Stylistic road

Chapter 575

Zhang Jian is the steward of Chen Mingliang's career, monitoring Chen Mingliang's financial operations.

And Peng Jing is the steward of Chen Mingliang Training Base Comprehensive Center.She is not only in charge of the operation of the Chen Mingliang clubhouse, but also in charge of the daily performance arrangements of the comprehensive theater.

Naturally, it is Peng Jing who can understand both Chen Mingliang and Ren Jing at the same time.

Peng Jing became the first person in charge of the wedding preparation team.


Zhang Yin and Peng Jing are high school classmates. They have been in the same class and at the same table for three years.

But when it comes to friendship, I can only say so-so.

There is no other reason, Peng Jing is a beauty of the "school girl" level.Since the beginning of the first year of high school, she has been a sweet potato. What kind of student union, club, class cadre, host, really is where the limelight is, there is her everywhere.

And Zhang Yin is also very proud.Her father is the leader of the local energy bureau. Although she looks mediocre, but her academic performance is very good, she is a good boy with excellent academic performance.

In terms of family background and learning ability, it is far from comparable to that of Peng Jing.

Girls are relatively early, and they start planning their lives very early.

Many girls have a sign when they are in college. The boyfriends they talked about must be natives of the provincial capital, and foreigners are not allowed to talk.

Early on, they knew what they wanted, and they had the choice to get close to those worthy of being close.

Therefore, from that time on, Zhang Yin felt that Peng Jing was nothing more than a vase, and his achievements were definitely not high.

Although two people study together in the same classroom, one teacher and one desk, they have not developed into intimate girlfriends.

After all, as a proud girl, it is difficult for you to regard a girl who is obviously inferior to you but especially popular with the opposite sex as your best friend.

After going to college, the relationship between the two began to improve, especially after I heard that Peng Jing had broken up with her boyfriend.

Zhang Yin has a good academic performance and passed the college entrance examination to Chang'an Jiaotong University, which is a famous 985 university.

What's unexpected is that Peng Jing only took advantage of his good looks, not only did he kidnap the most handsome schoolmaster in his class, but he was also admitted to the Chinese opera.

However, after all, they are college students, not as naive as children.

Especially afterwards, Peng Jing and Xueba finally broke up.

After that, Zhang Yin also tried to get along better with Peng Jing.

Especially when she went back to her hometown during the New Year, she also invited Peng Jing to hang out with her several times during class reunions.

But from the bottom of her heart, she looked down on this Peng Jing, who only had a good skin but had an ordinary family background.

As expected, Peng Jing didn't mix anything in the end even though she was in the middle of the show.


After graduating from university, Zhang Yin entered a very good institution.

Once, their unit collectively went to the capital to play, and then went to the Chen Mingliang Comprehensive Center to watch a performance.

She ran into Peng Jing while eating.

It is also due to the great leadership energy of the unit. With the relationship between the capital and the city, I can qualify for lunch in the Chen Mingliang Club. The membership fee here is very expensive, the specifications are high, the dishes are authentic, and the prices are not cheaper than Lijia dishes.

However, in the lobby of the clubhouse, she unexpectedly ran into Peng Jing!

Is this still the former goddess, the big star who graduated from the Chinese opera?

In the past few years, not only have I not seen her film and television works, on the contrary, I have seen her wearing a lady's small suit and carrying a headset in the lobby.

Isn't this just a senior hotel attendant?

At this moment, she was pleasantly surprised!

"Peng Jing! Why are you here?"

Without waiting for Peng Jing to speak, she immediately introduced her to her friends enthusiastically:

"Colleagues, this is my high school classmate, where is Peng Jing, a big star and beautiful woman who graduated from Chinese opera!"

Peng Jing's mood was very calm. She couldn't pull Zhang Yin's ears and said, I have dividends and commissions for my work here. How much money I can get in a year is more money than the money earned from filming.

The two still talked happily.

Zhang Yin also felt that in order to take care of Peng Jing's face, she deliberately did not ask about Peng Jing's work situation, thinking about how great she was.

In order to take care of the classmates' face, Peng Jing gave them two very good dishes. After all, it was public money consumption, so the exemption was not worth it.

The two had no time to contact afterwards.

However, the relationship between the two people has become fairly good, mainly because there is no conflict of interest.


On New Year's Day this year, Zhang Yin was also married.

But she did not talk to Peng Jing, because after all, the two people are not of the same class.

Her husband is also really young and promising. He is already a director at the age of 32.

Civil servants are really good. Although they don't make much money, they win in stability and their social status is high. Even in the future, their lives will be more moist.

The combination of women in public institutions and men in civil servants is perfect!


Getting married in winter is so bad, it's too cold!

This was the same reason when Qian Qianyi was about to commit suicide by throwing himself into the lake. The water was too cold.

Beijing is cold, but Chang'an is not hot.

So they decided to go to Sanya for their honeymoon after the wedding.

It's really going to be extravagant.

At first they signed up for a group, but found that this TM is an unscrupulous shopping group. They change the way to go shopping every day, and they don't buy it. This is a bottomless pit, so they want to get out of the group and run out.

But New Year's Day is the peak tourist season after all, and I found out that the hotel was hard to find, and it was full of people.

Almost became the real version of the person in embarrassment.

The two decided to deal with it in the Internet cafe, after all, the consumption is still the lowest here.

In 2009, there has been a custom of posting a friend circle.

However, at that time, the news was transmitted to the Qzone, which was not as convenient as WeChat.

Zhang Yin uploaded some beautiful views of Sanya in the QQ space, and then accidentally posted the photos in the QQ group.

