The absorption of fragments takes a certain amount of time.

And there is no waiting.

After starting to absorb, he acts straight to the next destination.

Open the door of the Undead] Back to the undead base, open the [Door of the Nell], others are in the dark parliament headquarters in the 4 district.

Or is there a formula or a set of operation.

There is no direct access to the Dark Parliament Headquarters.

The eyesight showed an organization again.

There is no such thing as the organization that dances for yourself, "Come on, make a choice, you choose to hand over a piece of debris, or to die with me?"

The response is still silent.

It is more silent than the technology alliance.

But in the end, the dark conference is also given the landless fragments, and a piece of fragment that is not washed, the block is small.

Of course, there is no need to do so as long as you can absorb.

Take a debris, he turned and rushed to the next.

Then the next is a holy group.

This is an organization that has the greatest impact among the three organizations.

The tolerance of their organization is always the lowest.

Therefore, when the land is unable to go to the Holy League, it is actually prepared for a war.

But there is no thing that it is.

The St. League is one of the most macked in all organizations.

He just arrived, people sent the fragment.

Moreover, the pieces of the pieces are significantly larger than other two.

These three reasons why these three do not want to become a bird.

No one is unclear, what exactly the land does not do for the threshold.

If you really have a fish, you can't stand it.

So I am honestly give Lu.

Anyway, it is not washed with fragments, and there is no use.

Let's take it out to appease him, it is not good. I really can't bear it. Next, I will see the collision of Lu Yong and Yuan Lao Mountain.

If you have a chance, take it back.

Of course, this is their own calculation, saying that it must not be said.

I understand it.

But no matter what, people can do so, there is no one in the land.

At all, there is no need to go back to the undead base directly.

The land is almost the front of the front, and the back system has come to prompt, the first fragment is absorbed.

[, The door is absorbed, and the source is 3 points.


There is no glimpse, open the properties.

Discover your own attribute layout, there are more 2 points, and there is no discovery of your property and some of the pet attributes of his home.

The landless eyes are also following the bright: "What does it mean? Is this? System changed?"

He can't help but try it.

However, when there is no point to add some points.

A loud sound of "Boom!" Sounded.

At the same time, there is a chance of the landless undead secret.

"what's the situation?"

There is no eyebrow, get up and look at the direction of the sound.

Almost at the same time, the golden light runs through the barriers of the secret of the undead.

A sound that smirk it is loud.

"I finally found you!"

Next, a golden lightning smashed the landless head.

There is no eye, and his body is out of the body, the figure appears in an instant, countless ice coagulation shield stops in front of this gold lightning.


The golden lightning fell, and the countless ice shield was crushed on the frozen blue figure.

Let the ice blue body appear with a thorns of thorns, and a part of the thunder is just a part of it, and the power of the thunder is crushed on the ice blue figure.

One hit, put this headless happiness was electrically smuggled, lying down into a dying roast bird.

And this is just just the beginning.

The golden thunder is just blocked, and a purple flame falls.

The sound of ''.

Xiao Jinlong's figure ran out to greet the flame of purple.

Haven't waited for Xiao Jinlong and purple flame collision, another attack fell.

This time, falling is an ultimate black bead.

The little horns greeted the sickle.

At the same time, there was no surrounding body, which was originally dark and dead, and began to have trees crazy.

Motion, a huge green forest, or a green prison, it will shape it.

Almost, it is also trapped in the landless prisoner of this green.

Xiao Jinlong and small have also been caught by purple flames and black with endless gravity.

A wave of shots, the moment of moving.

There is no three pets, including himself being uniform.

There is no resistance to the land without this side.

On the one hand, this wave of attack has been suddenly suddenly, on the other hand, because people who are shot.

There is no need to see it, and the light is the gold lightning, it will make him recognize it, and the identity of the hand.

They are the veteran of the Elderly.

Known as the top existence of the league.

They are not only the top of strength, but also the battle experience is not the land without such a twenty-year-old child.

They don't show up, and I will never give the land without any opportunity.

After defeating three pets, the three attacks have fallen, preparing a wave of walking without three summoned beasts.

If they are taken away, there is no basis for the land.

So before the three waves attack fall, the land will return three summoners to the body.

There is no such behavior to avoid three pets, but this also means that there is no need to face these three pets that need to face.

Gold lightning, purple flames and black beads fall in the same time.

At this time, the land is not covered by the forest prison, and the bullet is not allowed. This is a must-have.

Epic's land is no, even if it is biser 2 stars, he is impossible to survive in this situation.

After all, this time, it is four veterans, the lowest strength is also the endow of the epic 2 star.

They have made all the best, let the land have not lived?

Is it dying?

Strongly don't bought my heart, there is no outbreak of the land.

But the land where the land is desperate, the more you feel deeply.

In this absolute strength, the root is not a small universe to solve the problem.

"I finally got to kill this kid, this time, I really lost the people of the Strange League!"

At this time, the Fisheng Hao's face between the secrets of the undead is happy.

Kill the land, his grandchildren can be reported.

However, when he was immersed in the pleasure of the throne, there was suddenly lost consciousness, and the head was low.

The foreigner is a glimpse: "What is the situation? Is it a faint?"

Feiying Hao face change: "Not good, be careful!"

