Summon a small skeleton at the start

Chapter 418 Lin Jianying's experience

Dumo death, plus the memory of Liuchuan Longmir, let the depression of ignore itself in a huge vortex.

Behind he doesn't know, there are also a few power to play on his body.

His current situation can be said to be quite dangerous.

But there is no ignoring this kind of danger.

Because he suddenly realized that in this world, it seems that it seems to be reprincinal.

His mother is this example.

Thresholds, as long as you have a door, you should have a power of resurrection.

Thinking of this, there is no way to temporarily make anything chaotic.

He just wants to know, can you save it?

"Bar, can the door let the doodle resurrected?"

There is no look at the door of Lin Jianying, and it is looking forward to it.


Lin Jianying slightly puts the head under his head: "In theory, the door fragment is indeed a resurrection ability, but you need a piece of door to wash well.

And this piece of debris has not been used. "

"How to say?"

"The door is divided into two kinds, one is not found, there is no fragment being washed.

This kind of fragments that are not washed without a wish.

Only some pieces of fragments come with a lot of power, and its power is generally not extracted.

If you want to really have a door, you must find a way to wash the debris.

Only by washing complete debris will have a wish, the power in the fragment can be called smoothly.

In addition, after washing is complete, the debris will restore the initial state and need to be retranslated. "

"Do you want to be so troublesome with the door?" The land is not very dissatisfied, can you find a shot to be directly resurrected?

On the Dudu resurrection, the land is not really waiting for a moment.

But I think that my old man seems to be very difficult when you resurrect your mother, and there is only one thing that can only be resistant to the heart: "How do this to wash?"

"There is only one way to know, that is, it is constantly improving it with energy space.

This is an extremely long process.

Usually a piece of debris is tens or even a hundred years of time to wash success.

In addition, during the washing process, special emotions fluctuate or do certain special things will accelerate the process of washing.

Someone is a murder,

Someone is saving people, some people are ... "

When I said this, Lin Jianying donned, and looked at the land and said: "Someone is falling in love!"

There is no one knows who he is saying, but he doesn't want to pay attention to it.

"Is there anything? After washing, there is no limit on the use?"

"The door is only fragments after all, it is not universal, not all the wishes will be implemented.

Some exceeding the defined desire will not be implemented.

During the death, this thing is not a small thing, and the general debris can not be completed. "

"That is to say, is it really hope?"

There is no sustainable land, and a heart is a little stunned.

"The hope of resurrection is good.

It can be resurrected! "

Immediately, the landless brow wrinkled, and he has now begun to ponder where to find a fragment that can make her resurrection.

"How long does your fragment is under washing?

After washing it, can you resurrect? "

"I have to be more than ten years this block, and it is too small, it is estimated that there is no way to resurrect."

Lin Jianying lowered.

Lu has no sense to see that small piece of fragments, it really feels like some.

"Yes, the piece used before you used it? If it is finished, there should be a resurrection power?"

The land is unstopporated to pay attention to the piece of debris.

The smash of the dudu is much higher than that of Lin Jianying, and the texture must be better.

Dear with it, there is a given to the end of the Elder Mountain.

Its level is washed, it should be the power of resurrection?


But that piece of debris is now missing, it is difficult to say that it is in the Yuan Laoshan, or it is returned by Tiexiong. "

"Is it not finished?"

The land can be said to be full of power.

No matter what is there, no one can stop him resurrect.

And this will, the side is very active in the mouth and insert: "No, your big brother is something wrong with you? Isn't you resurrected when you resurrected?"


There is no eyebrow, turn around to see the guy who is coming to the show.

The landless eyes let the skin belt, but he still has a hard scide and continues: "Big brother, whether it is Miss Pang's things, or the one you have before you have, these proof You are giving it to you.

Should you now solve this problem now?

If you don't solve this problem, even if you resurrect Pang, she still wants to face these dangers?

Big Brother, I think we should now hide and avoid the sight of everyone.

In dark development, all everything is clearly investigated in the dark, and then these bastards have been used in the resort.

At that time, you will save Pang Miss, you have to find a mountain in the mountains, or simply directly in the world. "

"Right, in the on-one ones, small people are still a few means."

Pis Mi is more and more, the more dog legs, a strong contrary to come over.

"Small people not only have mobile information to collect networks, but even have certain truth permissions, what do you need?

I can't wait to run over and hold the land without thigh.

It is still a matter of attainment, and at least listening is like that.

Pierci is obviously very careless to think without thinking, but he is actually thinking about his own little life.

After all, he is still holding in the land, he doesn't hurry to have a faithfulness, introduce your use value, what will I do if I have to receive it?

He doesn't want to be two.

It is nothing to do with two ears to talk to other woods.

As they are so passive, they will definitely do not have a good end.

The land is unable to destroy their, only like That's skin, so good at finding opportunities can live to the end.

This is not, there is no look at his eyes.

Especially after understanding what is [Truth], there is a feeling that he doesn't even have a feeling.

"It turns out that you really have something little thing? Very good!"

