Stylistic road

Chapter 652 Pregnancy

"Two shots surprised" continued to heat, and there is a sound.

"His big brother, I'm going to have a long."

However, the movie is not all disadvantaged, and the graphics of the movie is very good, and there is also a noodles of a noodles - Shaanxi oil splash.

Oil splashing is not complicated, and the uncle and the officers and soldiers are delicious.

For a time, the nationwide nationwide has increased the new variety of oil.

Chen Mingliang can't help but do it.

He tried himself, the taste is not bad, that is, the heat is too high, and eat more.

There is no way to be embarrassed, but Zhang Guo said that he is now thinking where to find a pure pure girl to play the autumn.

The slogan is called, called "Looking for the purest 90."

Finally, Zhou Dongyu was found.

Unfortunately, he is looking for "Jingqiu" is too small, I am afraid I can't help Chen Mingliang to kill Matte girl after the 90.

That is a very tiger.

Many people looked at the small shorts of the autumn, they had to sigh, the young is so good, Yuan Yuequan is old.

Chen Mingliang's "Needless Men" is still in production, but "playing life" has also begun to prepare.

That's right, "Heart is ambiguous" is a name that is temporarily touched when the movie is online, and the name of the movie is not so called, and the life is one of the names.

The script has been written, still collecting segments and inverse stages.

The actor said, Chen Mingliang did not intend to change people, and then find Huang Bo and Xu Zheng. The actress did not think about it. The heroine is a literary young woman. Chen Mingliang is of course attentive, and later rejected.

The desire of Ren Jing is not strong, she is now busy now, but Chen Mingliang still doesn't know.

I want to go, Chen Mingliang still chose Yuan Yuxuan, other actors choose to be red or small, such as, two missing girls, he is preliminary, the skin horse and Xiaowei, the name is not a prophet

There is no subject idea of ​​this movie, which is to tell from divorced second-hand male Hao and Hao Yi, Hao Yi from Beijing to Tianmen Mountain to Dali's entire hunting journey.

Ning Hao used two threads, that is, Yao Hao's emotional line and their hunting lines are also going on. Chen Mingliang is intended to imitate, this time he is doing director, but I will not come over.

Although the plot of Dali in the play is important but not much, more important shooting places is actually in Tianmen Mountain.

Tianmen Mountain is a good place.

The most famous here is Tianmen Cave and Wulingyuan.

Tianmen Cave formed in the end of the Three Kingdoms. At that time, it belongs to Wu Guo. At that time, the emperor was Sun Xuan. Sun Xuan is Sun Quan's grandson, only for a few years of emperor.

Tianmen Mountain is already in Xiangxi, but it is still in Wu Guo. It can be seen from here that Wu Guo is very powerful.

It is unfortunate that they have nothing to fight, and finally destroyed by Jin Guo.

In the three countries, it is the smallest area of ​​the country.

Of course, when Guan Yu is still alive, the Shuhan area is also very large. It used to be the divided line of Wu State is a Xiangjiang.

There is a song that sing Peking Opera, its lyrics are like this:

"Blue face's Doulun Pirate Royal Horse, the red face of Changsha."

Guan Yu's Changsha is not a true history, but Guan Yu is in Changsha. It is true.

So far, Shacheng also saves a lot of traces of Guan Gong, like Ma Ruyama, Fujian River, Guanshan and other places, allocated to Guan Yu.

The oranges of Taizu's young Tour is the boundary point of Wu Shu, and Hedong is Wu Guo, Hexi is the country.

Later, Guan Yu defeated Mai City, Liu Bei Di Town, lost in Jingzhou, the country of the country, only Yizhou.

The boundaries between the two countries were forced to the vicinity of the Three Gorges.

The history of the three countries is very chaotic. Zhuge Liang family is also very chaotic. They are typical tripartite bets, Zhuge Liang's Han Han, Zhuge's East Wu, Zhuge Cao Wei.

In the war of Wei Guo, Zhu Ge's son Zhu Ge Xu is one of the leaders.

"Heart Hunghuo" The crew is settled, but now Chen Ming is a teacher, not suitable for a big action.

Therefore, after the boot date is on holiday, it is currently taking a lot of scenarios.

Moreover, there is still something to wait until the crew, that is, waiting for Tianmen Mountain and "Avatar" to talk.

"Avatar" will be released in the mainland after New Year's Day, and a large wave office is swept.

Some bridges in the "Heart of the Hearts" have to wait until the movie "Avatar" is released, so it can also be a wave of "Avatar" heat, which is also advantageous to form a complete story chain.

Otherwise, it is too lazy to get rich.

The first phase of "Needless Men" was very smooth, but the second phase was not so embarrassed.

Because Chen Mingliang lacks a "big health" male god.

Now, Joshan still doesn't know where to do it, the wretched little fat man is not looking for.

I can only take some bridges that don't have a chubby child.

For example: Chen Mingliang goes to do a big health care, Ren Jing is a massage little girl, saying that the vonity of the von teacher Jia Bing plays Chen Mingliang's wife.

Chen Mingliang made a lot of health care, he was arrested by Jia Bing, and then he was so embarrassed, the result happened to go to the last hour, and he went Chen Mingliang.

After shooting out, the effect is very good, Jia Bing is very accurate.

The girl is not much in the comedy, saying less.

And the cross talk is the art of language. If you don't talk about it, it is difficult to touch the audience. Therefore, the girl said that the cross talk is more disadvantageous.

Jia Bell was also aware of this, and this did not say the cross talk.

Ren Jing can help Chen Bangliang's role, it is too rare.

Since the assembly number, Ren Jing has not played any role for a long time. In addition to doing the rest of the product, it is performed in the theater.

Moreover, as a woman, the usual business activities also occupy some of her valuable time.

And these are not calculated, because it is also planning to "make people".

Two people have been married for so long, they have not pregnant yet, this is not scientific.

Under the "Forced Force" of the parents of the two sides, Ren Jing began to prepare for pregnancy.

The first step in pregnancy is that both have to eat folic acids.

Chen Mingliang said that athletes can't take medicine.

Ren Jing ignorant, folic acid can eat, have been in advance.

During this time, Chen Mingliang is a teacher, two people live in Shuangqingyuan crazy for pregnancy.

Seven days a week, every day ...

However, tasting is not necessarily able to broadcast the appropriate seed.

This toss is close to one month, the big aunt is still coming.

Ren Jing began to believe in science.

The medical examination is no problem, the two are very healthy.

Then pay attention to the way.

For ten days, Ren Jing and Chen Ming are normal during the day, but the bed is separated from the bed, but Chen Mingliang is inexplicably, I thought it was a couple of feelings.

Ren Jing bought a large pile of ovulation strips from the pharmacy, starting from the big aunt, starting every morning and evening.

Do not use homework.

Chen Mingliang is very good at a good time.

Until one day, Chen Mingliang just went out and was stopped by Ren Jing: "You can't go today."

"Is it?"

"Today is a very important day, you understand."

"I don't understand."

"You can understand, anyway, you can't go out today."

"But I have lessons."

"Please leave, you will be able to go out today." Said it is a sexy Pose today.

"Oh, it turned out to be this thing, then can I ask?"

"You said."

"Can you change your clothes?"

"what clothes?"

Chen Mingliang took out a set of middle school students, which is similar to sportswear, "change this!"

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