"Not enough to be afraid of."

Yang Ji waved his hand.

"In addition, pay more attention to the situation in Wagang Village. If Li Mi of Wagang Village wants to attack, you can also save Qin Qiong and others."

In the end, Yang Ji exhorted deliberately.


Pei Min complied, and then slowly backed away.

Yang Ji continued to look at some memorials, all of which were presented in secret.

"Lord Pei walk slowly."

After Pei Min walked out, Yu Chi said respectfully.

Pei Min didn't even look at Yu Chi Gong this time, and left quickly.

When he came, he seemed calm, but when he left, his pace was fast.

...the next day above the hall.

"His Royal Highness, there are bridges and buildings in the area, which have been damaged for a long time because of the rebels, and the official roads also need to be built."

Yu Wenhua and Gongshou came out and said.

Indeed, in order to form favorable terrain, many rebels will damage bridges, houses, etc.

What's more, the official way is also destroyed.

This is all to stop the Sui army from leading the army.

Such things are most common after the seclusion and the resumption of the two states.

"Where is the Minister of Industry"

Yang Ji asked in a deep voice.

"The minister is here!"

Pei Yun, who was the minister of the Ministry of Industry, handed over to the column.

This person is a noble of Hedong, and he is also an official of the former dynasty, and is also reused by His Majesty today, and he has become the Minister of Works.

Regarding the construction of bridges or the destroyed houses, it is necessary for people from the Ministry of Industry to take action.

"This matter is handed over to the Ministry of Industry, and the sooner it is dealt with, the better."

Yang Ji said in a deep voice.

"I will never disgrace my mission!"

Pei Yun arched his hands excitedly.

This is an opportunity to serve His Highness, and he must seize it.

"How much money is needed, we will ask for it from the household department."

Yang Ji even said this.

As soon as these words came out, Li Tongke, the minister of households, heard the words, and he hesitated for a while.

He was worried that by virtue of His Highness's words, Pei Yun would wantonly demand money from the household.

But Li Tongke thought about it for a while, if that's the case, isn't Pei Yun looking for guilt during this critical period, and embezzling the money from the state's treasury is tantamount to looking for death.

And looking at Pei Yun's appearance, he was eager to express his loyalty to His Majesty, and he certainly did not dare to commit corruption, so naturally he didn't have to worry about it.

Yu Wenhua and said this matter, it is not too much to say.

The DPRK meeting has reached this point, and it can basically come to an end.

In the recent court meetings, there are not many things reported, and there are no major events. This is a sign that the national conditions of the Great Sui Dynasty are stable and that they are developing in a good direction.

"Something happened.

Start playing, and retreat without incident!"

At this moment, the director of internal supervision slowly walked over and said loudly.


After seeing that the ministers in the court did not respond, the chief of internal supervision shouted.

Yang Ji got up from the futon, and, surrounded by the supervisor and others, slowly left the imperial passage.

"The state is stable, is the grandson going to start the next expedition?"

Looking at His Highness leaving the imperial passage, Li Yuan murmured.

Since the state is stable, but the civil strife still exists, Yang Ji will indeed choose to send troops here to fight the rebellion.

Li Yuan pondered, he had not seen Li Shimin and Li Xiuning for a long time, he should let them come back and have a good meal before leaving.


Chapter [-] In the Li family mansion.

Mrs. Li prepared the meal early and waited for Li Shimin and Li Xiuning to return.

These two brothers and sisters have rarely been able to return since they followed His Royal Highness.

Fearing that the imperial grandson would leave after handling state affairs, Li Yuan decided to call Li Shimin and Li Xiuning home and have a good meal.

"It's already this hour, wouldn't it be His Royal Highness that sent troops again?"

Mrs. Li said with some concern.

As the suppression of the rebellion has progressed to the present, the grandson may suddenly send troops to quell the rebellion at any time.

"No, after today's court meeting, the grandson will accompany the queen."

Li Yuan shook his head and said.

The grandson should not suddenly send troops today, and even if he does, it will be around tomorrow: the time is right.

"Hey, Shimin can go, and I don't know what Ning'er thinks, so he went to make a fool of himself."

Mrs. Li said with a bit of atmosphere.

Originally, Li Xiuning and Li Shimin were able to accompany the two elders at home, but now these two children are following the grandson of the emperor.

With the departure of the two of them, this Li Mansion also became empty.

Step on.

There was a sound of horse hooves treading, and then I saw two fast horses quickly approaching the Li residence.

Hearing this news, Mrs. Li hurried out of the mansion.

Then I saw Li Shimin and Li Xiuning coming quickly.

Because of the march, Li Shimin's complexion turned a little darker.

On the contrary, Li Xiulin's complexion was still snow-white, and he looked valiant in his military uniform.

"If you two don't come back, your mother will be angry."

Li Yuan stroked his beard with his hands behind his back, walked out of the mansion slowly and smiled.

"Son, have you fought with the emperor's grandson all the way... have you endured hardships?"

Madam Li was angry just now, but now she is trembling.

Seeing the two elders, Li Shimin also felt a sore nose. After the battle at Yanmen Pass, the two hadn't returned home.

If you count the days carefully, it is estimated that there will be about two months.

And as the counter-insurgency progresses, I am afraid that one day I will go to the south. At that time, I am afraid it will not be a matter of January or two months.

"Mother, the baby is.... I didn't endure hardship, everything is fine."

Li Shimin took a deep breath and smiled.

"Yeah, we saw my brother some time ago."

Li Xiuning then said.

"As soon as your brother went to Taiyuan, he didn't go home for some years, and this time he didn't know how to stop by and have a look."

Mrs. Li said with some resentment.

"He is the governor of Taiyuan County, how can he leave when he says he leaves?"

Li Yuan shook his head helplessly.

Mrs. Li didn't say much, he quickly took Li Shimin and Li Xiuning inside, and told them not to think about anything, not to talk about anything, eat the delicious food on the table, Li Xiuning swallowed hard saliva.

She hasn't eaten her mother's food for a long time, so she misses it very much.

Even though I have eaten some delicacies from the mountains and seas during this time, how can it be compared with the delicious food and wine at this table? Li Shimin's emotions reappeared, his voice was a little choked, but he kept restraining himself.

"When I return to the Eastern Capital this time, when does His Highness plan to continue the march?"

Li Yuan first broke the silence in the dining room and said.

Mrs. Li originally wanted to say something, but she also wanted to know about it, so she became quiet.

"I don't know your Highness's plans at the moment, but I'm afraid it won't be a few days."

Li Shimin, who had restrained his emotions, said.

When it comes to this, he will appear to be more emotionally stable.

Li Yuan frowned slightly when he heard the words, even Li Shimin and Li Xiuning didn't know when to send troops, what is His Royal Highness going to do next?" But according to the child's estimation, His Royal Highness is probably in these two places. Around the sun: the troops will be dispatched."

Li Xiuning said.

After all, the affairs of the state have been dealt with, and the relevant officials have also been arranged. When the national situation is stable, with the character of the emperor's grandson, he will indeed march quickly and quickly quell all the rebellions in the Great Sui Dynasty.

In this way, the peace of the entire Sui Dynasty was restored.

"Two days."

Li Yuan stroked his chin and beard and repeated.

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