8 districts, sealing bases.

With the unparalleled punches.

The self-breaking hands and feet are rushed to the seal, Lin Jianying is smashed by a punch.

Epic level attack, this will be unexpected without what damage to the surrounding buildings.

This is not because the two sides have controlled the force.

Because, this space has long been coupled with the sector in front of him.

The seal is not broken, this base will not be damaged.

Of course, Lin Jianying, now, is certain, there is no time to pay attention to this.

First, it is a seal calculation, and I have to take it away from the hands and feet.

The power of the debris is forcibly killed in front of the seal, and it is necessary to win the seal, but I didn't expect the halfway to kill a 'Cheng biting gold'.

And this 'Cheng bite gold' Lin Jianying also knows.

It is just a thirteenth apprentice that has just been dead.

Just, thirteen and prior to this time are completely different.

The previous Nord, and he is not in the image temperament, or it is a good behavior.

In strength, it is even more incredible to the epic 1 star level.

He smashed Lin Jianying, and his figure was moving again, and he grabbed Lin Jianying's head violently on the ground.

13 The power of the apostles and the field of the seal collide, the double blow is almost let Lin Jianying will go to the air.

13 The apostles have a good person, reach out again, I have interrupted Lin Jianying's remaining hands and feet, reached out on the body of Lin Jianying, especially skilled from Lin Jianying's body, and then throw Lin Jianying Throw away.

At this time, the seal took over and reached out a thoughts.

The black chain is again attacked, and Lin Jianying, which is decongated by the limbs, is touched.

"Is this honest?"

Looking down Lin Jianying, the corner of the sealed mouth is rising, and it is long.

At this time, he is obviously a good mood, even if he left Lin Jianying.

"I should call you old five? Or should I call you Lin Jianying?"

Lin Jianying angry and didn't answer, that is stubborn and angry, let the seal can't help but pick it up.

"You really have as stupid as your information, but you should also understand the form of now."

"To kill you, you are not afraid of you, I am not afraid!"

Lin Jianying still grows in the past few years.

In the face of the difficult courage, there are a lot of hard, and it is not as shaking as before, but this is more stupid in the seal.

"What is definitely do it, but I still have something to do before killing you."

The seal is said, and I started to get roped on Lin Jianying.

"What do you want to do?"

Lin Jianying's face changed, struggling to struggle, but did not struggle.

"Don't be impressed, you can't break away, I didn't want to kill you now, but I want to find something.

Hey, it seems to be found, it should be this. "

The seal is said to take a props from Lin Jianying.

Lin Jianying saw the top of the props, but it was asked to think about what his own mood, so that his expression was as flat as possible.

"What do you do with this little girl?"

"Don't do a laughing little action, playing a laughing care, I have to take it out, I know that it is useful."

The seal is said, and the evil spirits in his hand turned up from the kind of jade props that Lin Jianying took out.

This, Lin Jianying was completely unclear.

What makes him not calm, soon, there is no sound from the item there.

"Hey! How is it?"

Lin Jianying's double eyes, I really want to shout, black chain contraction, and the pain allows Lin Jianying to open his mouth.

Then the black chain is plugged in, let Lin Jianying can't say it.

At the same time, the seal is open, but it is Lin Jianying's voice.

"I have successfully arrived in the base of the sea, he was preparing to recover the ceremony, and I got a news, IT seems to have just been here!

You must be careful. "

Lin Jianying's face changed, and let him be horrified, there is no doubt if there is a little doubt.

"I know, I have to stay at about two hours here, you are ready, I will go to the two old nest together, I'm going to repair!"

The corner of the seal is awkward, and it is full of play: "Okay, I am waiting for you!"

After saying, the seal did not hang up the communication, looked up to Lin Jianying, a face: "You guess, did he just listen to the greasy?"

Lin Jianying struggled, but did not say it.

"Oh, forgot that you can't talk now, but it doesn't matter, you are very good."

As for his side, I guess how much is tired of a little cat.

After all, I can learn your voice, learn not to come to your tone and your attitude, with the boy's air police he must guess you.

Then let's guess, you say that he will come over when you guessed that you may have problems here? "

The seal looked at Lin Jianying, it seems to be expected to answer this Lin Jianying.

But did not solve the meaning of Lin Jianying bondage.

Looking at there, there is no way to say something, the feeling of the seal is particularly good, take the face of Lin Jianying to continue: "Do not worry, he will come over."

Because he thinks his victory is in the hands!

Even if you have been won by me, I can play, because your card is actually a waste card in his hand. "

"Do you think that last time he can be so smooth in me, because you help him behind?

If this is the case, you have not too small to see him.

In fact, even if you don't have you, he can get some wind and rain, this guy is still a means. "

Speaking here, the face of the sealed is getting colder.

"However, the same means, after I have been used, I will not take it in me."

This is finished, the seal is no longer saying, quietly waiting for the arrival.

There is no such side.

He is particularly on time, said two hours, it is two hours.

When two hours, the items in the seal were lit again.

"I am here!"

"I and the center of the base, you come in."

Speaking of this, the sealing is donned, and the mouth is revealed with a meal and taste.

"Need me to take you?"

The props are silent for a moment, and then a calm voice rang.

"No, I am here!"

This time, the sound is not passed from the props, but from the back of the seal.

