Stylistic road

Chapter 605

Where can I find a friend in the end of the world?

Wang Dazhi has known Miao Pu since he was a child, but he has become Dong Jie’s bosom friend;

Li Xiaolu married Nai Liang's brother very early, but in the end she became a friend of Ass One;

Ma Xiaorong gave birth to two babies in succession to Brother Qiang, but unexpectedly they became the common friend of cousin and agent;

Today, Wang Tao feels that he has found his soulmate. With his eyes like fire, Chen Mingliang's heart is straight.

After the initial surprise, surprise, and awe, Chen Mingliang soon became Wang Tao's all-talking friend.

Before Chen Mingliang came over, he had done enough homework in advance. For such an important person, who can still find topics in accordance with Wang Tao's hobbies, he will naturally gain his friendship easily.

For Wang Tao, it feels good to be valued, especially by a nationally renowned figure like Chen Mingliang.

At first the topic of the two people was just touting Chen Mingliang’s sports performance; later, it became an exchange of experiences between two helicopter enthusiasts; and then, the two became masters of current affairs, tens of thousands of miles, up and down millennium.

Everyone is a young person, and it is easy to chat up, regardless of social status and various pressures.

Wang Tao is not the kind of science man who only knows to do research and development. He has a good family background, otherwise he would not be able to attend HKUST.

The children who grew up in the rich family, as long as they were not from intellectual families, are generally good at dealing with others, so the two people talked very happily.

A person's encounters and development are actually closely related to his family environment.

Preliminary judgments can be made from the raw melon eggs that have just entered the workplace. Children who grow up from different backgrounds have different performances.

Cadres or children from business families usually have relatively affluent living conditions and have relatively more people in contact with them. Therefore, they are often very good at observing words and opinions, and their interpersonal relationships are usually better;

Children from ordinary families or rural areas, after entering the workplace, always have a sense of dumbness. They are really obedient at work, but they are less able to deal with others and subjective initiative;

Intellectuals, especially children from teachers' families, even after entering the workplace, they also have some aloof aura. They are easy to pick and choose, and are easy to be judged by people with low EQ.

Friends, they can grow up together only by accommodating each other, and friendship grows and sprouts in this atmosphere.

The scale of Dajiang UAV is indeed very small now. They rented an ordinary house.

The first floor is the facade, which also serves as a warehouse and an external business counter. The main business is agency and sales of some helicopter parts, and software services are provided in the same version.

The second and third floors are the office and R&D center.

Although only a dozen people work, Chen Mingliang still visits with relish.

It's not that new companies are really dynamic.

It turned out that unicorn companies had a difficult time before they even developed.

At this time, the sky became more gloomy. The squally wind and rain came just as soon as the typhoon landed, and I didn’t know how many billboards were broken every time the typhoon landed.

On rainy days, stay for days.

Of course, Chen Mingliang stayed and continued to chat with Wang Tao, anyway, this kind of weather is not suitable for going out, otherwise the vehicle will be prone to water.

In Wang Tao's small office, the two reached a far-reaching cooperation.

Wang Tao was the first to ask Chen Mingliang's intentions:

"Mr. Chen is really brilliant to come to our small company. Do you have any business or plans?"

How Wang Tao hopes Chen Mingliang's answer will bring him a big deal, so that he can go ashore.

However, they knew that it was impossible. They did not overlap with Chen Mingliang's business, and Chen Mingliang did not have this demand.

"Yes, I have some ideas. As you know, I prefer model airplanes. To be precise, I prefer helicopters that can hover. Recently I want to do an outdoor variety show. Of course I want to do some aerial photography for outdoor activities. But I don’t want to use real helicopters. Can our unmanned helicopters pick up cameras?"

Chen Mingliang brought up the topic.

"I did try, DV can be carried, but a large camera is a bit difficult, and the image is not stable." Wang Tao replied after thinking about it.

"Then you can see if it can be made like this: the unmanned helicopter has its own or integrated camera, which is wirelessly transmitted to the handheld remote control on the ground, so that you can also watch the shooting pictures in real time. The anti-shake function should be simple if you want to realize it. The cameras have it."

Wang Tao thought for a long time and gave a positive answer:

"It is indeed possible to install the camera on the drone, but the clarity is not enough and there are still many technical problems!"

"Moreover, the problem of noise is not easy to solve, the stability is not enough, and the anti-shake function of the equipment cannot achieve this level of anti-shake, but we can indeed carry out design and development in this direction."

What Wang Tao said was the truth. Chen Mingliang had a demand. They could indeed give Chen Mingliang a DIY. It was nothing more than a price issue.

"I have another idea. I also watched your helicopter. If you replace one propeller with a few scattered ones, such as 4 spiral swords, such as 6, such as 8, will it increase the stability? And the wind noise should also be smaller."

Chen Mingliang also took out a promotional photo of the airplane in the movie "Avatar".

"This is a promotional photo of Cameron's new movie. How about designing according to this aircraft? Is it much more stable to have 4 rotors? We don't pursue speed, but stability."

"Mr. Chen, your idea is very interesting, it is indeed a good direction! And the applicability is better!"

Wang Tao's eyes lit up.


Lunch was eaten in Wang Tao's company. One of the eldest sisters in the company was also a part-time cook, and she was able to come out in large numbers.

During the period, Chen Mingliang talked about a lot of functions that future generations of drones have, which sounded very fascinating.

However, it is too difficult to implement these functions. This topic is indeed a bit advanced, even Wang Tao is a bit unacceptable.

"Mr. Chen, your idea is indeed very good, and it is possible to realize it, but are these requirements too high? A large amount of money needs to be invested in research and development, and there may not be a market and the price may not be low.

"There must be some in the market. Let's make them first. I'll sell them for you." Chen Mingliang vowed.

"R&D funding is also a problem."

"I can also invest! Let's open up the drone market together, and I have application needs now. I still have contacts in the entertainment industry and should be able to sell some equipment."

Chen Mingliang finally revealed his true intentions.

"But I don't want to lose control of the company. How much money can President Chen really want to invest?"

"How much do you need? How many shares can you sell?"

"Ten million! 25%." Wang Tao bit his head and shouted a price.

Chen Mingliang smiled, but did not agree.

Wang Tao suddenly became nervous, did he ask for too much?If Chen Mingliang just wants to buy a few drones for aviation, he really doesn't need to spend 10 million, or even tens of thousands of dollars per unit.

"Twenty million, 30%!" Chen Mingliang reported his expectations.


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