Summon a small skeleton at the start

Chapter 431 Sound East Help West


Zone 1, Beijing.

With the sideways of the land, Fei Yinghao's heart is broken with a piece.

At this point, the entire capital is in a dead place.

Whether it is the two veteran on the side of Feiying, or the group of people who were originally on the crowd, this moment did not dare to gasp, let alone what I said.

After all, no one thought that there was no actually dare to kill the capital, and even more thought, there was no such thing as the two veteran, and he added a venue to the end of the lord.

In the last landless, the sentence that spit out in the mouth is just a cold.

Especially the sin, there is no such sin, just in the miserable encounter for the land, and the heart of the heart is very powerful. He even thinks that there is a one in the last sentence.

Endless fear hits the heart, let the ancient face pale.

Of course, compared with Feying Yinghao, the face of Angota is very nice.

The expression on the Feiying's face at this time is distorted to the extreme.

He is a person who attaches great importance to the family. From he can make your own grandson's pets can see it.

For his family, Feifei is incredible, and now, his home is in front of him, and he thought he saved, thinking that it was destroyed when he was.

He is now in the mood, it is really no one to understand.

"Old fee, go to see it, maybe there is still someone who is dead!" The wooden ghost on the side put a sentence, and wake up to Fever Yinghao.

"Yeah, maybe someone is not dead, maybe someone is not dead!"

Fei Yinghao whispering, the body-shaped gold lightning broke out, violent breakdown of wood ghosts in Fisher.

The moment of Fei Yinghao came, he was immersed in the bottom of the valley.

In front of you, the purpose is to endless dark evil, this evil spirit has made the whole Feijia has become black. In this case, some people may not die ...

"No, there is really no death!"

The expense of the fee Yinghao suddenly appeared shining, he induced the breath of the living, and a lot, which made him surprised and happy.

Immediately, he inquired the direction of the living person, and the surprise was awkward.

"Secret room, they are in the room!"

Great, it's really great, they are dead, they are not dead! "

That secret room was created. At that time, Fenghao also said that it was useless, and did not expect this to save his family now.

I thought of Fei Yun, and Fei Yinghao came out of the hate that Lu.

"This is just the beginning? Your start did not start, but the old man is waiting for you, sooner or later, you will have to smash your corpse!"

On the other side, the fee Yinghao came to the secret room.

He is still very cautious, first dispelled around the evil spirits, which opens the room.

"Okay, come out, now safety ..."

Feiying Dao said that the face suddenly changed, and the first time was first rowned.

At this time, it hides more than a dozen people. These are the direct relatives of Fei Yinghao. At the same time, they are also the live people who should be in the game, um, should be a living person.

They were still alive before I was just, and I was alive before opening the secret room.

And now they are dead.

The reason for death is that Fee Yinghao has an evil gas.

This group of people have an unioness outbreak, and the body has different degrees of evil. This kind of evil is there is no special, it is an irreversible process.

This process must have evil.

Once there is no evil, they will immediately violent!

Fei Yinghao did not know this, he also pays attention to the isolation of the evil spirits before opening the secret room, and this move directly let his loved ones violent.

In order to in turn, Fei Yinghao's family is finally in his own hands.

This is the means of landless revenge, let the Fisher's prostitute kill his most precise.


Really realized what happened to Yingjun spurting a blood, and then his fellow was directly dissipated.

At the same time, the Feiying, the Hao Benzun, the Holy League of the 3rd District, suddenly opened his eyes, and there was incompetent furious and thorns the entire [Holy League].

"Lu Yong, the old man wants you to die!"

This roaring allows the entire St. Alliance shake.

At the same time, the capital is here.

The emotions of Fei Yinghao were collapsed together while collapsed together, and the other two veteran fell.

They were slightly investigating at Feijia, and they basically infer what happened here.

The face of the two veteran can't help it.

"The murderer is still the heart, this kid is so hot means!"

"He used to be very bad, but he can't do this. It seems that we release a devastos!"

"What is we released? If he doesn't have a evil ghost in his heart, we can't let it go. If we say that we are also victims, it is good? I really release him in my heart, it is the return!"

"But what he is staring now is us, first is a fiscal ghost, next will be who we are in our arrival!

what! "

At the same time, the wood is talking, the eyebrows are picking up, and the finger picks, a black fragment appears in his hand.

"what is this?"

The fire ghost on the side of the side, the wooden old ghosts, the mouth, the corner: "This is the negligence of the kid, which can make us have to live!"


3 districts, the Holy League League here.

At this time, the high-rise of the Holy League was suddenly smashed with the thoughts.

They are all fog, I don't know what to do in the end of this feminine.

But soon they know.

"What? There is no killing of the capital, when Fei Yinghao is destroyed in Feijia? Then I went big shook?"

Hearing this news, a high-level high-level, a high-rise, a high-rise?

No one dares to believe this is true.

"He ... he is still crazy!"

In order to reason, there is no such thing as this is just being guilty, and it should not be able to clamp the tail, no one thinks he actually not only did not hide, but also directly killed in Beijing.

This kind of must report, this kind of crazy is gone.

In particular, this kind of sacred alliance is directly involved in the existence of the landless attack.