Naturally, many students are asking: "Zhang Yin, why did you go? Where is this? It's so beautiful."

"This is Sanya, I'm here to travel."

"Sanya is fun?"

"It's so fun, the scenery is very good."

Then there was Balabala showing off.

Coincidentally, Peng Jing is also helping Chen Mingliang to "accept customers" in Sanya right now.

This century wedding will also come to many international friends. Of course, these are only Chen Mingliang’s friends. Most of them fly directly to Sanya.

What Peng Jing has to do is to coordinate flights, register guest travel information, and then arrange personnel to pick up the station, arrange accommodation and travel.

Moreover, some particularly important guests have to be personally received.

Every day, Peng Jing organizes guest information in his notebook to find out his omissions.

Then, she saw the QQ profile flashing in the lower right corner.

Click on it to see that students are chatting and filling in the class group.

The high school class group has been dead for a long time, and I don't know who it is, why it is so idle.

Looking up and down, it turned out that Zhang Yin was traveling in Sanya. It was a coincidence.

At home, I don’t think that I’m out of town, and I’ve met old classmates. It’s a bit unreasonable to get together without contacting me.

"Zhang Yin, you have come to Sanya, I am also in Sanya, where are you, and have a supper together at night?"

Peng Jing sent a message to Zhang Yin.

"Why did you come to Sanya? Didn't you work in Beijing? Did you come to travel too?" Zhang Yin was surprised.

"It's not tourism, it's work, it's a reception tour group."

What Peng Jing didn't say was very clear. After all, helping Chen Mingliang to prepare for the wedding didn't have to show up everywhere.

But it is different in Zhang Yin's heart:

Oops, Peng Jing works in a tour group. Is she actually reduced to being a tour guide?

Sure enough, I judged her life many years ago!


The three of them finally had a supper at a decent seafood stall near the Internet cafe.

Peng Jing has fair skin and delicate features. She is even more capable in a small suit, and her good figure can be seen at a glance. Zhang Yin's husband was dumbfounded.

Zhang Yin is a little bit ridiculous now, he is still newly married, who do you see.

"Peng Jing, thank you for your hospitality, but we are leaving. I met an unscrupulous tour group today. I knew that the tour guide had nothing good! We just withdrew from the tour group today. Found the hotel."

Zhang Yin was a little bit frustrated.

Although Zhang Yin's tone is not good, Peng Jing didn't notice it. She didn't think she was a tour guide. Instead, she felt that what Zhang Yin said was reasonable. The travel market is not standardized now, and it has not yet reached the age when short online videos can be reported everywhere. .

"I haven't found a hotel yet? Then I will arrange a place for you. Our company's contract hotel, there are extra standard rooms to deal with."

Of course, these guests from Chen Mingliang came to stay in a hotel, but because they didn't know how many people there were beforehand, the wedding preparation team directly contracted a five-star hotel, which is still a more famous hotel in Sanya called the Ritz-Carlton.

Zhang Yin is also well-informed. She knows that these tour guides have a few vacant houses. She thought about finding one from Peng Jing, but she didn't expect Peng Jing to be quite generous. Ask for money.

Of course I won't refuse, if it weren't for the expensive hotel, I would have stayed long ago.

"Thank you so much! Peng Jing, it’s nice to have a classmate who works in a travel agency! The hotel is really not easy to find now. I just went online to find the hotel. I can’t really let us stay in a five-star hotel for one night. They are all so expensive. Do you think those people who stay in five-star hotels are mentally ill? What a bad thing about so much money? Where can't you sleep for one night?"

Sitting in the business car called by Peng Jing, Zhang Yin still babbled to express her gratitude. By the way, she didn't care about her husband's eyes.

But Peng Jing just smiled, saying that he was not a travel agency, and then he didn't speak.

Because they chartered a five-star hotel, and she and the couple lacked a common language, this classmate Zhang had been showing off the superiority of an iron rice bowl in his business unit, but Peng Jing couldn't get it.

The car soon arrived at the Ritz-Carlton.

This hotel is so impressive!It looks extraordinary from the outside, it's not cheap.

"It's okay for your tour group. If you live in such a big hotel, you should have a lot of oil and water for a tour."

Peng Jing did not answer, it was true that he lost a lot of money.

The three enter the hotel lobby.

Seeing Peng Jing coming in, a very young and beautiful girl in uniform walked over quickly:

"Sister Jing, you're back! Beckham was looking for you just now. He wanted to go to the island in advance, saying that he had told Mr. Chen."

"Okay, I see, I'll contact him later. This is my high school classmates, you can arrange a standard room for them." Peng Jing restored his superiority.

"Need to arrange an itinerary on the island?"

"No, they just came to Sanya to travel."



"Zhang Yin, you can live here first. You can eat three meals a day with your room card, but you can live here for only three days. If you have more, you will have to pay for it yourself. I have something to do. I'm with you."

Peng Jing is really busy.

"Okay, go ahead, thank you so much old classmate!"

Peng Jing nodded, and then the young uniform girl took them to the front desk to register.

At this time, several young girls were asking Peng Jing to say something.

"Hey, you said, just now they said that Beckham was looking for my classmate, did you think it was the Beckham who played football?"

"How is it possible? There are so many foreigners called Beckham. I guess there is a foreigner named Beckham in her group."

As the two walked, they were still whispering and whispering.

This hotel is really good, at least four stars.

They look good and they bring different groups.

"Hi, Peng, Nicetoseeyouagain.Ineedyourhelp!"

A tall and handsome foreigner came over enthusiastically, and he walked towards Peng Jing.

This foreigner is so familiar, isn't Nima the football superstar?

Is Peng Jing still a tour guide?

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