Stylistic road

Chapter 540 Finals (1)

Kindness is hard to stop, it is definitely kind to be hard to stop.

Since everyone said that only one dance was enough, Chen Mingliang kindly followed everyone's suggestions and really packed up his things and went home.

It's so peeing

Of course, he didn't really go home, but went back to the Olympic Village. Discipline still had to be observed.

It's already night when I come back to the game next time.

There will be semi-finals and finals in the men's 100 meters tonight.

Absolutely exciting, absolutely exciting.

Before the game, a number of authoritative sports media gave their assessments and generally believed that the probability of Chen Mingliang winning the championship was about 55%, Bolt 35%, and Tyson Gay and Powell and others could only compete for the remaining 10%.

It can also be seen that the two men are almost evenly matched, and the others are foils.

It was getting late, but the sky was still bright.

The ground that has been irradiated for a day is evaporating heat, and the wind is also hot when it comes. This is a kind of urban heat island effect.

But none of this can resist the enthusiasm of the spectators.

Accompanied by the hot sunset in the afternoon, the audience entered the arena one after another with various legal and non-compliant support items.

Fortunately, the capital is not South Africa, and the audience is only playing ordinary speakers, not the kind of artifact called vuvuzela, which can make people deaf.

In fact, when it comes to playing trumpets, Brother Liang is also professional.After so many years of practice, his level is no worse than Yan Yongqiang, XO's "Roar" Liang brother can also play, but now XO has not been combined, and Xiao Sheep just got the third runner-up through Xiangnan Economic Television "Star Academy" and just signed SM is a trainee.

However, none of the four returnees came back, and the Canadian Gunner was only a trainee.

Back to sports games.

Before today, everyone did not expect the climax of track and field to come so quickly. This is only the second day of track and field competition. Today, the most important 100-meter race in track and field will be over. The audience will feel embarrassed by the following schedule.

But everyone is still looking forward to such a climax night.

The game that night was sold out a long time ago.Nowadays, the price of tickets for the finals has been scrambled to the sky by the scalpers. That's it, there are still many people who can't ask for it.

Fortunately, there are other competitions of Chen Mingliang. Everyone still has the opportunity to watch the game. This is the good point for athletes with strong ability. There are many side events, and everyone supports many points. It will not be because a game is no better than achievement.

However, the opportunity to participate in the 100-meter trapeze battle is only once in four years. If you missed today, if you want to see such a scene again, you will have to wait another four years.

But who knows what it will look like in four years.

The air ticket to London is not cheap.

Before the time of the game, there were still many people who did not have tickets. They were not allowed to enter. They were outside the National Stadium and watched the live broadcast on the LED screen.

In fact, the effect of watching TV pictures is also very good, especially when everyone knows that the athletes are playing in the field, and they watch the live broadcast outside the field. Thinking of being so close to the idol is also a good experience.

At night, Peng Jing didn't follow him, and they wanted to nurse their children.

Ren Jing was naturally indispensable. She came in with an assistant. When they came in, they saw many spectators waving flags, holding various light sticks, and wearing national red icons on their faces. The ones are armed to the teeth.

At the same time, in various cities in China, everyone sits in groups, meets at barbecue stalls, or gathers at bars. Everyone has one purpose, and that is to watch my brother Liang’s 100-meter battle.

The live TV broadcast starts from the moment the audience hasn’t even started to enter the venue. The host and guests have various analyses, various replays, and various speculations. I really don’t know how they talk so much. It’s comparable to Wanwan’s political discussions. program.

However, everything will eventually return to the game itself.

The host is still Yang Jian, and this elder brother is also an old acquaintance of Chen Mingliang.

"CCTV, CCTV, good evening everyone, audience friends, what is about to start is the long-awaited men's 100 semi-final first group... and two hours later, it will be staged here again. Men's 100m final.

The grouping situation of the game came out as early as noon. Everyone is saying that this semi-final is likely to be a preview of the final. That is because Chen Mingliang and Bolt are in the same group, but the actual situation may not be like this. It’s just the semifinals..."

With the TV commentary going on, after the women’s 800m semifinals were held, the men’s 100m semifinals were already being debugged.

The 100-meter semi-finals are divided into two groups. Chen Mingliang and Bolt are both in the first group. The rest of this group are Walter Dix, Mark Burns, Michael Flatt, K-Collins, Atkins, Samuel Francis six people.

Everyone is not familiar with the name, but there is also an Asian player in this group, that is Samuel Francis, a naturalized player from Qatar.

In the original time and space, the black athlete born in Nigeria, after naturalizing to Qatar, broke the Asian record of 10 seconds set by the Japanese star Hiroshi Ito in the 1998 Asian Games in Bangkok with a time of 9.99 seconds. .

However, now this record was broken by Chen Mingliang before he was naturalized.

"Now the athletes have come to the field. The first track is Atkins from the Bahamas. Everyone has seen his performance during the group stage and the semi-finals. This is a very powerful player with a great opportunity. entering the finals.

The second track is Samuel Francis, a naturalized player from Qatar. His personal best is 9 seconds 99. He is also the second person in Asia to sprint after Chen Mingliang. I hope he can play well today. , Can successfully advance to the final is victory."

When the TV picture was given to Francis, the audience still gave a warm applause.

Everyone did not hesitate to support the Asian brothers with applause.

In fact, everyone has a good impression of the athlete named Francis. This originated from Dayao’s teammate Francis. This big man returned to the Rockets in 2007. Although the strength and status are no longer there, the Rockets are now owned by Dayao and Tracy McGrady. The world.

But Francis took care of Yao during his rookie season that year, and everyone can see it, and he also formed a good relationship.

Although this Francis is not Peter Francis, one is American and the other is Qatari, they have the same surname, and the same surname is the same family.