Said, there is no turning to look at Ilia and Wang Anser there: "What about you? Can you help me do something?"

When the land did not ask this question, there was a little dignified atmosphere.

Ilia and Wang Arthur's brow wrinkle, the mood here is slightly more complicated, both for his own wit, and a few points into these two worry.

"It seems that you can't help me?"

Lu has no time to take a long time, the brow is slightly.

This makes the atmosphere again and solidly solidified, and Pierci is hesitant to ask these two guys to ask.

I haven't waited for him to make a decision, there is no such thing as it is, "Since I don't help me, then let's go, why do you go!"


Pis Miki.

"Well, I was going to put you three, but since you are so useful, then you will stay here for a while.

Let these two don't use it first! "

There is no such thing as this, and the expression on the face of Pisci is distorted.

Mom sells, he spends all the existence of all kinds of show, and finally Nima gives himself a show?

I looked at which two of the land did not drive, and the idioclastous wounded, licking his face: "Big brother, or let me put me, I can do it remotely."

"No, your talent is still in the side!"

There is no nicknamed.

Pierci is like a dead ash.

It's over, the grass rate is, abolished!


There is no such thing as this side, after Iria and Wang Arthur,

He got up and grab the neck of Pei's mystery, waved with hand, and it was precise to put a sword in the Energy Space.

This method is the same as before the Tmmum.

After controlling people, the land is unimpeded to fight him, then the eyes will then fall on Lin Jianying.

Hold your chest.


"What do you want to listen?"

"I started from you, you said, how did you live?

During this time you have experienced.

Also, this time you know all the time, and the role you play it. "

When there is a problem, there is a shade that has been wrapped around Lin Jianying.

This makes Lin Jianying understand.

Now, it is the time to determine how he lives.

Once his answer is to let the land don't feel unsatisfactory, there will be no longer let him go.

Dumo death, the innocent mood has undergone huge changes.

He is not trusting now, including Lin Jianying!

Recognizing that Lin Jianying, Lin Jianying, has a deeper head, and then begins to think about it.

Starting from his death, spent more than an hour, always talking about it.

According to Lin Jianying, he was in a betrayal by Wu, in fact, no death, someone saved him.

It is not clear that he is saved.

When he woke up, he is not in the secret of the magic gll.

Soon, the memory of Kong Yi, his mind was suddenly recovered, and there was a voice in meditation to guide him to a place.

At that time, Lin Jianying had just experienced a rebellious death and resurrected this kind of thing, and he couldn't go back to find an inn. When it was confused, the consciousness followed the sound.

Then he found a secret in the secret, Lin Jianying found this piece of fragments he came now.

Although it was trapped in that secret, but then the power gave him the power, his strength flexed in a short year, and the flying fierce directly reached the epic level.

Subsequently, the secret of his secret was broken, he was transferred randomly.

Just transferred to a [zero] organized base, he suddenly appeared by the zero-organized person, he shot the one of the leader, and then he became the fifant of zero organization.

Then he heard that there was no one by the fourth messenger to kill, he thought that it would be close to the seal to kill the seal to give the land no revenge.

As a result, he was close to the seal, and he got the landless news from the seal.

After that, there is no corruption of the ritual.

And Jiangnan University.

"So, can I go smoothly to destroy the seal or you have to play it behind?"


"That said back to this side, how do you know that her door is debris is iron to her?"

"When I came to Jiangnan with the seal, I saw us and reveal the identity of his third messenger.

At the same time, it is also over, and the debris of the doodle is he given. "

"What is the purpose? What is the purpose of do he do?"

"But there is nothing to say, but the words give people a feeling in relation to the leader.

In addition, I have seen my doodle, I want to stop her, but I have not succeeded, her attitude is quite resolute.

It is said that she has to do this.

As for the specific reason, she didn't say what she did. She just said that she didn't have this.

Subsequently, I launched this matter, but I didn't investigate what the clue was investigated, but I felt that I was also related to Zhang Yun.

Then then you have also known.

Dudu first broke out in Jiangnan University, then kill the Yuan Lao Mountain ... "

Lin Jianying finished all this.

After listening to the land, a pair of eyes squinted, there is no talk like it is thinking.

Lin Jianying's words, he did not believe in a word.

No one of him is now.

Just simply collecting these words.

Then put these intelligence, combined with his understanding, and verify that Lin Jianying said.

One pass verification, there is a probably one thing that it should be true, that is, Lin Jianying said his fifth messenger.

When he destroyed the seal ceremony, he did feel too smooth.

If this is the back of this matter, it will be able to speak.

However, even if this is the case, there is no complete trust.

I have been in half a day, there is no longevity to look at Lin Jianying in front: "So, can you contact a seal now?"


Lin Jianying nodded.

"Then you will help me get out!

I have a grievance and when I have a grievance. "

Lin Jianying did not have any accidents against the land, and there was no meaning to refuse, nodded in the first time.

"it is good!"

Immediately, Lin Jianying was in the land without side, through the exchange props of [Zero Organization], contacted the seal, learned from the mouth of the sea, knowing his position now ...


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