Some people start regretted: "I said, Yuan Lao Mountain is not reliable, their actions can't participate, you are not unbelievable, don't have a picture of the pieces, now it is good, do something?

This time is Feijia. Next, it is our holy league! "

Some people don't think about it: "What do you do now? Do you have done it, how can it be? The soldiers will stop, I really don't believe it, there is no way to kill us.

Don't say that our strength is weak, don't forget that one is still there.

His expensive is in the past, now he is more impossible to leave here. He will have to collect the land, and he is adding our own strength, one land is nothing, there is no wave! "

This is one of the three major bishops of the St. League, named Kane, who is he insisted on.

At this time, he must maintain his position and defend his decision.

However, while he landed, he just roared, and the fee Ying Hao, who had a big mouth in the Shengli League, suddenly received communication from Beijing.

"What? Find him? Dry! Waiting for me, I will come right away!"

It is said that the full-featured British life hangs communication, his face is once again roaring: "Lu Yong, the old man is absolutely absolutely absolutely to take you thousands of knives!"

Roaring, Fei Yinghao rushed to the sky, leaving the Golden Lights directly left the Holy League.

How many sudden suddenly, the big bishop is a bit hurt.

Just said that the Ying Yinghao can't go, he went blinking, but also greeted and didn't play.

However, after all, it is one of the three major bishops of the St. League, a big person, and the skin is more thick, and the strain is also fast.

A pair of hands, watching the Ying Yinghao, showing everything, and even some lonely gestures.

"I said, the group of people in the Yuan Lao Mountain are the top existence of the last era, and the salt they have eaten will have a lot of rice, which can be eaten, how can they be one? Plant again in the land where there is no hand?

It seems that the Yuan Lao Mountain has already traces the land, if there is no accident, the land is unable to pay for his reckless behavior. "

Other high-level high-levels of the Holy League also saw the reason why Fenghao left at this time, and a heart is slightly put, but some people are not relieved.

"You said that they will not let the land will run again!"

"This is absolutely won't!" Kane shook his head and faint: "As far as I know, it is known that the people of the ship and the sea are out of the continent.

And the breakfast, it needs to be injected in advance. During this time, there is still a matter of Lao, and there is no one in terms of land, and there is no more than one.

That is to say, there is no big card when there is no change at this time!

Do you think that a new Jinci poem without a bottom card can be lived in the vitality of the vision? "

Cairn said this, most of the big

At this time, there are still people who are still unassays.

"In case they have not found land, or if you get a fake news?"

This person will ask Kane annoying.

"Where is it so much? Why don't you say that Yuan Lao Mountain is a neutral tiger to the mountain, the actual land does not really the purpose is our Holy League?"

At this time, Cairn came out, there were a smile.

At this time, the curiosity baby just a crazy question mark is a bit: "Hey, how do you know?"

At this moment, the laughter of all people, including Kane, rigid, they turned the head and looked at the curious baby.

While they see, this embarrassing curious baby face begins to change slowly.

From the original serious middle-aged middle-aged, it becomes a faceless land.

"Hey, all, I am very happy to meet you, I am deliberate to thank you for the first two days!"

"Lu ... land is no!"

"How is it, how can you be here? How did you deceive the fee Yinghao, how to deceive us!"

"You have no need to ask, it's okay, time is tight, we still have to do things, do you discuss you a self-suite? After all, I have done it to me, I will let me You kill yourself, this requires nothing more? "

There is no one with a good and good person with the Holy Assistant League.

Why did this group of people don't moral, there is no meaning of there is no business, and I'm listening to this right or turningless face.

Immediately, the Shengli Alliance has quickly reacted, and the three bishops headed by Kane, 8 bishops directly put the land without gaining, and summoned their summoned beasts at the same time.

Twelve thirty minimal is also the summoned beast of epic 0 stars, and the lobby of the land is full of Dangdang!

At the same time, all kinds of props, architecture, and equipment of the Holy Sword Alliance are used at this time.

For a time, there is a place where there is a place.

Under the shroud of the Shengguang, the gaps in the Holy League are slightly sorrowful, especially the side of Keyne, the expression on the face is the first to be faced and see that the land is unable to restore the calm, and even bring There is a little excitement.

"Although I don't know how you scam, we come here, but now you are obviously unclear!

Let us suicide? What kind of mentality do you have to say this?

You won't think that now is you mastering the situation? "

"Is not it?"

There is no curiosity look at the surrounding Shenggui, and I will give a response while it is.

Opposite Keyne heard this, there was no more fun.

"Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it? How can you say such confidence? You are the summoned beast of the epic 1st, even if you have four epic 1 stars to summon the beast, get the inheritance of Liuchuan Long Yiro It's still can't change your fact that you are an epic.

Now, you are facing the summoned beast of my epic 2 star, two epic after my body, eight epic 0 stars, more than 20 Shi Poetry 0 stars summoned beast, and a whole holy Teaching the League of the League.

In the face of such a lineup, even if the fee Yinghao does not dare to say this, what is the existence of a epic 1 star?

Is your strength in just two days, the strength is 2 stars? Your current strength is more powerful? "

Keyne said, there is no direct stunned, and can't help but clap.

"You are really smart, this is guess!"


Keyne, I haven't waited for him to react, there is no sword in the sky.

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