Stylistic road

Chapter 67 Become Famous in One Action

It was just a sub-station of an ordinary National Track and Field Grand Prix. It was beyond everyone's expectation to achieve such a result!

Good results in China, either in the National Games or in intercontinental competitions, rarely achieve such good results in domestic competitions!

Chen Mingliang did it, he did it the first time he participated in the competition!

Chen Mingliang, a 16-year-old player of Dongshan, broke two national records in a row!And they are two projects with a very large span!One is the very difficult 800 meters, and the other is the 100 meters with very high attention. Both events have the advantage and then easily won the championship. Moreover, in the men's 100 meters competition, it is obvious that Chen Mingliang still has Spare power.

I didn't dare to think further, if Chen Mingliang was a little older and played better, what kind of results he would achieve, really need to look forward to it.

What kind of genius is this, what kind of talent is this!

Not to mention the people in the sports circle, the sports media who were present immediately rushed over like a shark in blood.At 800 meters, only some media came to invite and visit, and the 100 meters also won the championship!

This is too rare, too powerful!Without finding Chen Mingliang, the media reporter caught any Dongshan player and started interviewing, asking all about Chen Mingliang, where he is, how old he is, when he joined the provincial team, and what are his characteristics.

At this time, Chen Mingliang was discussing with the national team coach Chen about entering the national team.You can enter the national team, what to do when you study, and what to do when you study.

"I went to the national team for training, is it right in the capital?",

"Yes, it is in the capital, in the Training Bureau of the State Sports General Administration, where many events are trained."

"What about daily study."

"Maybe full-time training."

"I still want to go to high school, I can't fully train out of labor"


In the end, as originally envisaged, Chen Mingliang was admitted and will soon become a member of the national team, and the school will also move to Beijing.

Now the most entangled is the coach Du of the sprint team.Dongshan player has achieved such a result, do you want to call him to the national team immediately?

Is this achievement justified? Will there be any violations of the Anti-Doping Regulations?

Let's wait until the inspection is over, or maybe the results this time are just a flash in the tangled!

The long-distance running team is different.Coach Chen has made up his mind a long time ago and firmly hopes that Chen Mingliang can join the middle and long distance running team. We do not restrict you to practice sprinting, nor to practice 200 meters or 400 meters. You can also second the provincial team coach and still specialize in your work. Coach, if you can continue to maintain good results, the national team will set up a coaching staff for you, in short, will never bury talents.

The negotiation was harmonious and pleasant, and Coach Wang was also happy from the heart, feeling that he was back in the past.

There are too many people to interview. Coach Wang and Coach Chen also held a special press conference to focus on the past and present of Dongshan player Chen Mingliang. At this time, Coach Du was still hesitating whether to put this black boy into the national team. Snatched by Old Chen!.

At the press conference, in addition to introducing Chen Mingliang’s past, he also talked about future arrangements. Chen Mingliang has been recruited into the national track and field team. He will first train in the middle and long distance running team, and then determine the direction of development according to the results. After all, he is only 16 years old!

"What are the goals and plans for the next stage?"

"In the next stage, I will continue to participate in the National Grand Prix, and I will practice with the competition to strive for better results!"

"Chen Mingliang's 100 meters and 800 meters are so good, why didn't he participate in the 200 meters and 400 meters?"

"Chen Mingliang has only practiced sports for a short time and has not fully mastered the technical essentials, so he still needs to strengthen his study. He will definitely participate in the 200-meter and 400-meter events in the future, but he has to wait for the development of technology."

Chen Mingliang didn't speak the whole time, just a clay figure, just laugh there.

The next day, the major sports newspapers rushed to report: the 16-year-old talented track and field athlete broke two national records in a row!;The heroic boy, if you don't break Loulan, you will not return!; How track and field are made, remember the talented young man Chen Mingliang....Various reports have been published, the focus is to highlight that Chen Mingliang is young, has good grades, and has plenty of room for growth.

Chen Mingliang was indeed a boring teenager. He collected a copy of the newspapers and magazines with his own reports and prepared to mail it to his girl, classmate Ren Jing.

In fact, track and field is a niche event after all.Especially in our country, these events are not valued at all, especially in domestic competitions. Who cares whether you break the record or not, have you scored 10 seconds? No, there is nothing to say about it.

Of course, a large part of the reason why you are not taken seriously is that your past performance is really poor, lack of competitiveness in the international arena, sports is the cruelest, everything depends on performance, how can others value you without achieving results.

Look at table tennis, feathers, every head athlete is familiar to everyone.

Tell me again, who is the current record holder for the 400m race in China?Ask 10 people, 9 out of half don’t know, and the remaining half are only known by looking up information.

Both the urine test and blood test records have been released, and Chen Mingliang has no problems with his results!He is the famous No. 1, as long as he wins a few more championships, he is the youngest new brother of the national track and field team.

The trophies and bonuses were distributed on the last day of the competition.

The medal was kept for Chen Mingliang himself, but it was actually bronze with gilded outside.The trophy is crystal, it looks pretty beautiful, this is given to the provincial team's coach, after all, the coaching staff has worked hard.

This is Chen Mingliang's first and second national championship.

He had never thought that he could achieve such results. Although the training results have been achieved, after all, the rankings are really quality.

Of course, there are prizes for the competition, which is not bad. After all, it is a national grand prix.The bonus is pretty good. The first place is 10,000 yuan, which is a record double.Chen Mingliang broke two records in a row. The bonus was only 40,000 yuan, and he only took half, which was more than his salary for a year.

Therefore, for athletes, only performance can change their lives. Otherwise, they are barely alive just like receiving subsistence allowances.

The athletes in the system are about to obey the bonus distribution mechanism. After the bonuses are released, they can't get all of them. They can only get 50%. The remaining units, teams, and others will distribute them.

In this competition, Chen Mingliang actually got 20,000 yuan.Later, after returning to the provincial team, because of the honor earned for the provincial team, the provincial team also gave a reward, which is the same as the national team's bonus, which is also 40,000 yuan, and I got another 20,000 yuan.

Originally, Chen Mingliang's funds were less than 10,000 yuan. This time, he has 40,000 yuan in his account and he has money again!

Still buying a house?

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