Successful fruit picking system

Chapter 272 Wishing Level

In the various facilities built for employees, the largest, the most complete facilities, including docking education and training resources are also richer, and the employee training of county-gun will be,

There are 40 counties in the whole big summer, and the crowds of Jozi are built in the capital of each county, with a total of 40 training health centers!

The location of these 40 semichesis places, there is a campus,

Some after the establishment, because there is not much passenger flow, I can't run it, basically becomes the resort of the ghost town.

There is also the kind of amusement city that is full of wonderful buildings.

So that he took over and distributed 40 places in the 40th place, the overall rent is added, and even 10 billion is useless ...

Some places, I have always insisted on connecting with the debt, so many years have no one, this is always empty.

In the end, I can't hold it, I will completely give up, turning into a bad thing ...

After the fruit is intended, many places feel that someone picks up, and the development is always more powerful, so it will be sent directly to the treatment within 5 years, so it is so cheap ...

After the random succeeds, start synchronization to upgrade these 40 future employee training health centers.

He first issued a state in playing the worker App:

"Two things,

One is a training institution with our school-owned enterprise, and the two are the most invested in various industries.

Previously, we went to see other adult training institutions, especially the various training courses to test adult education.

Basically, there is a few books after paying, and the rest, I will go to the exam.

The test process is also very perfunctory. I don't have anything on the examination room.

It can be said that these things are almost meaningless than white flowers!

So, in the future, it is recommended that the big-summer professional certification alliance, the school-enterprise will also use the most gold-free exam recommended to everyone. If you are interested, you can choose to register.

The home of the county-level city has a training point. The teacher's teacher will directly come to the employee's home teaching building to the class, train,

The staff of the village and towns didn't have to worry. I read a lot of people lived in the county, just going to the village network in the working day. I went home in the weekend or in the turn.

Even if the home is in the village town, it is nothing to do. However, let's stay very prominent. It turned out that it is five years, and now it is, it is already three-stop, and there is also a prescribed year holiday.

So these leisure time can go to the nearest county first-level employee home, there are prepared dorms, eating, sports venues, etc. same free, training, education and training costs are also assumed by school enterprises.

The specific class is carried out on the Workman App, the interface is the same as the cinema, the blue seat can be selected, to the specified time, find the corresponding classroom and seat.

Because all free, in order to avoid the situation, do not cherish the situation, there will be corresponding punishment mechanisms. For example, it must be on the class, the fingerprint or brush sign in, the dormitory health, the canteen has waste.

The second thing is that the county family training health center, in addition to the various sports facilities and training courses in the county level, there will be more difficult, more challenging sports training programs,

At present, I think that the civil aviation small plane and the skydiving can be matched.

As for other interesting sports, everyone can make a wish,

Not necessarily achievable, anyway to satisfy. "

The first state of the race is blown out, and the underlying review area has been more than 50,000 comments, there are also various replies in each comment.

Mainly, there are many workers in the joint colleges! All added together has exceeded 600,000, one person will be added 600,000 ...

Fortunately, in many people's ideas, I got up at the comment area. I found that I have already had the same wish as I have, I will directly, otherwise the number of comments is definitely more than this ...

Some people ridiculous, the planes have all the planes, there is also the project of the sea.

I didn't expect it, I really got the reply of Dai Di:

"This can be, link: ..."

Everyone looked at the link. It turned out that Zhai Di also issued a small piece of life ...

I saw this seems to be a place in the tropical seabed, the lens shot from the bottom of the water, except for the sparkling water, the most conspicuous, the fish in the sea, there is a silver white, and there is also a bright Yellow,

It seems to be in order to confuse the predator, the fish can maintain the same swivel trajectory, which constitutes a changing fish swatch whirlpool ...

In the white sand of the sea, you can also see the shipwreck, coral, and even giant sculptures and ancient buildings that will sink into the sea.

With a BGM who sang with a female voice, there is a kind of mood that I want yourself.

When the lens took a man and a female two divers, we found the window with a huge giant cast stitching board with a huge giant cast, and the gang found that this seems to be a place in aquarium. ?

A man and a female two divers, one is playing with the fish, and the other is changing with various angles, and it is enviable ...

Until the two people slammed the surface, picking up the mask, the people saw that men were Zhai Xiao fruit, female is a very popular small sister in the worker community, ranking the top ten beech at the West Terco Studying, after graduation, it is available for a search engine giant.

After getting this kind of work experience, return to the country, working on a domestic Internet giant,

Later, because I couldn't stand overtime and local house prices, I have been recruited by Iron.

Usually to the students, but also have technical posts in the network platform of the UN Service Station ...

Two people are located in the new library of the United Congress ...

Yes, here is actually not aquarium, but a library ...

In order to let the teachers and students prefer their own campus, especially for the preheating of the enrollment plan of the next semester.

I said before, although only more than 6,000 people, but originally in order to accommodate 30,000 students, even further, prepare for the national establishment of chain collection,

Therefore, the campus covers an area of ​​more than 6,000 acres, and the construction area is more than 2.3 million square meters.

Although more than 6 million square meters have been more than 6 million square meters more than Zheng Guoqiang, there is a lot of more than 6 million square meters, but it is also a lot more than the side of the Nihe City, China University of Technology and the Shuhe City Engineering University. SCIENCE SCIENCE

In contrast, the 11th floor matchbox library is very small, and many times the students are too lazy to go to the library, but to choose the canteen or the college, the college is getting self-study ...

Ever since, the fruit of the randamo took the original library to blast, built a new ...

Overall shape and internal design, referring to the design of the previous sedaha in Abu Dhabi Performing Art Center,

Of course, the fruit only has seen a few pictures in the last world, so he is just a few sketch charts with memory, and the rest is given to several architectural design, and they have been established. Teachers and students in architectural design are also involved ...

Continued ...

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