Stylistic road

Chapter 531: He Is Here

As a welfare, Chen Mingliang, accompanied by the staff, toured the "Three Confucianism" namely Confucian Temple, Confucian Mansion and Confucian Forest.

Among them, the Confucian Temple should not be regarded as a temple, it should be said that it is a school for learning Confucian culture.

The Confucian Temple, the Forbidden City in Beijing, and Chengde Mountain Resort are also known as the three major ancient architectural complexes in the East.

In China, there are many places that are called the three majors, such as the three famous buildings in China: Yueyang Tower, Yellow Crane Tower, and Tengwang Pavilion; for example, the three academies: Yingtian Academy, Yuelu Academy, and Bailudong Academy; and the three national quintessence: Peking Opera, Chinese painting , Chinese medicine; even calligraphy has three major Chinese running scripts, namely Wang Xizhi's "Lanting Collection Preface", Yan Zhenqing's "Sacrificial Nephew Manuscript", and Su Shi's "Huangzhou Cold Food Poems.

Fortunately, these three major lines are circulated on the Internet, and you can download them and copy them by yourself.

Chen Mingliang focused on the Confucian Temple and then the Xingtan.

The Dacheng Hall is the core main building of the Confucian Temple. Of course, there are Dacheng Halls everywhere in the country. In addition to the genuine ones here, the Dacheng Hall in Jinling Confucius Temple is also relatively famous.

After Chen Mingliang participated in the torch relay, visited the famous places, and ate Confucian cuisine, he thought about leaving for Beijing.

Confucian cuisine is an important part of Chinese food culture. It originated during the Baoyuan reign of Song Renzong and reached its peak during the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty.

Like Yipin Tofu, Shouzi Duck Soup, Jade Shrimp Ring, Chrysanthemum Shrimp Buns, etc. are all masterpieces.

You can go back and talk about what you eat. He is finally going to participate in the competition again, and Liu Feiren asked him to participate.

Liu Feiren invited him to participate in the Osaka International Athletics Grand Prix held in Tokyo on May 10th, and Chen Mingliang readily agreed.

The main reason is that Chen Mingliang is more concerned about Liu Fei, because Liu Fei was injured at the end of last year and has been doing physical therapy, that is, dividend therapy.

Chen Mingliang also wanted to take a closer look at Liu Feiren's state.

No, it didn't take long to return to the capital. May Day arrived.

In fact, since 2008, the May Day Golden Week has been cancelled.

The holiday was changed from seven days to three days, and people lost one long vacation.

But this also has other benefits, that is, three short holidays for Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival have been added.

At least, the total vacation of the year has changed from 10 days to 11 days.

Not bad, with a few more hopes, the distance between the two festivals is finally not far.

During May 1st, Chen Mingliang did not take a holiday. He had been training at his base, and the website was still reporting on the Li family and his son.

Reconciliation is impossible. The other party's website is desperately discrediting Chen Mingliang, but Chen Mingliang doesn't care.

But their father and son are very concerned, but there is no other good way.

After all, the mainland is not HK, and it is impossible for them to block news.

Especially for later generations, after the Li family and his son were preparing to run away, they dug a lot of their nasty things online. Chen Mingliang read the story with gusto. Now, this is the ready-made melon that Chen Mingliang brought out.

Now, Chen Mingliang took these out in advance. The disgusting father and son are also very lethal. For example, there is a poem like this:

"Huangtai one hundred melons, Lee picks ninety-eight,

Now that the melons are exhausted, I advise you not to pick melons.

I want to plant another melon and send a thief to destroy the land,

At this time, he wanted to capture the thief, but said to let him go."

I just don’t know if Lao Li will say, “Huangtai’s melons, how can they be picked again when the gangsters make trouble again.”

Not only Chen Mingliang wants to compete, but even Bolt, a black guy far away on the other side of the ocean, also wants to compete.

Kingston City, Jamaica, May 3, 2008.

An important game was held in the National Stadium.

Jamaica is a small country with a population of less than three million, but it is a strong country in athletics.

The Jamaica National Stadium is the most famous stadium in the country. Whenever there are track and field events, it is always full of seats.

And now, what will be going on is the Jamaica International Athletics Invitational.

This event has been held since 2004. It is a well-known track and field event in Central America and is under the guidance of the IAAF.

The first was the men's 200m race. As the third runner-up of the World Championships, Bolt did not appear on the track.

The audience wondered, where did Bolt go?

Isn't he injured?

However, no one gave an answer.

The final winner was the American star Tyson Gay, because there was no one on the court to compete with him, only he opened for 20 seconds, and the second place score was already 20.20.

Asafa Powell, Jamaica's biggest player, is not good at 200 meters. He was injured recently and has not recovered.

Helpless, everyone can only watch how he left here.

Finally, it was discovered that Bolt, who everyone liked and expected, did not participate in the 200 meters this time, but appeared in the 100 meters arena.

Since he started training for the 100 meters in 2007, he has also participated in several races, but his results are not ideal. Up to now, he has not run for 10 seconds, which is why the audience is not optimistic about him.

Only Chen Mingliang believed that Bolt could, even more than Bolt himself.

Boltken trained hard, and Chen Mingliang encouraged him.

One aspect is that he is in the same physical condition as Chen Mingliang. There is no reason why Chen Mingliang can, he can't.

On the other hand, in last year's World Championships, Tyson Gay and Bolt had a contest, but at that time Chen Mingliang won. As for who won the second and third place, most people didn't care.

They don't even care about Chen Mingliang's first place. They only care about when Chen Mingliang loses. As for his victory, what is he proud of?

Bolt switched to running 100 meters, and the audience was very surprised and expected.

As the Jamaican men's 200-meter record holder, Bolt has been famous many years ago, but unfortunately there are always various twists and turns in subsequent games. He has not cashed out his talents, and now he has finally matured.

It's time to show real power!

The warm-up activity is not long, the game officially begins!


Bolt jumped to his starting point, then squatted on the starting block.

This 100m race was his beginning.

Although his official score is only 10.03. However, his performance in training has been able to reach 9.80. He has reached the top level and can challenge Asafa Powell, a domestic brother.

Bolt raised his head slightly, first drew a cross with his hand, and then lowered his head.



The game gunfire sounded.

Bolt's strong and powerful thighs suddenly exerted force, and then rushed out instantly.

Perfect start!

It's really a bit bright and elegant.

Now Bolt’s new idol is Chen Mingliang, especially admiring Chen Mingliang for several projects, and he is very tired with only two projects.

Swinging arms quickly and accelerating vigorously, let alone say it, this is more like Chen Mingliang.

Bolt ran faster and faster, and those who were surpassed by him from the start had no chance of winning at all.

Sure enough, Bolt took the lead with a huge lead.

The results came out very quickly, 9 seconds 76!.

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