Successful fruit picking system

Chapter 264 Necessary Conditions Wearing Small Shoes

Even if you retire back, assume that a boss has successfully deceived the company's management system and other subordinates, and successfully wearing a small shoe, let him wash the toilet, but in the end, it is necessary to distribute according to labor. ......

Besides, the establishment of the joints of the United Congress and the school enterprises is very clean. The labor time of cleaning aunt is not allowed to exceed 8 hours a day, and the same income is not low.

How do you wear small shoes?

Therefore, the essential premise of wearing small shoes is that there must be a lot of jobs that have a little more, and people are reluctant to do.

However, in the Universiade, all kinds of labor have been used in one person, converted into a social necessary labor time, and then combined with different labor nature to adjust the algorithm,

For example, a certain boss is asking your secretary to grab the work of the green planting, and put the flowers of the whole building on the water.

The last job will also be entered into the system, even if I don't have to report, the company's information collection system, such as those cameras, will also collect information.

The specific and Tianwang system found that the information obtained when a short-sleeved man passed through the road is the same.

At the beginning, some employees questioned this table, saying that I have been shooting under the camera? Feel a little terrible ...

But in fact, the difference between the Universiade and other company companies is only the company's special to inform the employees, not to say that other companies, enterprises and institutions do not have a camera ...

Nowadays, people as long as they have, the corridors, elevators, the streets, shop entrance, company, etc., almost everything has a camera, all being taken ...

Moreover, it is the case of who is taken, where the information is stored, those people can see, they don't know if they were taken by the shooters, and they are not allowed to control themselves ...

The bigger problem is that the place where these monitoring information is stored is a probability that there is no privacy of the encryption protected person.

For example, there will often be a monitoring of various organizational units such as the company, the community, and schools, and accidentally take the intimate picture of the two people, and is privately transferred to the Internet ...

Therefore, in the eyes of the naked fruit, these monitoring systems in the society are all used as a common thing to do with the United States. It is basically in the small probability event. Selective usage information to prepare ...

For example, a company's camera, if employee steals the company, this time the company's monitoring will never be bad;

But if the employee is hit by the people of the company, or the work injury accident, the company's monitoring is not allowed to suddenly appear unknown accidents, did not shoot anything ...

Its underlying principle is that the company does both players and referees, which are made by the company to decide whether to monitor the bad, when it is bad ...

Fastees always feel that now there is now the network era, and a variety of terminal equipment in an economic unit can be connected, and there is no reason to be able to connect the camera.

This thing should be connected directly, there is a third-party institution with privacy management, it is best to supervise and manage the non-profit organizations constituted by the government's official agency.

In this way, once the problem, whether the company is still the party or the employee, no matter which side is strong, which is weak, you can't adjust the monitoring information as a referee, but go to this third-party agency.

This will prevent the strong one is both a player, but also as a referee, which is good to monitor himself. It is good to monitor the behavior of this selective use information.

And this system can greatly reduce the cost of dispersion, management information,

The underlying principle is the same as the concentrated burn coal, the heating is the same, definitely bought coal from each house, then burning coal power generation, heating and saving coal, safer.

So, Asahi and their own school enterprises, as the pilot of the midst of the Secretary of the Secretary as the observers, in order to establish a third-party institution, to regulate the school enterprises in the Communist Party of China.

The reason why emphasizing third-party regulatory agencies are supervised by the non-profit organizations constituted by the government and the representatives of the people, and accept supervision of other ordinary people's network online inquiry information is because of the members of this third-party institution, whether the official or the so-called private Non-profit institutions, with any one, under the premise of being a referee,

Once the interests of the referee, how will the referee say? Do you have a self-moral constraint?

Therefore, it is a third party, but it has to be a cointer, but it is not only a fixed representative of the people, but in the end, it can make the official website to check the information on the official website to check the information, so that the referee instrument Online delete instruments can be found by netizens ...

A small labor compensation calculation problem, you can continue to pull out so many things, and the reasons for the Universiad School Enterprises,

Their Laguata Computational Labor Remuneration This specialized system has solved the employment problem of thousands of students, because there is a need to solve too many problems, must be proceed,

Just give a very specific example, you know how complicated.

For example, how to calculate the labor remuneration of writing code?

In the end, labor is calculated according to the number of lines, or calculates according to the simple and effectiveness?

So it's hard to understand this professional, it is not a matter of work, and finally allocate more ...

Including a lot of people, a person's live children, two people doing, so some positions will have increased communication with each other.

This needs to improve communication efficiency, and then related majors must be resolved.

It seems that it is also a science, which is also a science, and also needs people to study and advance.

After many large enterprises in Dadia, it has been issued after a problem. It takes great consideration from foreign countries, which is the same as other industries, such as the chips that are often used to exemplify ...

If you don't have anyone, you will use others, but you don't know how to make it.

The same is true of the management system, and it is necessary to recruit scientists in relevant majors to design, experiment, improvement.

Only one salary problem is such a complex system, so in the fruit, the more people need to study, the more people need to study, so there is only the case where people are not enough, there is no way to try to reduce the number of people ...

As can be seen here, there is less research in the production of Polywa, in fact, it is not very accurate.

At least in schools and school-enterprises, because of the need to organize production and distribution in new ways, we have to deal with new problems, and explore other objects that are still in the old way, in a constant research and attempt.

This lead is not only in Dashi, even if it is globally, considering that it is developed or developing countries, it is basically in vintage, capital, core organizational production and distribution, so The United Congress can now plug in waist:

Please don't misunderstand, I am not just a person, but all the exclusive strange!

Continued ...

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