Stylistic road

Chapter 580

The matter of Ren Jing's listing is put aside, this is not the point at this stage.

In the past few days in the provincial capital, they have invited some friends from the Sports Bureau and the provincial team. Even if some people have been to Hainan with them, it would be nice to come and get together again.

However, I finally returned to my hometown to set up a banquet.

The two families are opposed to extravagance and waste. They don’t need to show up in front of their neighbors to gain satisfaction and superiority. However, everything is kept simple, but "simplification" is just a simplification of the ceremony, and the banquet cards that should have of.

Otherwise, even the folks in my hometown won't agree, and I look down on my hometown.

During the freezing season, the banquet is indeed not well arranged.

The first stop is Chen Mingliang's hometown.

According to the original idea and plan, a group of people lined up on the bank of the Yellow River on a fine day and set up as many tables as they came. It was so grand, lively and bright.

But in such continuous rain and snow, there is no way.

Such weather is suitable only for catching rabbits.

Poorly those fine dogs raised by Chen Mingliang have never been useful, they can only be used to perform hound races.

Chen Mingliang's hometown is the traditional producing area of ​​fine dogs.

The fine dogs in the northern water city have always been very famous. The hunting dog in the hunting picture painted by the court painter Castiglione is the fine dog.

This is a really good hunting dog, its image is "the head is like a shuttle, the waist is like a bow, the tail is like an arrow, four hoofs and a plate of garlic."

This kind of dog is good everywhere, but it has no meat.

If you don’t have meat, you can’t eat, and there are fewer people to raise.

In other words, what kind of dog meat is the best?

Have you ever thought about this kind of problem?

Why can the big red rooster ward off evil spirits?Why can black dog blood ward off evil spirits?Why can black donkey hoofs ward off evil spirits?

Because their meat is delicious.

It is not so easy for the mages to want to mix a meal, unlike the monks who have alms when they talk.

The mages must take the initiative to create opportunities to support themselves, and stay in the cross talk session. This is called "landing", which is very difficult and technical.

In the religious world, both Taoists and monks are exquisite.

What do you call him when you see a monk?

"Elder", "monk", "master", "mage"?

Monk is a respectable name. There is a limit to the number of monks in a temple, about two or three, and the rest are just novice monks.

They are strictly hierarchical, and as long as they are not ordained, they are not considered "bhikkhus" or "bhikkhus".

Calling a monk is actually arrogant.

It's even worse to call it a mage. "Mage" is called a Taoist priest or a heavenly master.

In fact, Taoist priests are not easy to mix, not only to be chemists, but also to be dancers. If the dance is not good-looking, people will not offer black dog blood and let you enjoy black dog meat.


A heavy snowfall has come down. Such snow won't melt even after the Spring Festival. It looks like you can't stay outdoors, you can only consider other places.

In the end, only one place will be chosen.

First, a large shed was built in the wild for cooking.

The real place for drinking can only be arranged in the neighbor's house nearby.

In this way, the guests were scattered. Each room could have up to two tables of eight immortals. The standard for each table was 7 people. The guests who came over were all arranged to sit down after a row of seven or eight households.

There is no chapel, only the wedding room, these are just pretends.

There is no link in the bridal chamber.

Everyone came here except for chatting and eating. Anyway, the bridegroom and the bride will come to toast. It's worth seeing the two in person.

The banquet has entered the toasting session from the very beginning, and no one holds that their wine glasses are steaming and it is freezing cold. They are specially warmed drinks.

In such a cold day, it is naturally impossible to fix those evening dresses. Ren Jing simply wore a head flower and a corsage, and a long red down jacket on her body. It was simple and simple, but still showed a magnificent and beautiful feeling.

Chen Mingliang has become a big hit. A green army coat is new and windproof.

Chen Mingliang once again fell in love with military coats this year, and even led to a wave of sales of military coats.

However, his image is obviously not as good as Hua Zai. He is tall and majestic when he wears it, and he is not handsome enough.

