Stylistic road

Chapter 563 Counterattack

This thing is a bit unusual.

There are many real estate developers in Beijing, with mixed good and bad.There are a lot of people who are more disciplined in doing things, but there is no bottom line in doing things, and there are many who often do too much.

The impact of the financial crisis on everyone is consistent.

The bank’s non-performing assets are already very serious. If real estate developers blow up mines, no one can bear this responsibility.

If there is no national endorsement, all they think at this time are how to shrink money.

Some real estate discounts that were already tight with funds are even more powerful. Many of their owners are also making trouble, but they are all well suppressed. They are not as noisy as the people surrounding Chen Mingliang Real Estate Company.

This can also show from the side that the people who besieged Chen Mingliang Real Estate Company were organized and disciplined.

To say that there is no instigation behind this, it means that even the dog will not believe it. It is estimated that even the spokesperson for the train accident Wang Yongping cannot say about this situation, "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

The matter of gathering heavy troubles requires special attention and should not be taken lightly.

After all, this is no other place. This is the capital. It is the political and economic center of the whole country and the best place.

Chen Mingliang's real estate companies are especially those affiliated companies. Their operating group is a group of people with backgrounds, and even some people have very deep backgrounds.

However, at this moment, they did not dare to be random.

When the flood comes, no matter how good your swimming skills are, you may be drowned.

In China, many times you have to pay attention to the right things.It means that no matter what you do, you need to take precedence.

When the owners asked to check out, they were very passive because they received sympathy points.

Chasing the wind and catching the shadows can sometimes be terrible, let alone being taken on the moral high ground to carry out targeted attacks on you.

The real estate properties that have been handed over are actually okay. In particular, most of the properties developed by Chen Mingliang over the years are for just-needed houses. Many people start to renovate and move in after receiving the house. The willingness to check out is not too much. strong.

The real test is the few real estates that have been opened but not yet delivered. The prospective owners even pulled up banners to block the construction passage.

The number of them is large and the organization is very tight, but it is estimated that the number of real owners is also limited, and more of them are people who come to fish in troubled waters.

The artificial traces of this matter are too obvious, because these projects were launched on the same day.

The performance is too concentrated, their purpose is probably to let you care about one thing and lose the other, so they are lazy to cover up.

What's even more exaggerated is that there is still a real estate, which has not been officially opened yet, and a group of people have pulled a banner and asked to check out, give your sister!

They were caught by the security team, beaten first, and then called the police.

Oh, I finally got back a little initiative.

Continue to pursue the victory until you find the mastermind behind the scenes!

As a result, without knowing whose idea, those who came to make trouble have all been let go, and no record has been left.

This thing was done absolutely enough, and several related second generations of the company were even outraged.

But what can we do? Only a few people who do things have become cannon fodder.

Letting go of this special real estate, the real estates involved are really uncomfortable.

Their sales department was blocked for a whole day.

Fortunately, everyone in the sales department is self-restrained, and no one deliberately picks things up from inside and outside. Several security guards who wanted to take action were directly stopped.

Otherwise, if you accidentally wipe the gun and provoke a mass emergency, the matter will be really serious.

It is estimated that the enemies are still in the gestation period.

Mass incidents will definitely happen in the future, but they just need an opportunity.

This is the first day of the siege of Bright Land.


That night, Chen Mingliang got the news reported by Lao Jin.

We can't overemphasize this problem!

Chen Mingliang immediately called everyone to a meeting in Chen Mingliang's club to discuss countermeasures together.

Everyone understands that this is an organized and premeditated sabotage. It is estimated that there is only one purpose, and that is to directly distort Chen Mingliang’s reputation through the company’s tight funds, and let the real estate named after Chen Mingliang later No longer sells well.

This is to ruin my brother Liang!


From the information gathered from all aspects, we can even draw a judgment: this organizer is the little Superman and his lackeys, and there are even some second generations who are not stingy in Beijing.

They are also colleagues now, and they have also developed several real estates, but they haven't made much money.

Lao Jin and the others are more fierce. With their wealth and background, they have robbed a lot of land in the capital.

It's really ugly to eat!Forget it, they actually did some high-quality projects. They really made a bitch and set up a memorial hall.

I can't bear it now!

To cut off people's wealth is like killing a parent.

Lao Jin they are killed time and time again.

If you don't fight back, then the real estate circle in the capital will be Chen Mingliang.

Therefore, these people have long been brewing to fight back.

Finally, they feel that now the opportunity has come.

Take this opportunity to completely stun you!

Therefore, this is a conspiracy mixed with conspiracy, and it is also a trap against Chen Mingliang, which requires timely and careful response.


On the other side, after nightfall, street food stalls are very lively.

A group of people are eating and drinking.

Although these food stalls drove on the side of the road, the exhaust steamed when the car passed.

However, the aroma of Beijing-flavored hot pot is still permeating, with a big waist and a bottle of ice Yanjing in hand, creating a thriving atmosphere amidst the shouts.

This is a meal organized by the troublemaker organizers. Of course, they have plans for the next step. They plan to let the reporters come by tomorrow, and then take the opportunity to make a big wave. That is a mass incident.

Chen Mingliang was going to get a fishy mess anyway, and couldn't avoid it if he wanted to hide.

This is Porcelain!

Things in the business field, either you die or I die!


The next day, it was still a good autumn weather.

