingliang organic vegetables. The Yu Nai.

It's been a long time since I watched a movie in the duo world, so let's go see it.

Ren Jing took Chen Mingliang's arm, leaned her head on his shoulder, and looked boredly at "Come to Name".

"Voting Name" is the real annual blockbuster, and it was shot quite well.

The term "touming zhuang" originated from the plot of 800,000 imperial military instructor Lin rushing into Liangshan.

The talented scholar Wang Lun asked him to go to the foot of the mountain to kill a person.

In fact, the 800,000 forbidden army coach is not a big officer. In the current words, it is a low-ranking non-commissioned officer, and Taiwei Gao is *****, the Minister of Defense.

The heroine is Lao Xu.

But the woman in this drama is just an embellishment. The whole movie has nothing to do with women. The movie is very good, but the box office is not good, and I have never done a small gun.

It is said that there is a Kung Fu emperor, Liu Tianwang, and Wanwan national idol Xiaojin. It is really rare for the three superstars to appear in such a movie at the same time. However, there is really no small steel gun.

Fans of Chen Mingliang think it is Brother Liang that drives the box office, even Xiao Gangbao thinks so.

It's not just these.First of all, in terms of the movie's conception, "Voting Name" is not as patriotic and appealing as "Assembly Number". In fact, it can be seen from the assembly number that patriotism has become one of the demands of young people today.

In the era when the post-70s are the main force on the Internet, if you dare to mention patriotism online, they can scold you to death on the Internet; the post-80s have begun to secretly believe that there is nothing wrong with patriotism. Although we lag behind some countries, we can catch up. In the later era, patriotism has become the mainstream. If you are not patriotic, even if you have a tendency to emigrate, they can scold you to death.

Of course, this is also because of the changes in people's mentality after the motherland became stronger.

At the end of the movie, Zhao Erhu, played by Liu Tianwang, finally died. Ren Jing's eyes were red. She wiped her tears and said, "I like this character. It's a pity this good person."

In fact, the true story of the stab horse is that the boss took the second child's woman and then killed the second child. The third child came to take revenge and killed the boss.

This is not the case in the movie, just because Pang Qingyun and Zhao Erhu have political differences, so Pang Qingyun killed his second brother, and then was killed by the third brother.

Chen Mingliang is really eager to try to make a movie.

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