One hundred and twenty-one. Chapter 121 bloodline 1 (Thank the Lil lord of the Pure Dragon)

Chapter 121 bloodline 1 (Thank the Lil lord of the Pure Dragon)

Walk a circle along the pet block. Lin Sheng finally felt a slight reaction to the flowers on his back.

The response is not strong, weak and smooth. If it wasn't for him to be careful, I'm afraid it would not have been possible.

Just before he finally counted the second pet store door, he slowed his feet and stopped in a cage at the door.

A black brown old lizard is locked in the cage.

This lizard is very strange.

It has dark skins, but its eyes are fresh and white.

Lin Sheng noticed that its skin was full of wrinkles, and it seemed old and unwilling to waste its energies at all times, even with a bullet.

Lin Sheng felt a cold desert from his eyes.

A strange feeling of indifference, cruelty and calm.

“How does this lizard sell?"Lin Sheng comes straight up and asks the Boss close.

Boss's got a big stomach, he's holding a plate in his hand, and he's gambling with people. Hear the sound, he turned his eyes back.

“One hundred you take away, don't blame me for not reminding you that this lizard is dying. Take it back and feed it for months. ”

Boss is honest. There's nothing to hide.

Just after he just said, an old woman on the side playing cards was sticking up.

“Are you still a lizard? You've been in so many lizards before, that's all? "

“Almost, all bitten by it.”Fat Boss doesn't get upset when he comes to this.

“It was just one night before I put it together, and when the new box arrived, I left them alone, and I split the paperbox segments, so fucking angry! The next day I saw the other lizards sweeping! "

“What's wrong with you?”Lin Sheng was curious to ask.

“No disease, no sick shit! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.Fat Boss turned around and went on playing cards.

Lin Sheng slipped his left hand in a glass box close to the past, moving towards an old lizard.

Silver-colored decorations on the back of the hand, and as the distance from the old lizard is decreasing, that senseless sense of hunger is also becoming clearer.

“Yes, that's it…”

Lin Sheng's heart determined that he took the wallet out of his pants, counting two hundred passes.

“Even with this box, I want it.”

“This glass box is not enough."Boss took the money back to the tunnel. “Give it to 50 more. ”

“All right.”Lin Sheng is also lazy, and for a lizard with superbloodline, it's too cheap for the area to spend $250.

Pay, he hung up the glass box, and he asked Boss to put a big plastic bag in.

And then, in all around the box, a couple of thick tablets were made, and it said, "Keep walking around."

This time it seems that lizards in their hands have been disturbed, and Lin Sheng's sense of hunger on his back has been active.

And he turned a few more circles, and he couldn't find the second superbloodline creature.

With the old lizard, Lin Sheng Soon walked all the way to his old position – abandoning the factory warehouse.

The abandoned factory is a long distance from the city, and every time in the past, it has to be specifically driven, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

Think about when you go get a car and drive, Lin Sheng, put another box on and walk into the warehouse.

Put the glass box aside.

He quickly began to configure a new junior demarcation summon ceremony. Most of the material is available and only a small proportion needs fresh and must be seized now.

So Lin Sheng just painted the ceremony matrix for backup today.

“The super bloodline of lizards is too weak and uncertain to predict how many upgrades can be made even if I'm integrated. Looks like it really depends on summon. "

Lin Sheng's heart has also been determined, using his summon to extract the serum of the bloodline.

Even if this resulted in the loss of a summon monster, such losses would be acceptable if strong bloodline integration was possible.

“Right now, there's enough soul load to summon's stronger summon."Lin Sheng saw the old lizard in the glass box.

He intends to make the old lizard compact his own pet. Like a former crow.

These, however, require preparatory materials.

He sinked his heart, and in the abandoned factory house, he stepped on the actual picture of ceremony.

Six hours later, it became dark, two different maps, and finally let him paint it completely within one day.

On the ground of the warehouse, Lin Sheng looked out in the sky, knowing that today is no longer ready, Sophie stood up.

“Show me here, don't get close."

He calmly commanded.


A black fog came together quickly and became a strong Swordsman in black clothed's head.

The black feather Swordsman slowed down bowling at Lin Sheng, without saying anything.

By the end of the holiday, mother and dad had been resting at home for elder sister.

So there's no need to separate so many people from protection everywhere.

Lin Sheng allowed Brutal Sacred Guardian to take care of himself in the dark, while the remaining two black women Swordsman dealt with himself with some miscellaneous matters.

The main part is that the black feather Swordsman is much more hidden than Brutal Sacred Guardian. As long as the hat is covered by bandages, there is no big difference with ordinary young men.

Lin Sheng, take care of all the charts and put them in his backpack. The remaining material bottles are too large to be placed in the corner alone, under the supervision of the black feather Swordsman.

“Watch it!”Lin Sheng once again ordered the way to the black feather Swordsman.

The black feather Swordsman is fast a bit of body, rushing in front of that bottle of bottle tanks, and then dying to stare at these things.

He's doing nothing, looking through bandages and looking straight at these things.

“Is this guy going to stare at tomorrow on this gesture?"Lin Sheng has nothing to say.

No more words, he turned around and left quickly with his backpack.

In the case of ceremony, the most important of these are maps and activism, and the material is actually readily available to anyone.

ceremony would not be exposed as long as he did not disclose the charts in the backpack and the activism that he had in his head.

Back home, Lin Sheng relaxed a little bit, and elder sister Lin Xiao had a little chat about life at the Universities, even to help her get her informed.

I had dinner, because I didn't eat at noon, and this afternoon stopped Lin Sheng had five bowls of rice, and every bowl was filled.

Scared Gu Wanqiu a hard touch of his forehead, see if he's sick.

Lin Sheng has no emotional explanation, and has coped with a few sentences, he begins to go back to the house and start thinking about Ash Seal.

Think about Ash Seal, study Saint Force, little rest, go on. So circled, soon enough to get to bed.

Lin Sheng can hardly wait, and he's lying in bed when he switches on a sports suit. Take it easy, as stable as possible.

You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, uh…

A little bit of notorious second needle jumps into his ear.

Lin Sheng's consciousness has gradually lost consciousness as it sounds, quickly sinks, blurred.

pā tà.

Something fell on the ground.

Lin Sheng opened his eyes and saw his feet drop a leg.

He looked closely at the heavy armor on his body, and left leg nails had nothing to do with his back, and left it on the side.

“What is this? Bad product? "

He stretched his hand, or he just took all the heavy armor off.

(This chapter is over)

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