Almost at the same time, the lower head is no longer lifting the head again, and a pair of eyes opened.

However, when you open your eyes, there is no temperament at this time.

It is not the continental temperament, nor is it a temperament of [returning] in the land without the body, but an ultravaver temperament.

"You have a few great courage, my son is also you can move!"

"Luhai Air? !!"

Fei Yinghao et al., I recognized who the guy who came out was.

Face change!

No one thought that Lu Shiya would act at this time.

But at this time, their hands have been moved, and how does the bow have a back arrow?

Don't say that it is Luhai air, it is, it is Lu Hai, you will never pay!

"Kill, don't be afraid of him, he is born with God!"

Fischeng, the sky, the four vitalities are fully explosive.

In fact, it is true that Lu Hai Air is watching four people, and the face has changed at the time: "Well, you remember, this account will follow you later!"

During the speech, 'Lu Sea Air' is drawn, and he has a broken forest inch inch, and there is a crack in front of him.

"Not good, he wants to escape!"

"Don't let him go, hurry to stop him!"

Fei Yinghao and others have fully shot, but it will eventually be able to block the 'land sea and empty' across cracks.

In the moment of land sea air stepped into cracks and splitting, he looked at the heaven's Feixun and others in the sky: "You are waiting for me!"

This is landed, the cracks are split, 'land sea and empty' or the land is so awkward.

Feel Yinghao and others, there is no last threat in the sea and empty.

They are old people who are hundreds of ages, threatening this thing, I can't scare them.

Besides, they also know that there is a current situation in Lu Seaview.

Let them wait? after?

They must have aftermath, but there is still no way to say that Lu Haiko can still be said.

So, compared to the threat of land sea air, they carefully escape the land.

"Fast, you can induce it!"

Fees Yinghao first takes out the props to induce the land.

However, the props just run, '', the props are directly broken.

"No, I can't indute it, it should be that the imprint of the St. League is removed!"

"What should we do now?"

"Immediately send people to search, soon, in order to inform the three organizations, let them help to shoot, especially the Holy League.

Tell them that there is no known they have left the imprint pits on the door of the land, let them be lazy.

Then it is! "

Fei Yinghao said that a pair of eyes looked at the secret of the undead under the eyes, and the eyes were flashing, and the opposition is a slap in the face.

At the end of the palm, the base of the landless secret is destroyed half.

After taking anger, Fenghao did not continue to start, but said: "Control this place and start cleaning up a so-called dark displacement of land.

I not only want him to die, I have to remove all everything! "

The remaining people did not pay attention to the gradual twisted fees, but they also made it in accordance with the meaning of the Ying Yinghao.

The first is to tell the wanted land.

Contact Technology [Dark] [San "].

I have heard this news in front, and there is not too big vibration. Isn't the Yuan Lao Mushan failed?

Quite normal, failure will fail.

Nor isn't it a big thing? As for the search land?

The check is checked, and it is not checked, it will look at it.

Anyway, they did not provoke.

And [St. Education] This is not the same.

Their arrogant is angry.

They gave the landless door to fill this matter. This thing is that the Yuan Lao Mountain let them do, because the land is not good [technology] and [darkness] is known by the Yuan Laoshan.

So they found the Holy League in advance, let them printed the landless fragment.

The San Dynasty doesn't want to be so unrequited, plus the Yuan Lao Mountain promise, after the event, give them [technology] and [dark] fragment, so I will promise halfway.

As a result, I didn't think that the Yuan Lao Mountain is so unreliable.

It took four veteran, 4 epic 2 stars, and even Fei Yinghao's unlimited existence of Samsung did not take the land and didn't give it.

This is just that the light is not yet ran yet.

It also exposed their Strange Alliance, which Nima is very exactious.

Now the hatred value of the Luyong Alliance is estimated, and the Santed League has to use all the power to search for land.

But where is the land where it is easy?

This time in Yuan Lao Mountain suddenly shot, it is already a crazy snake.

Now there is no one knows that Yuan Lao Mountain wants to destroy his determination, as long as there is no stupid, he will definitely find a place to hide.

The League is so big, there is no need to hide if there is no need to hide, I want to find him.

Everyone knows this point.

Even Connecting Ying Hao is also clear about this.

Therefore, after solving the secret of the undead, he came to the Shengli League.

Say is to exchange call experience with the Holy League Alliance.

At first, there are still some holy, but very fast, the Holy League is reacted here.

Is Ying Yingjun's root is not for what experience.

He is in order to come!

The St. League is also aware that perhaps their exposure is not true, there is no discovery of the Holy League and Yuan Lao Mountain at all, and it is the Yuanlian Mountain intentionally exposed the Holy League.

It is to throw out the Standard League as a bait.

With the landless temper, he ate this loss, he will definitely not endure.

He is very likely to retaliate, and the land of the Yuan Lao Mountain is not necessarily dare, so there is no need to retaliate, the biggest possibility is the Santed League.

Fees Yinghao calculated this, and threw the St. League, then others were waiting to be here.

Waiting for the land without this stupid rabbit.

Real estate, the Strange League is anger, but what can you?

Still not dare to worry, it is not a honest cooperation fee.

Just when they honestly cooperate with Feiying, the foundation of the Beijing, the Beijing Feijia ushered in a rapid guest.

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