Successful fruit picking system

Chapter 283 Serious Q & A

Since Universiad and School Enterprise No problem, people's attention has moved to the fruits of Jozhao.

In the next few days, this guy has sent a lot of their own small fragments in the workman APP, including the previous ridiculous meal, and the environment of the Jinhan Guest.

For example, this place seems to prevent the respondents from jumping off the building, one person stops all, the window is not killing, can't open ...

In short, these Tianzhai Xiao Fruit with the interaction of everyone in the Internet is much more frequent than before.

It is also because this guy has been very busy. The result of the success of the alien civilization,

If he is not a survey in the Golden Hanji, he is really not idle ...

However, Jozi fruit is in the community of workers' communities, but also let him take away this investigation and more easily and clear, onlookers, the nets are more and more believe that this guy is probably no problem,

Otherwise, even if there is no possibility to communicate with the outside world, it can be so easy, and you will have a vacation on a holiday every day.

Zhai Said, every day, there is a routine survey period, you can chat with netizens, but the process of the question is still very serious, it is a bit like an interview, he is sitting on the other side, and do it on the other side. A village,

The opposite is responsible for questioning, each has a division, one person is responsible, and occasionally insert a nozzle, grab a detail supplement, the rest is recorded, some seem to be on the scorpion fruit Assessment with the limbs, there is still nothing to do at all ...

Fastees found that the average ages of these publicators of the investigation team have the average age. If there is a charter, such as calling it back to ask a detail, and you can feel that the other party will never play the table. The eye is set, but the business is very strong!

He is even feeling that the original Summer talents have entered the head enterprises in addition to the head enterprises, and they have been absorbed by the government, and they don't know if they can dig...........................................................................................................

Unfortunately, the fruit of the random fruit is harvested to absorb old brand strong wealth. The fruit is there, there is no loophole!

The most critical wealth of the middle has caused a huge blackbox by the system.

The large-scale and small rogues in the country have used all kinds of countertops and can't have a tablet on their traditional land and non-traditional sites, but they can't find problems. The investigation team is obviously impossible to touch. There is something that doesn't exist at all ...

This morning, Jozi's fruit is like an interview to come to the old place in the examination room. The people on both sides have been familiar with each other. The interview ends, they can even eat together.

It is said that if there is a double-finger investigation, it is all in the room, and it will not allow yourself to go to the dining hall ...

Opposite, responsible for questioning is the only aged middle-aged person in the investigation team, but it is less than 40 years old.

Although it is a brand-name, it is still like the old Xue ...

Old Xue turned the information and asked:

"In fact, you will even say that when we came before, you can even say that our investigation team has come, and it has been concerned and investigated.

It is indeed no problem, even more than those companies that are generally taxable tax-lend tax, so don't continue to waste time here ...

Still talk about yours with the fruitful companies that have been investing in the fruit company ... "

Radiko said: "No problem, as long as I know, know all."

Comrade Old Xue turned the information and asked:

"South-black sketch company in this black continent, last year, I have earned you a wealth worth 800 million green paper last year. How many grass shoes do you have to sell?"

"Ah? South black grass shoes?" The fruit is a girl, and the company has created from the world to jump to jump. Today, there is no one tomorrow. He doesn't know that there is such a company ...

So he can only tell the truth:

"This, I really don't know, there are too many companies invested, too messages, I can't remember ...

Besides, even if I remember this company, can they have, how many things have been sold? How much is it, it is not my tube?

I only know that my picking fruit company vote, they have to give us money ... "

Although this is a truth, it is indeed a problem, but it is completely a pot to answer, a child "How do they make money, I don't know, I only know the money," ""

The self-assisted sister is perhaps these days have been tired of these days, and I will say it behind, others say:

"Otherwise, the Ministry of Ombuds asked here, returning to the people in Guoan to try, I heard that they can do more."

Although the sister said about the person of the investigation team, a few people are laughing, but this is obviously to help the fruit,


"You said this, it seems that you don't work with it ...

You should know me very well, let's talk to the words, say that I know anything, I don't know what to say,

The problem is, I really don't know!

The brothers of Guoan came, and I can't help but know that I know I know?

Let's take a look at the big and medium-sized rogues outside, what is the means useless?

I invested in a lot of endless ends who have no reason they have no reason, I heard that I still die, can I find out?

Finally, I don't still run to the nationality court, then play the public opinion war.

The truth is true, this year is an illegal business, unless the official doesn't want to check, as long as I go to check, how can I not find out?

Obviously, there is no problem at all! "

Old Xue had a face of Xiangxiang:

"Cheng, When this salad shoes, South-hairambers companies buy grass shoes to the whole black continent, and then earn a few billions,

Can you come so many grass shoes? !

In addition, the whole black continent, but there are shoes on the feet, the southeast neighbors of the planing have been transferred to some of the shoes production capacity. Which pair of shoes are not produced by Summer? What is they buying sashimi?

After bought it, where is the grasshop? How can I not see someone to wear? "

The fruit is thinking about the fruit:

"Will it be hanging to the bed and evil evil?

I have a beautiful country's TV series, I have a dream network in the bed, saying that I can catch a nightmare, let people only do a beautiful dream ...

It is not what foreigners must have superstitious, they also spit, big summer people have no beliefs ... "

The human face of the investigation team was convulsted, which clearly caused a crit by the answer to Zhai.

"The small island in the middle of the South Hemisphere, this lottery company, the country is less than 100,000 people, how to sell lottery is soldier than the national ten years GDP?" Lao Xue asked again.


"What is the family of people don't think it is good to speculate, I will fight with the daring Lenovo.

Will it be combined with the Internet, engage in the Internet, sell the lottery to foreign countries? "

Continued ...

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