Summon a small skeleton at the start

Chapter 120 Little Skeleton Mage

Quancheng, the secret realm of the big cemetery.

Little Skeleton's evolution and Lu Wu's advancement were made together.

The process went smoothly.

After all, Lu Wu had prepared everything that should be prepared, and with a big boss like Li Kai watching, how could it not go well?

In about three hours, the evolution of the two was completed one after another.

Lu Wu opened his glasses here.

I feel that the world before me is clearer than ever.

This should have been an enjoyable experience, but unfortunately, he is now in the big cemetery.

Ever since, this clarity is dying.

It maximizes the stench, decay, and unsightly of the big cemetery.

Lu Wu was a bit hygienic at first, and couldn't bear being treated like this on the spot. His face turned pale after brushing, and a dry itchy throat almost didn't come out.

Li Kai beside this is nervous.

"Ms. Xiaolu, what's the matter with you? Is something uncomfortable?"

"it's okay no problem!"

Lu Wu covered his mouth and took a long time before he came back.

As soon as Lu Wuzai recovered, he discovered something unexpected.

He found that he could see the attributes of the giant storm bear. Although not all the attributes, although he still had various question marks, Lu Wu did see it without touching the giant storm bear.

Goldfinger upgraded?

This surprised Lu Wudao.

Although it seems that it has only been upgraded without touching this point, and it seems that there is a distance limit of more than five meters to be seen, but this is still a surprise to Lu Wu.

At least, it is much easier to find someone to'touch the bird' than before.

While Lu Wu was pleasantly surprised, Li Kai beside him was also excited.

"The evolution of Little Skull has also been completed. Teacher Xiaolu, you have succeeded. You have really researched the evolution of Little Skull's mage!"

Lu Wuyi was taken aback, and for the first time he raised his head and looked at Little Skull. Lu Wuyi couldn't help but raise his mouth.

At this moment, the little skeleton has completed its evolution, and its appearance has changed to a certain extent.

The height of the skeleton did not increase much, and stabilized at 1.6 meters.

But it has a white robe on its body, and the baseball bat in its hand will become a bone stick that is about the same height as the bone of the little skull.

The little skeleton in this meeting was looking at the bone stick in his hand and the extra clothes on his body with special curiosity.

"Don't even mention it, once this robe is worn, the bone stick is really alike."

Lu Wu's mouth raised a corner and summoned the little skull over there.

Unexpectedly, it was okay for Lu Wubu to speak. When he opened his mouth, Little Skeleton's brain turned and appeared like "Little Skeleton is not happy, Little Skull doesn't want to care about Lu Wu".

Lu Wunatural knew how to deal with the skeletons he raised.

"Can't come by? But don't expect me to buy you a mobile phone!"

In a word, the little skull can only come over in aggrieved situation.

No way, who told it to have no money.

Also, mobile phones are also real, how can they break so easily?

Is there no such kind of non-destructible cell phone in this world?

As the little skeleton approached, its attributes appeared in front of Lu Wu.


Name: Smart and violent little skeleton mage (one evolution)

Strength: 1 star (Elite)

Quality: Normal (upgrade)

Attributes: Undead, Thunder, Underfire

Status: Grieved (Does Lu Wu want to burn your little skull? The fire just now is so big! Little Skull’s phone is broken again! Little Skull is very unhappy!)


Basic melee: Charge (Master) Block (Master) Dodge (Master) Cleave (Master)

Basic Spells: Bone Fang (Proficient) Bone Shield (Proficient) Hand of Corruption (Proficient) Bone Prison (Proficient) Bone Spear (Proficient)

Special skills: charging (proficient)

Advanced skills: Ghost Fire (not mastered) Thunder (not mastered)

Talent: One mind and two uses (you can cast two spell skills at the same time, but it will increase energy consumption by 30%)

Spell boost (primary) (passively increases spell power by 15%)


Weaknesses: light, fire

Accompanying equipment: mysterious bone staff, mage robe

Note: The hanging is like this, what do you want me to say?

Forget it, just say something, don't get too close to it, or it will blow your dog's head with a bone stick!


Item: Mysterious Bone Staff

Quality: Bronze (in doubt)

Side effects: unknown

Explanation: It seems to be useless at the moment, pretending to be okay, but it doesn't seem to be very helpful for casting spells.

By the way, it seems to be very hard, there is no problem with knocking on the head.

In addition, killing more summoned beasts, or charging it up, seems to be beneficial to it.


