After the Qi Rui Xiaoyang of the Language Logistics was sent to the next place, the four hosts no longer appeared two or two, but the same as the party opened, and appeared in front of the camera ...

This time, the four are standing on the edge of the sub-stage, and they are the seats of the National Grand Theater Symphony Orchestra.

The lens perspective is in front of 4 people, and the symphony orchestra is the fluorescent star sea on the rear stadium audience ...

Then, one of the host girls opened:

"The audience friends, our party is good to see ?!"

"Good - see ----!" Tens of thousands of people replied together.

"Our songs are not good.!" Another host boys asked.

"Good - listen ----!" Everyone will answer again.

The third host is a turn:

"But when you have a good evening, there are still a song, and many people will be prepared to go home tomorrow ...

So let us send this evening to a perfect end, ok? ! "

"Good -" Everyone had no such answered this time, only some people responded, obviously is not help ...

"Wow, is it going to end?" Yuan, is located in Huang Yidan, Southwest Rongcheng.

"Also, so many good-looking songs, and so funny small programs, you can't keep going, Li Zhuqian, on the side of Huang Yidan.

Because the previous program is too exciting, I have forgotten the Song Xin Ning of snacks, and I have bored half of the pulley before entering the mouth, and it is clearly:

"This school is awesome!

Yidan, I also want to test this school! "

"Hey? You are a horizontal level!" Two students were surprised.

Ok, it is indeed a role in the purpose of attracting talents from all aspects, and it is indeed the purpose of attracting talent.

Only many students moved to apply for the Thinking of the ICAC, and there were many people who had already entering the society.

Back to the party scene, the host girl holding the microphone:

"Do you know that we will go up and down every day, and there is also the song that is put in the industrial park?"

"Know - Tao ----!" The crowd seems to be mobilized again, just because of the uncomfortable land, it is eliminated.

On the left side, the male boy asked: "Is it especially good?"

"Yes ----!" Everyone replied.

"Then let's sing now," said, the four hosts have reported the name of this song loudly, "" "From the wind"! "

On the scene, a lot of people like Huang Yitan have not heard of this song, they are thinking:

"Is it a ringtone music during the class? We also have ..."

Dark summer was a ringtone of the electric bell, and later slowly, many schools changed the monotonous ringtone to a piece of music, usually a few seconds of lyrics. Music.

Everyone wants to listen to the rings of the United Nations, "Working", what is the song ...

At the scene, the lens has appeared in the main stage, and the black triangle piano on the main stage.

However, at this time they appeared on the other side of the four hosts, the symphony orchestra, there is a race of led.

Ok, when the end, the naked fruit and insisted that it will come out again ...

His stunning performance at this party has made a lot of people who have thought that he is a soil huntet, re-examining this guy, think this kid still has a material ...

Just see the randamo hands and support on the piano button, gently play forward, and the post symphony orchestra is also keeping up.

The lens is turned, and the spotlight gives the stadium's audience seats on a channel step, a boys wearing a plaid sweater, and the top of the headband stands here with "electrical automation" headband, hand takes the microphone opening:

"I walked on the road to stop, and traces that were drifting along the boy.

I was a little hesitant before the station.

I can't help but laugh near the hometown, I am still unavoidable.

And my hometown is still so warm, the wind blows up - "

Here, there is another small detail that is changed, and the original lyrics of the last world are:

"The days of Nagan, still so warm, Feng Shui has played in front of ..."

When I arrived in this world, I didn't have the Nago, so I changed it as a result:

"And the heavens of the hometown are still so warm, the wind blows up in front ..."

Very suitable, not awkward, there is no artistic conception of the song itself.

In addition, "Working" original Japanese lyrics, there are more departments and unfortunateness, but the Chinese filling in the middle of the fierce is more optimistic and active, and it is also more suitable for atmosphere with the background ...

After the boys sang this, the lens turned, on the other side, the same is in the auditorium, one is also unprisoned dress, only the round face girl who is in daily casual wear, lifting the next paragraph:

"In the past, I saw this world, I'm always in love, watching the horizon seems to be in front of you."

I am also willing to go to the fire to go to the fire.

I have been walking in this world, I'm null in love, flip over the years of different faces,

Can't prevent you into your smile ----! "

Arrived at the gavement, whether the teachers and students still have a school-owned enterprise employee, began to sing, they usually listen to this ringtone song,

"Working" is also a special selection of Zhai Xiao fruit, which is suitable for singing, singing, and also suitable for everyone to sing together, so everyone can sing together!

I will listen to the audience.

"I have been difficult to pull in the world, and I have been indulging in the dream."

Don't be true, don't struggle, not afraid of jokes -,

I have turned your youth into her, and I also finished the tip of the summer.

If you are moving, you will go with it.

Walk against the light, Ren Feng blows rain ------! "

This is the most simply neatly neatly neatly neat, because the lives in the scene have been heard very much in their daily.

In pairs, the first time listening live audience is infected by the scene of these million people, all are emotion, the end is a good song that is a classic potential!

Didn't think that the ringtones under the get out of class are so nice? !

And the competitors in other entertainment areas have been thoroughly waived ...

After the end of the interchant, a large number of school-enterprise employees, an employee continues to lead the next singing section:

"The short road is going to stop, and there is a bit of distance,

I don't know the story, or the mood,

Maybe expect, it is, it is enemies with time.

I saw you again, in the morning light, laughing very sweet -. "

When I finally arrived in the chorus, nearly 40,000 people waved with the rhythm of around the hand, with the shocking big chorus to this party's party with a satisfactory date ...

Continued ...

The author's words:

"I wish you all a happy new year! The new year is getting better!"

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