135. Chapter 135

Chapter 135

On the bike, Lin Sheng stayed all the way to the abandoned factory outside the suburb.

From home to abandoned factories, the bike takes half an hour.

It makes Lin Sheng somehow want to find another place close to it as a base.

At the same time, the abandoned factory has a hidden weakness.

“I'll take care of it now."

Put the car down, push the grass in.

Lin Sheng, step in the factory gate.

In a wide factory, there are three young people sitting around a bunch of fires and not knowing what to do.

Hear the footsteps, three people rise up looking towards the door.

When you see Lin Sheng, a man with a strong body, in his earrings, standing up and pulling his shirt, looking at Lin Sheng.

And he did not speak, but he did not have a good eye and a warning. Obviously, it's about to scare each other with your eyes.

“This place is mine. Don't come again.”Lin Sheng walked to the fire and stopped. calmly said.

“How old are you? Oh, shit! "The light young people yell at it. aggressive's heading towards Lin Sheng, stretch his hand and grab his tie.

And then.

Then he was raised up. Two little legs are constantly in the middle of the air.

“Ooh! You're fucking… pu! Ow! "

The light screams, wrestled by his hand, shrinks into a bunch of layers on the ground.

The remaining two just stood up and pulled out the fruit knives from them to come.

See this scene, the two are silent.

But Lin Sheng some astonished is that the rest of this man and woman have not escaped immediately.

I can see they're scared. The woman's legs are shaking.

But they're still standing on the ground, and they're moving on the light on the ground and Lin Sheng.

Silence for a moment.

“I'm sorry, we took your place. We're leaving now!"The rest of that haircut boy picked up a fruit knife with said with a smile.

He pulled a girl, and he ran to the ground to raise his head and see Lin Sheng didn't do it before relaxed and walked fast.

“Wait a minute.”Lin Sheng suddenly said.

“You guys, want to make some extra money?”He looked at three people who broke a rotten shirt, and he threw a piece of mood in his eyes.

Three foot stopped, looking towards him, apparently there was something different in his eyes.

Ten minutes later.

Lin Sheng packed up and stopped summon ceremony in the vault.

Since it was discovered here, that would represent a more insecure situation, and he had a new arrangement.

Leave the abandoned factory, he hung everything behind the bike, lifting up the car and walking along the hills to the depths of the desert.

Ten minutes after the dark-painted mountains.

Soon, a abandoned gray temple, appeared in front of him.

The temple is a brick wagon structure, the doorstep is long overhauled, topped and may fall down at any time.

The main subject is a positive small courtyard, where most of the walls of the yard have collapsed, and there is a gap that can be accessed everywhere.

The temple itself, the roof is almost empty, the walls are dark, with a fresh smell.

In the yard, weed bushes, Fujima spreads, and there are also a few big trees out there, and the temples are surrounded by a small half.

Large roots have even grown into the temple gates, crowding the doors of one person high into a half-high cave.

“That's it.”Lin Sheng took his bike into the temple.

Put the car down, he lights his fingers.

A crow came in half an hour, circled over the temple and searched at any time.

Lin Sheng raised a backpack full of ceremony materials and walked into the temple.

There's a total of five rooms ahead and behind.

The temple was crowded with roots and vine weed, which could not be used at all.

The temple, the kitchen, the dormitory bedroom, were all broken, and the rooftop fell off the ground was shattered. It's hard to find a spot.

There's only one guest room, and there's a little room. Nor is the roof completely leaked.

There are some mushrooms on the ground, in addition to the full range of towels in the house, and there are no problems.

Lin Sheng determined the good spot, put the backpack down quickly and rip off a barrier of deep-rooted vine with his feet.

The Fujima spreads with a small poison, but it's useless for his skin at that time.

These poison tattoos Lin Sheng touched, like a soft bird fur.

A little cleaned up the fumigation and weed, cleaning up an empty space.

