Stylistic road

Chapter 625 The Sixth And The Second The Greatest Athlete

Track and field athletes have to go through dozens or even dozens of games a year.

But there are only a few or only one that is important.

Today's game, for both Chen Mingliang and Bolt, is the most important game of the year.

Of course, for American player Spearman, this game is equally important, although he is the background board for Chen Mingliang and Bolt to compete for the top two.

Spearman's results are not bad. In domestic competitions, he swept all major events, and even in the 200m single event, he firmly suppressed Tyson Gay.

Tyson Gay is a bit upset, I have retired, and you have to talk about me, MMP.

However, even though Spearman's powerful outsiders don't know it, as a fellow athlete, everyone still sees it.

In the end, American player Spearman crossed the finish line for the third time and won a bronze medal, which is considered to have maintained the dignity of the American track and field team to a certain extent.

"Are these two people still human?" Spearman has tried his best, but as far as he and the yellow and black duo are concerned, they are still not enough.

If you lose, you have to admit it.

After the game, Spearman first congratulated Bolt, and then saw that it was Chen Mingliang who won the championship.

Ollie give it!

Chen Mingliang's final score was 19.16, while Bolt's final score was 19.19. His own score was 19.76.

The 0.6 second gap, this is not a sprint race.

When the performance rankings of the athletes are given on the big screen, the already frenetic atmosphere on the scene has set off a new climax.

That's awesome!

"Chen Mingliang, it is Chen Mingliang! He broke the world record he held and pushed this record to a new height. Bolt is almost as great as Chen Mingliang. We don't know where their limits are. We know that this result is definitely Not their limit."

The narrator was very excited, he couldn't help shouting, he didn't even know what he wanted to express.

"Chen Mingliang really broke the world record again, he is still the strongest!"

"100 meters, 200 meters, 800 meters, the world records of the three projects are all his. Now can it be said that he rules the world?"

"Just one long jump."

"It's a pity Bolt, he has the ability to challenge Chen Mingliang in the 100m and 200m, but he lost both. Isn't this supposed to be called a double play?

"Chen Mingliang succeeded in revenge! He got back the gold medal'stolen' by Bolt last time."

Competitive sports is so cruel. There are many excellent top athletes, but there is only one winner.

While Chen Mingliang cheered and ran wild, Bolt cried and knelt to cry bitterly.

The man lost in 100 meters, he feels normal, this is not his strong point, I am lucky, but I lose my life;

But the men lost 200 meters, this kind of heartache makes people feel painful.

The scene of Bolt squatting and crying bitterly won the sympathy of many people.

Bolt has played perfectly, but still lost. He knows that he has no ability to stay. Although from the results, the gap is not big, the final result is only 0.03 seconds behind, but this 0.03 seconds may be a gap that he cannot surpass.

Because Chen Mingliang still had an imperfect start, otherwise, he might have a more terrifying result.

In this Internet era where information is spreading rapidly, Chen Mingliang's deeds spread quickly across the world, and this familiar name once again shocked everyone.

He did not disappoint.

In China, many spectators set the alarm clock in the middle of the night forcibly, in order to be able to see Chen Mingliang's 200m race for the first time.

Everyone got what they wanted.

Bolt, an island country in the Caribbean Sea, has been regarded as an idol and hero in Jamaica since the 2008 Olympics. However, just today, he finally lost in his best project, and he lost in full view. Under.

Some people are really happy and some are sad. Chinese audiences celebrated at this moment, but Jamaican audiences were extremely lost.

The resident of Jamaica's national team, as Bolt's father, did not speak anymore, and not long ago, he was vowed to win Bolt.

As early as before the 100-meter race, it was said that Bolt could run in 9 seconds 50 in 100 meters and the person who could run in 19 seconds 10 in 200 meters was him.

For this reason, Chen Mingliang's coaching team has also specially studied the authenticity of this "rumor", but at this moment, he could not say anything because Bolt failed.

Although Bolt ran in the men's 100 meters in 9 seconds 59 and the men in 200 seconds in 19 seconds 19, not far from what Bolt's father said, Bolt still lost.

Moreover, everyone can faintly judge that this is not an accident, this is the gap in strength.

I am already very strong, you are brighter and stronger!

After breaking the world record twice in a row and winning the championship, Chen Mingliang once again did unprecedented things.

Compared with Chen Mingliang, the gold medal winners of other track and field events seem a little bleak.

Others won gold medals and may also receive a compliment, but Chen Mingliang's achievements are worthy of boasting throughout the World Championships.

The next day, the media began to bring up an old topic again, that is, who is the greatest track and field athlete in history?

At the beginning of the century, the International Sports Journalists Association selected "25 best athletes of the 20th century" to celebrate its 75th anniversary.

Among them, there are 5 people selected in the field of track and field, namely American athlete, sports Nobel Jesse Owens; Czechoslovak athlete, endurance king Emil Zatopik, American athlete, known as the "rare wizard" Karl- Lewis, then Kenyan athletes, "the pioneer of long-distance running legend" Kipchochi-Keno, plus "Finnish eagle" Pavo-Nurbi, a total of 5 people.

Looking at it now, Chen Mingliang's achievements have far surpassed Carl Lewis, although he also led the way at that moment.

The 100-meter time of 9 seconds 86 and the unfavorable long jump are indeed sharp, but in the end these records have passed away, and Chen Mingliang is a brand-new record pioneer.

Looking at all the sports, the one that can really match Chen Mingliang is perhaps the fish that loves to swim.

Not being jealous is a mediocre person. After the 2008 Olympics, the Philippine fish had a hard time. He even suffered from depression because of external criticism and slander.

Fortunately, Chen Mingliang didn't endure this. He was luckier than that swimming genius.

At this moment in the World Championships, the schedule is over halfway. Chen Mingliang can participate in two other events. One is the long jump that he doesn't pay much attention to, and the other is the men's 4*100m relay.

As a collective event, the men's 4*100m relay has received a high degree of attention, second only to the men's 100m. However, the Chinese team currently wants to make a breakthrough and still needs a certain time and place to create miracles.

Chen Mingliang should really pay attention to the long jump. Can this world record be broken?

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