This naive man was standing next to Ren Jing, and it seemed that a Chinese cabbage had been ruined.

The banquet began.

The dishes at the banquet are not surprisingly winning, that is, a variety of home-cooked dishes, enough portion size, roast chicken, fried fish, crystal pork knuckle, Sixi meatballs, copper hot pot...

Seven people ate 20 dishes full of Dangdang.

In the eyes of rural people, if there is good wine, good food, and good smoke greet you, that's pretty good, and you can't eat them if you give him a bowl of shark fin.

The bride and groom came over to toast.

Ren Jing's dress today is indeed very simple. The red down jacket is just a white knitted sweater, and a pair of dark pencil trousers on the lower body. Look at the shape of the legs and definitely don't wear wool trousers.

Even if she is wearing a heavy down jacket, walking gracefully, and speaking appropriately, she still brings out her good temperament. It is really enviable for Chen Mingliang to marry such a beauty.

Chen Mingliang dressed up more casually. He still wore a suit under the brand Di-Armani.

This is the thin clothes that I prepared when I went to Hainan. I only prepared military coats to keep out the cold when I came to the provincial capital. You can't wear sportswear. Don't put a flower on your chest.

Fortunately, he is tall, otherwise the whole person's image will be lost.

Ren Jing walked with him and wanted to laugh at the first glance.

The father and son Chen Dongfang, who are still the lead guests, are handsome, even the old man is handsome.

Chen Mingliang’s corsage is so earthy, it’s really a hand, and I know it’s ugly.

No wonder Chen Dongfang was not allowed to be the best man when the wedding was held in Dongdao.

See who is in the bridesmaid group?

A lot of beautiful stars, one by one wins the eye.

See the best man group?

Bolt, Tyson Gay, Rabbit Tooth Fat Luo...

Beckham and Kaka?

Please go away!

People are most afraid of contrast and foil.


Zhang Chunhua managed the entire event, and she was happiest.

This is not a new wedding, no host, no master of ceremonies, so that the folks can eat and drink well, and take away a pack of wedding candy and two packs of cigarettes before leaving, and then say a decent sentence.

The process of the banquet at the father-in-law’s house is similar. The only difference is that the banquet is held in the hotel. After all, it is the county seat, which is convenient.

After drinking the great wine, they will return to the capital. After all, this is their real home now.

People who have not stayed in the capital for a long time will never understand how cruel this city is.

A statistical report shows that from 2000 to 2008, the total population of Yanjing increased by 5.18 million.

This means that its permanent population has increased by more than 600,000 annually, which is equivalent to increasing the population of a county-level city every year.

With the increasing number of foreign populations, many local people began to question: Why are you coming to Yanjing?

There are so many opportunities here!

Able to realize dreams!

Someone once initiated a topic called "Escape from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou", but the person who actually initiated the topic did not leave.

Yanjing is not a city with a sense of happiness in life.

Even when Xiao Yueyue came to the capital, he could only start with the security and waiter, but he was insulted by the guests for more than three hours for two bottles of beer.

Young people with no education or skills, wandering around in Yanjing, unable to buy a house, can't afford a car, can't afford to pick up girls, and finally get a job. As a result, half of the time is spent on the road every day. , But Yanjing's subway does not.

However, this is the capital after all, the capital of the Chinese people. If you don’t come here, where do you go?

There are tall buildings, wide roads, the best services, the most opportunities, the most beautiful women, the most beautiful sports cars, and the moments of feasting and feasting. There are you and me.

With dreams, bid farewell to the countryside, don’t everyone think about success?

Living in a villa, driving a luxury car, holding a beautiful woman, and being a high official, all of these can be achieved here.


A married young man, Chen Mingliang, drove aimlessly around the capital in a car.

I'm really a little confused after marriage, what's the next step?

Both sides of the road are full of real estate advertisements, all sold at discounts.

Only his company is still going strong, with more and more houses in his hands, but there are fewer and fewer things he can do.

Or, let's go to the entertainment industry to find inspiration, for example, organize a draft?

Singing type competition?

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