Lin Sheng took out the painted ceremony plastic paper from the backpack. It was the one that used the last time, it wasn't bad, it was wiped out by him and it went on.

“It's good that I use high-purity ink to prevent washing."Lin Sheng pulled out his cell phone, checked the ceremony on the paved plastic paper carefully.

The stripes are complete, the symbols are clear, just like the new ones that have never been used.

Build plastic paper, start transferring materials, gold plates out, and the bottom boilers are fine.

Pick up some dry wood branches around the corner, pick a simple stove with rocks.

Soon, Lin Sheng flashed a little flare.

Smaller lights come out of smoke, some choking. Lin Sheng put the bottom pot on, grab the plastic water bottle, and pour it off from home.

Last light on the butter lights.

Fresh beef smells out.

In this small guest room less than 10 square metres, fires and butter lights, combined with electrical power, three light sources are under fire, and the entire light is bright.

Lin Sheng finally checked the charts on the plastic paper, determined, stood up and started putting a little bit of the mix in a fixed position.

At the same time, add white spiders to the bottom of the pot.

After all this, he's straight, slowly starting to sing the opening words.

“mu, ba, en, di, yu, yi…"A strange sound continues to spread out of Lin Sheng's mouth.

Slowly, the butter lights began to fly out of white smoke.

That cigarette quickly drilled into the bottom of the pot water and ran the wave tattoos.


Soon, a sober water steam, from the bottom of the pot, moved towards Lin Sheng surrounded.

He was skilled to close his eyes and look into the darkness.

In the darkness, a team of light balloons is coming up.

blue globe, grey globe, red light ball, three different types of globe are clearly floating in Lin Sheng's vision.

“Blue light is gray Angel in the body's bird soul. The grey globe is a heavy armoured soldier in the elf's cell. red light, it's black feather Swordsman. "

Lin Sheng Paused, little eyebrows.

He can feel that his soul's leisure is enough, but what is needed is a strong summon creature.

“Last time I was integrated into the bloodline, the fire fatty couldn't summon anymore. Looks like we're going to have to enter Dreamland as soon as possible to find a new summon personality. "

He's already got some idea of this ceremony model.

The number of his summon soldiers seems to depend on the number of dreadful monsters he killed.

Like Brutal Sacred Guardian, he killed only one, so Brutal Sacred Guardian, who could summon, had only one.

The same is true of fire fatty. But heavy armoured soldiers and black women Swordsman are different. They were all killed by him, and they could totally be summon again.

“Heavy armoured soldiers are suitable for confrontation. Power, under 3rd Level, around 2nd Level.

The power is a little stronger than the black feather Swordsman, and the defense is much stronger. It's slower, taking over my soul, but less than Black Feathers Swordsman. "

Lin Sheng's heart cut off.

“All the magic abilities, the black feather Swordsman is an assassin, and the heavy armies are positive propulsion…Heavy armoured soldiers come out of the elf, or they call them Jedi soldiers. "

Soon he'll make a decision.

Look at that grey globe.

He chose the Jedi soldier. This kind of soldier is removed from the armor, completely from normal people, better than black feathers Swordsman.

In that brake, a grey light completely drowned Lin Sheng.

Turn around, look back clear.

He's floating on a great temple of modern-century style.

In front of the gray temple, stand up with a black cap, with white helmets in the head.

They will be uprooted and muscles will be as strong as iron casts.

His Highness is a sword soldier of densely packed's badge.

“I shall return your souls to yourselves and be with me.”A giant double-edged sword will be pulled out and raised up.

“Sun bless!"He's yelling.


“Bless the sun!"

All the soldiers in the lower rank uplifted their swords and yelled at them.

The yelling is like the volcano pouring down.

Lin Sheng looked black and turned his eyes out of the memory space.

In the context of his vision, a soldier in Silver's heavy armor was floating in silence at this time.

A number of Ancient Rennes was flown down by the soldiers:four.

(This chapter is over)

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