Item: Wizard's Robe

Quality: Normal

Side effect: cleaning and repairing (1 time 1 day)

Explanation: Yes, you didn't see that this is a piece of clothing with its own cleaning and repairing function, except that it has no other effects.


How to say it, when Lu Wu saw the new attributes of Little Skull, it was a special surprise.

This little guy not only succeeded in evolving, but also improved in strength, directly reaching the elite 1 star.

Get two talents at once, plus one advanced skill to master.

Once the little skeleton mastered the two advanced spells, the combat power would immediately surpassed.

Although Little Skull was also over-exploited because of its potential, the quality fell directly from bronze to ordinary, but it was all worthwhile and Lu Wu was very satisfied.

If it weren't for this little guy to be too dirty now, Lu Wu might have been holding this little guy and nibbling wildly.

In contrast, the attributes of the little guy's two companion equipment made Lu Wu a little disappointed.

After reading it, he was full of two words: this is it?

"It's really blind to my expectations, and the mage's robe is fine. I didn't expect the bone rod to be like this.

I was particularly surprised when I saw the electric stick turned into a bone stick. I thought the little skull could have a powerful external equipment, but it turned out to be an ornament after a long time of trouble."

Of course, Lu Wu said so, but he still had a little expectation of this bone stick in his heart.

After all, the quality of this thing is not low, it has reached bronze, and it seems that killing the summoned beast can grow.

When Lu Wu saw the last one, he hesitated. Although he was fed up with the environment of the big cemetery, Lu Wu finally chose to bring a small skeleton to spawn monsters.

No way, he was really curious about what this bone stick would look like after spawning monsters.

With Lu Wu's current situation, it is actually not difficult to clean monsters, after all, he still carries a Li Kai.

They directly found a carrion grave nearby. The bear of Li Kai's family released a leader-level power and directly stunned the carrion. Then the little skeleton went up with full firepower for a burst and easily harvested a large wave of summoned beasts. .

It's that simple to level up with novices!

In just half a day, Lu Wu and the others carried 4 carrion graves, and the number of carrion corpses falling under the firepower of the small skeletons reached hundreds.

After this slaughter, the bone staff attribute of the little skeleton also changed.

[Energy reserve is complete!

Yes, this change!

There seemed to be no others at all, and Lu Wu's mentality collapsed on the spot!

"Nothing? It's gone?"

It took him half a day to destroy hundreds of carrion corpses, only to exchange such words.

Isn't this cheating?

If he knew this was the case, wouldn't he just go home without fragrance?

"Forget it, no matter, go home! Go home first and study this slowly!"

Lu Wu really was tired.

He stayed in this broken place for almost ten days.

In these ten days, it was really not easy for him to sleep and eat without a good meal, and he did not sleep peacefully.

The most terrible thing is the environment of the big cemetery.

Lu Wu felt that if he stayed here, he would be pickled by the stench here.

Go back to the secret camp.

Lu Wu immediately took the little skeleton to the bathhouse in the camp to take a bath.

This is the longest bath Lu Wu has taken in his life.

It took more than an hour to use two bottles of shampoo and shower gel. After washing Lu Wu felt that his hair was about to soak, he gave up.

After taking a shower and leaving the secret realm, Lu Wu called Lu Haikong the first time on the way back.

He stayed in the secret realm for ten days and had eaten chaffy vegetables for ten days. It was not easy to go home and he wanted a good meal.

After learning the lesson from last time, he wants to call early to let the family prepare.

As a result, he called and found that he couldn't get through.

Lu Wu tried several times but couldn't get through.

"What's the situation? The phone was broken by Nini?"

While muttering, Lu Wu dialed Li Ruyu's phone, but it still couldn't get through.

This made Lu Wujun stunned, a little worried, and he quickly called Dudu.

Well, Dudu picked it up for the first time.

"Lu Wu!"

Lu Wu's nervous heart calmed down a bit when he heard the sound of surprise.

"Dudu, where's my parents? What are they doing? No one answers no matter how I call."

Hearing Lu Wushi's question, Dudu felt a little depressed: "Uncles and aunts are on their honeymoon!"

"What the hell?" Lu Wu was a little bit dumb, what kind of honeymoon did this old couple spend?

"Where did they go? When did they go? When did they come back? And why didn't they tell me?"

When Lu Wu's jewel-like question was answered like "I don't know" Uncle didn't say it.

Lu Wu's brain buzzed, and he couldn't help but wonder if he was abandoned, right?

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