Chapter 10


Manager Pei:Commander Sufeng.

Manager Pei. A man of utmost virtue. A scholarly person known among many. A blessed and cursed man. Banned to the dark worlds. A man who will lay his life for the WangFu sat down completely perplexed at the sudden visit. Any type of visit will do. But from A cold person as such? A person known to have a strong mind and temperament. It was as though he was looking at Sufeng Hwang. In fact he was feeling the same excitement,comfort and insecurity just as when he had met that9 little firecracker. A name his wife has come to call the little girl.

Sufeng Chi:Why?? Was manager Pei expecting someone else?

Sufeng Chis only purpose of coming to such a place below his status was very simple. To clear out all traces related to his younger sibling. Since going one has always known that Ones sister had a strong character and calm personality and could see through many things. But what blinded this person and made him not to like this sibling of his was simple. She was too good. Her heart was too pure and wished good to everyone. A weak point that anyone could easily exploit . This has even  gone as far that a year ago Prince Arch upon hearing this from many sources of her great heart of kindness and that was talked about practically everywhere and praised found her to be foolish ,immature and unappealing. He had frowned on such behaviour. But since the day Sufeng Hwang had woken up after her savage fall from that cursed horse and had been reprimanded by Mother Bai,something seems to have changed. Her personality as a whole. To go as far as to see through the royal plans? Even he who knew,had to stand back after delivering this exact plan to Prince Arch who had said to stand down. He had plans for him. Kill Prince Hu first . Solution later. He was a straight forward person but who knew that two heads are better than one? Sufeng Qui with sewing  discord and him having the eliminAtion idea. Sufeng Hwang had thought of both their ideas and executed it. She didn't hold back. Something he shouldn't have.

Sufeng Hwang this brother is very proud of you. He thought to himself .

That was why. This had to be done. If ever someone else were to notice these changes. God knows the future.

Manager Pei:That IS not the case. It is just that one knows. That I and General Sufeng do not get so on a paper. Much in relation . That is why.

Sufeng Chi :Ayo Ayo tsk.  Uncle how could I not visit? That would truly be disrespectful. And who said you could not be on same paper? We both strive for the good of Zhang empire....tsk anyways. One has only come to answer a question you askd me.

Sips his tea casually.

​​Manager Pei : A question?

No matter how he tried he could not help than to sweat. First Prince Arch who came giving him a warning. And now a Sufeng? How did he get into all this mess? According to the Prince people were on his trace. You acted recklessly.  Though he had praised. He had also warn. But here was another saying he asked a question he didn't. What was really going on? 

Sufeng Chi:Oho. ....don't tell me you've forgotten you old man. Aho I am truly suffering.

He was been dramatic. And Manager Pei could not help but to think this person was truly playful. If reminded him of the Prince. A two faces tiger. Only that ,that person was a dragon without limits.

Sufeng Chi :*waves his hands absently*You asked number twelve.  Who was behind her.

Manager Pei :(i never said)

SufenChi: You never said... but you thought. Allow me to answer you that question. It was me. You of all people must be aware that this world will not be safe any more.the animosity among brothers is really pitiful. None of my brother's are trustworthy. I trust first elder brother because we both wish to protect those we Love though we also have our dreams . But the others,I cannot trust. We are half brothers. I can trust number eleven. However. He already suffers enough to put another lot of coal on his head. *laughs nervously*and nobody suspects a girl. She was a perfect weapon. I know what you are thinking*starts waving again* of. Thst was dangerous but worth it. She did a good job as well. And she is too pure of heart to think so.



Manager Pei:(He looks sincere. Innocent?that was not the look in her eyes. But then. Whom am I kidding. No matter still. She's a Sufeng .)*sighs and smiles in satisfaction* I thought so too. This has done good to everyone. He was a major danger to absolutely everyone.

Sufeng Chi:You worry too much.*fake smiles*

Me:It looks so real.

Editor:*says excitedly *isn't it? I personally added this part. Cool guy?

Translator:   .....

Me:  ..... (there was really nothing great about it. Just a remark geez . You taking things too seriously.)

Manager: .....

Supervisor: ....

Reader: .....

Editor: ...(this silence is killing me. Better continue)*starts typing*

Me,Supervisor,manager, translator :(Thank God)

Manager Pei:*smiles mildly*I guess it is just my protective side. Becoming a Father has its effects as well.

Sufeng Chi:(I do not believe so.)*hands over an envelop* here is your reward. A little gift as promised. All thanks to God highness.

Manager Pei: *bows*this official is grateful.

Sufeng Chi:Good. Now where is aunty? This unfilial child wishes to repent please lead the way.

Manager Pei:(you think i serve you and those bunch of red eye bills? Hmmmft. It is only a time until I take revenge for my family. Sufeng,WangFu,UK. Soon. Very soon I shall bring you down. Just like I have done so. Years from now.)

Sufeng Chi:(I do not feel. Anything good about this person. Nothing good.)

Zhang Border.

??:Sir.... when do we attack?

...;:Patience. Let us allow the sun to rise at least. It Will all be worth it. Tell me lieutenant Su.

Lieutenant Su:Sir?

.....:Do you not like to kill two birds with one stone? They are weak now. Let us kill. Hmmmmft.

Lieutenant Su:Of course but what about him?

.....:Do not bother. No harm will come to him.What Will be the fun in that? One has a special treatment in reserve. They underestimate us now. They will regret tomorrow.

Kun Ning Palace

A young fragile jade case stood under the heating Sun and Cold ground. This Jade seem to glitter under the sun and pale within the cold. A well polished Jade surrounded  by interior colours. Blinding perfectly with the snow. Sufeng Hwang was this Jade person that looked so beautiful. Like a petal that has fallen. As indeed that was what she was. She was kneeling on the cold ground before the palace of her most prestigious Majesty Zhang UK. This was a punishment worth it. A sacrifice worth it. Remembering the reason of her punishment,she couldn't help and mildly smiled with a look of ridiculeness shining in her eyes.

She could still remember. Sufeng Chi had gone into a sudden rage and pounced on the eunuch!!! He had loss his composure and went rogue after the announcement. Poor eunuch.... so defenseless. Those pour maidens suffered as well. Guilty by association.

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