Along with the sound from the sound, there is a sword.

The fierce sword hit, the seal did not move, the 13 annex around him, and a sword was blocked with her hands.

After the seal is also turned in this sword, it turns around and looks at the land where there is no one, and the corner of the mouth.

"Oh, how long, we finally met!"

"You shouldn't laugh, you should cry, because this is not a meeting that can make you happy."

The land is free.

As soon as this, the smile on the seal is even more embarrassing.

"So confident?"

It is also no wonder, after all, you have a basement.

You see, this is not your card! "

The seal said, gently hit a referral.

In the next moment, a burstive sound sounded, there was no eyebrow, and I saw the bed of the seal, and a group of people came out.

This scene Lin Jianying is a misty water.

There is no more expression in the face, and there is not much expression on his face. You are so busy, there is still time to make a dark organization.

And it was still buried so many nails in my base, I have to say that this means is really amazing.

Although these nails can actually be used, they can affect my base facilities and rituals, and give you unimaginable help in key moments.

This card is really good, but he is gone! "

The seal is said, hand in hand.

Those people in him directly do their hands, and the people who have been arrested in the hands of the knife are directly killed in front of the land.

A more than ten twenty people fell, the land did not lift the brow, which made the seal couldn't help but feel.

"Have to say, you have grown a lot.

So many chess pieces are so dead, you actually brow more, this kind of heart you can not have a year ago.

Sure enough, only women can grow rapidly.

Pang Dudu is dead ... "

The seal said that Pang Du, the original expression is no eyebrows: "Shut up!"

His emotions have fluctuated for the first time.

This makes the seal very happy.

It is necessary to say anything, and a difficult fear suddenly broke out, and the seal face changed.

"how come……"

If you don't finish it, the whole person will be different from it.

And he stale together, there is a 13 apostle around him.

"You just said yes, I really have a bottom gas, there is a big card, but my basement and the air are not dark, but my own strength.

You may not know a thing, now I will let you understand. "

There is no side of the land, and I walked in the past.

Every step of his step, stronger and deeper pressure acts on the sealed body, knocking on the heart, hitting his field.

One step is a tremble, in the eyes of the seal, there is a magic of the gods.

Running, there is no finally standing in front of the seal.

"You should now make a clear, now you are eligible to stand in front of me.

Let's kneel down! "

There is a word of land, it is difficult to imagine the pressure further, so that the face of the seal is pale, a blood is slowly left from the corner of the mouth.

Obviously it is not bad.

For the injury of the body, for the seal, he is seriously mentally injured.

He can't imagine and cannot accept this scene in front of you.

There is no strength to break through the epic 1 star.

He also knows that there is no one to fight in Jiangnan and Feiyinghao.

He even knows how the land is not getting out of the hands of Feiyinghao.

The intelligence he mastered is incomparable.

So he will confine whether he is a 13 apostle with the strength of the second messee, and the base of his transformation is able to get the land.

At this time, the land is uncomfortable is just a few steps, letting the seal will have the land of the land.

But he still can't believe it.

"How can you be so strong? You can't be so strong!

You just broke through the epic level.

Also, you are so strong, in the face of only one level of Fees, how can you play so tough? "

"Who tells you that Feying is only his strength?"

Sealed face change.

Under normal circumstances, it should only be only the strength of the body.

Plus the land is just a big breakthrough, and the fee Yinghao said in a battle with the land, there is no strength than the strength.

So the seal is based on this judgment of the land.

I feel that he will be the case of the first epic 1 star, please do not be difficult to enter the situation.

As a result, there was no strength to show this time, as well as the level of the first epic 1 star, hidden in the history of 2 stars.

This horrible strength has already made the strength of the sea of ​​sealing.

After all, the seal at this time is only the level of the epic 1st because of the serious injury, and the 13 apostles around him have borrowed the power of the second messenger, but the strength is similar to the seal.

They can win Lin Jianying, which is complete because Lin Jianying is insufficient.

In this case, they have had a lot of means, and they want to pay for the land, it is very unbearable.

In front of the absolute strength, all of his preparations and calculations have become jokes.

He has just been proud of him, and he has already been shipped to the dust to the dust in front of him.

"Is there any means? Or is there anything that is going to explain?"

There is no seal that is slowed down by ourselves: "I am still very human, you can allow you to mourning before death."

This will make the horror in the horror.

"There is no, don't be too proud, Lin Jianying is still in my hand ..."


The seal did not finish, the land is open, the sword is flashing, and a hand of the seal will always leave him.

"Is this this?" Lu has no play.


"That seems to be this!"

The seal has not been finished yet, another sword is flashing, and his other hand is broken.

The arms have decomposed, and the seal face is pale.

The land is no longer looking at Lin Jianying over there, and the brow is picking: "People have not been put down? That should not be in the two hands.

Let's try your feet! "

The sealing face changed, struggling, want to dodge, but it is late.

Two swords were flashing, and his two legs were also abolished.

Lin Jianying is still bundled.

"This makes me very headache, the limbs have not rescued people, then break the fifth limbs!"

Said, there is no one sword light on the fifth limbs of the straightforward.

Seeing the Bird's Nest to break, at this time, a hand is holding a sword light.

At the same time, a low voice sounded.

"Kid, make people leave a line, good evening!"

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