Qatar is still a peninsula country, the most famous is the domestic Al Jazeera TV station.

After many years, the local tycoon Saudi Arabia is about to dig an artificial canal along the border. It is preparing to turn poor Qatar into a pure island country. The so-called killing of one thousand enemies and self-defeating ten thousand, this is rich and willful, sure enough. It is full.

"Let’s take a look at the next athlete. The third track is Burns from Trinidad and Tobago. His personal best time is 9.96 seconds. Like Francis, this is also a fight. A player who can advance to the final."

"Next, let's take a look at the player of the fourth lane. Now, he is greeting our audience and the audience in front of the TV. From the look of him, he is very relaxed. It seems that he is ready for everything.

Everyone already knows who this is through the warm atmosphere on site.That's right!He is Chen Mingliang, a famous player from my country. He is the world record holder and the world's number one flying man-Chen Mingliang!Let us use warm applause to wish Chen Mingliang a good result!"

The scene was noisy for a long time, and the TV broadcast shots were the longest. Chen Mingliang did all the actions he thought of, and he still packed up his mind to prepare for the game. Then the cameraman reluctantly moved to the next one.

"The fifth way, this is Walter Dix, a player from the United States. As the famous players in the United States have fallen off the horse one after another, this little-known player must also have good strength. Generally speaking, any player from the United States The strength of sprinters cannot be underestimated.

On the sixth track, this is Usain Bolt, the new Jamaican champion of the 200-meter special. He made rapid progress after practicing the 100-meter and won the best result of the year in the New York Xtep Grand Prix not long ago. This result is the same as Chen Mingliang's best result this year.

That is, after winning this championship, he developed a new celebration action, which is bow archery. I don't know whether this arrow can shoot Chen Mingliang's 100-meter laurel.

The seventh track is Edgar from the United Kingdom. We have collected very little information about him. He also appeared in the Olympics for the first time. However, at this stage of the game, there is no more mediocre player. Edgar What kind of results can be achieved, please let us wait and see.

The eighth is Michael Flatt, a player from Jamaica. Although this athlete is not tall, he is fast. He is the main force of the Jamaican relay team and a player who can easily advance to the final."

After the commentator Yang Jian introduced all the players at the scene, at this time, whether it was the audience in front of the TV or the audience, everyone put down their work, folded the toilet paper, counted the watch, and began to wait seriously. The start of the game.

Statistics show that the frequency of hands is much faster than that of feet, and most people can beat Chen Mingliang at this point.

The first group of the semi-finals is particularly important because of the participation of Bolt and Chen Mingliang.

Experts said that the winner of this game may build up some psychological advantages to be able to take the lead in the final.

Of course, this is pure nonsense.

In previous lives, at this stage, everyone was still very strange to Bolt.

But now, because of Chen Mingliang, everyone is familiar with Bolt, and everyone is full of attention to his every move.

All the athletes are ready.

The beautiful volunteers also withdrew from the stadium carrying the athletes’ suitcases. They were carefully selected from colleges and universities across the country, and it was more difficult than applying for flight attendants.

The game is about to start.

The athletes jumped to the starting blocks one after another, and began to squat drowsily.


Everyone's ass lifted up obediently and made a unified posture, wow, eight people cut!


The uniform group raised the gun seriously.


The shots were photographed, very crisp.

The game officially begins!

Although in terms of Chen Mingliang's strength, he didn't need to grab this first mover advantage at this stage, but he was the first to react and dashed out of the starting line in an instant.

Chen Mingliang was born in 1983 and was a pig. Although many people have doubted his age, according to his official age, he is only 25 years old this year, which is the pinnacle of his career.

And, as long as there is no injury, he can still stick to the next Olympic cycle.

In contrast to Chen Mingliang, Bolt did not start very fast, at least not as fast as Chen Mingliang.

However, Bolt's lower limb strength seemed to be stronger. Although he started in general, his acceleration ability was super strong. After a few strides, he followed up, and seemed not much behind Chen Mingliang.

The game went on like this.

Chen Mingliang and Bolt did not communicate before the game. Everyone knows that they are opponents, and there is no need to say anything else. Anyway, everything is silent. It is good for everyone to see the truth on the field.

Soon after he reached the position of nearly fifty meters, Chen Mingliang didn't seem to be leading yet, at least, his lead was not obvious.

The two are evenly matched!

In the arena, a yellow figure and a red figure, everybody, regardless of Xuanzhen, went hand in hand, and everyone else was a foil.

In fact, this is only a semi-final after all. Neither Bolt nor Chen Mingliang have the idea to fight with all their strength. Everyone has the same goal, which is what if they can break the world record now, or not as good as an Olympic gold medal.

Both seem to run very fast, but in fact both have reservations.

"The two are very fast. There are still 20 meters away from the finish line. The two athletes on the field are still in no particular order. Hey, Bolt is really Chen Mingliang's rival, and he really can't ignore it.

Damn!Chen Mingliang took the initiative to slow down, Bolt ran to the front, Bolt also slowed down, the two people are very close, but Bolt still won the group first, Chen Mingliang second!

Let's take a look at their results, oh, pretty good, one is 9 seconds 80, the other is 9 seconds 85!"


"This is really beyond the ordinary semi-finals, and also achieved a result that surpasses ordinary people! This result of theirs has been able to win the championship in the previous Olympics, but they are all able to run easily. I really don't know if they can do it in the finals. What does it look like!"

Just as the commentator was chattering about the grand finals, the second group of games began.

This group supposedly has Powell and Tyson Gay in, and the strength is also good, but Tyson Gay performed poorly and only got fifth in the group and missed the final. Powell successfully advanced with a score of 9.92 seconds.

The semi-final ended smoothly, and the final was about to start!

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