However, at this season, the leaves have begun to turn yellow, and even the air has begun to carry some depression.

It's getting cold, I have to go to Uniqlo to buy clothes quickly, and then I hide in the locker room and do some moves later.

Among the real estate developed by Chen Mingliang's affiliated company, there is a project called Triumph City.

Triumph City is one of the projects that has already opened but has not yet delivered.

The next day, one or two hundred owners formed a mighty army to besiege.

They walked by holding the banner and shouted slogans: Give me hard-earned money, unscrupulous profiteer, hurry up and check out!


The sales department has long been waiting, and a large group of uniformed security personnel stood here.

They were fully armed, and some even carried equipment.

Is this the rhythm of force suppression?

Developers, do you want to be so awesome?

Some people in the crowd even used their eyes to communicate with each other, and the corners of their eyes were filled with joy: Can we make things big and get the bonus today?

"Unscrupulous profiteer, pay back my hard-earned money, I want to check out! I have to give us a statement today anyway!" A middle-aged man with glasses applied for excitement, his excited cheeks were red.

The organizer said that if the performance is good, there will be a prize of 5,000 yuan!

Now everyone’s funds are tight, especially real estate developers.

They certainly know that 90% of real estate developers must have no money.

Some real estate construction companies have even begun to besiege the project department to ask for debts due to the official journey.

Not to mention these projects that have already opened. As long as the owner has signed the contract and paid, the money must have been spent. Is it still on the account?

Moreover, the owner himself voluntarily breached the contract to check out, do they want to get a refund for nothing?

There is a very miraculous phenomenon in China, that is: there are no rules in the world, but when there are more people coming, you can make rules.

Sure enough, many people came to make trouble, and they all clamored to check out.

The reality is, and the prices of nearby properties have indeed dropped, 2-3 thousand lower than here. Therefore, these troublemakers are not afraid, and the government will sympathize with them.

They don't have legal principles, but they have morals!

They are the weak, and the weak are invincible!



"123, refund!"

A lot of people passing by have also begun to come to watch, and the more people there are, the more lively it gets.

"Hey, hello!" The high-pitched loudspeaker suddenly sounded.

"Owners, hello, do you have any difficulties? Please speak out directly, and we will try our best to satisfy your reasonable demands."

"Our only appeal is to refund the money. Check out and refund the money! This is the most reasonable appeal!" Someone immediately answered loudly.

This is a process that the troublemakers have already prepared. No matter what the developers say, we only ask to check out.

"Okay, let's check out, please bring your ID card and the house purchase contract and queue here, we can check out for everyone now."

It’s too easy to promise, isn’t it a bit fake?

"Not only need to go through the formalities, we also have to get the money! Only when we get the money we count!"

"There is no problem! The owner of the full payment can take away all the cash on the spot; the owner of the mortgage purchase can also take it step by step: you can take the down payment directly; if the mortgage payment has been down, as long as the bank transfers We can refund the interest on our company account directly to the bank, and we will pay for the interest generated in the middle; the part you have deducted monthly, we can also return it to your personal bank card...... "

The words inside the tweeter are clear and perfect.

Obviously it was the owner's breach of contract first, and this developer was still willing to take the initiative to suffer a loss and admit the account. This is too rare! It blocked some of their previously preset situations.

For a while, they didn't know what to do.

"Don't squeeze, everyone with the purchase contract and ID card can come here to go through the refund procedure directly!"

"Yes! Everyone is going to refund, the money they prepared is definitely not enough, they are bluffing!"

At first someone really tried to check out.

Unexpectedly, the check-out procedure was really done, and I was asked whether I need cash or transfer.

If you want cash, you can also send a small box that looks very valuable, or you can transfer it and store it in the bank.

Bank staff come to work on site, and the financial affairs of both parties can be directly connected.

Since all losses are borne by the real estate company, the refund procedures are handled very quickly.

Even the check-out application is printed in advance, and the owner can sign it directly.

This time more than 300 people came, but only 70 or 80 people actually completed the check-out.

It's just wet and broken, it's a trivial thing.

It is estimated that there are only so many real owners.

Many people didn't plan to check out at first, but seeing that Chen Mingliang's real estate company was able to refund the money, they felt that it was good to take the money and they could go to the next door to buy a cheaper house.

Therefore, since the opening of this opening, more and more people have checked out.

Some people actually benefited from this, because they withdrew their houses and went to the neighbouring community to buy a cheaper house, and they could also embezzle some of the money for other purposes.

Some people, after getting the money, prepared to wait and see, and then slowly spent it, and since then lost a house in the capital.

Chen Mingliang’s real estate company Gao Fengliang’s check-out behavior has injected some vitality and fresh blood into Beijing Real Estate.

Houses that were above the market price were quickly retired, and the funds on the real estate company's account were not exhausted, leaving more than 10 billion.

People have a herd mentality. When they see others check out, some people also check out, even in the old community.

"Retire! Retire all!"

Even some of those who have handed over the house want to retire.


What's more, some of them are renovated. They not only want to check out, but also want the real estate company to bear their renovation losses.

Really unscrupulous real estate developers open a shantang.

"Yes, discount part of the price and give it to him!"

Finally, some people even bought a house that bought 12 thousand and even wanted to return 15 thousand, because the surrounding houses were all 15 thousand.

Are you selling the house to the developer?

Want to be blind?

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