233. Chapter 233 Series 2

Chapter 233 Series 2

Lin Sheng groans down.

“Up there, these people should be just the effect of greeting the Temple Place as public places.

But above all, there are private places where my people hold, and they don't go. What we're going to do now is try to screen the talents we need from these people.

Even if it were to be a night, it would be an in-house elite who had been able to spend seven days on a one-time basis, a strong will and a talent. "

“Understood.”Adolf, head up. He has now reached the level of the small belly of Saint Force.

As long as the physical exercise is followed and the tactics of combat are exercised, it can be called the third Level Temple Warrior, which is true.

Consistent with the standards of normalcy.

1st Level 2nd Level Warrior, a common person without any superficial abilities, is just a very powerful body of arms that's all.

Only Warrior, capable of being superior, can be promoted to 3rd Level.

Adolf was the only way to go with Black Feather City, and it just turned out to be.

“Go ahead.”Lin Sheng spearheaded the first step along the stage, moving forward. Adolf follow closely from behind, and there are two of the bodyguards employed by the family.

Four teams in these groups are clearly a source of concern.

Lin Sheng doesn't think so, speeds up, quickly walks to the end of phase III. There's a wire grid segregated in here.

Up there is Lin Sheng's private territory.

Lin Sheng walked to the entrance door, stopped, thought, and said a few words with Adolf, and then fish walked in.

Not later, one of Adolf's men took care of the wings with a printed notice paper on the right side of the entrance.

“Notice? What is it? ”

“Those guys just came in and got it out. There's a sign here that says it's private territory. ”

“Go and see.”

The population below is moving slowly, and a small number of people go to the stage and look closely at the notice list.

‘This place belongs to all the shrines' organizations.

"Pray sincerely, God will respond to the insistence in your heart, and any effort will be rewarded."

The following is an accompanying membership application form. A series of strict requirements were cited in the table, both in terms of quality and in terms of will.

Scholarship fees may also be waived if conditions are highly compatible. It is only in good faith to pray to God in the Temple.

At the bottom, it's an explanatory list.

It lists the history of the Temple Organization, the history and the form in which it belongs. And the school fee sheet. Make it look like a mirror.

A group of people took a lot of time to finish it. Perhaps most of them have doubts, but they are in line with the special effects of this mountain forest. Still, there are few who believe in what's up there.

“Like a gang, an illegal group…"Not far away, several of the Xilun government personnel responsible for monitoring the state of affairs saw a slight shake in the screen.

“The family is not an illegal organization and is officially registered. It is lawful. "Alone can't help but warn.

“So, that's worse.”The people who shake their heads before are even more naughty.



At the Temple of the Mountain.

Lin Sheng stood at the prayer desk and looked closely at the changes that have taken place here.

In the dark vision space, he predicted that there was really a little bit of transparency in the particles, slowing the dancing around the temple.

These particles are small, and Lin Sheng's consciousness is just close to the past, and they are quickly absorbed like magnets.

Lin Sheng then meditated Ash Seal in his heart, turning this part of the particle into a pure Saint Force.

“About five Units…Without a centralized prayer direction, you can gather so many souls… "

Lin Sheng tasted dessert.

“These Saint Force, though not what I think I can, cannot be stored in the body. But I can use it temporarily when I need it.

As long as I am surrounded by the sanctuary, I can shake this force at any time to suppress all kinds of creatures. "

Lin Sheng is careful about the difference between two types of Saint Force.

Open his eyes and show a slight smile on his face.

“Good, well done.”

“Isn't it nice?”

Cardula is boring with little stars, and there's a whole bottle of paper stars on his side, multi-colored, very young students.

“At least I don't have to take over the basic operation here, just a fixed time to come."Lin Sheng's direct soul passed past explanations.

“But I'm bored." Cardula hung up the galaxy to Lin Sheng, to hand it over to him.

“Send you.”

“…Thank you… ”Lin Sheng speaks of picking up a big canned little star. "Go to study when you're bored. ”

“I am seriously injured this time, at least for more than a month to recover. Do I have to read a book for more than a month? ”Cardula's unsatisfactory fork.

“If it's all right, help me train people. Exercise their weapons and flesh. "Lin Sheng laughed, "There will soon be a group of people selected to come in."

“All right!”Cardula's good at the quick start.

“In addition, our hands are too weak and there is a need to complement the strong hands as soon as possible."Lin Sheng said solemnly.

“Next, things over here will be left to you, and if there are any problems, you can contact your soul directly, not far away.”

“Understand.”Cardula, start again.

“Well, please.”Lin Sheng Zheng. He has had an urgent sense of crisis in his heart since he barely pretended to be a big guy, scaring six Wings from a paradise tower.

Don't say ranker than a powerful paradise tower, that's the six Wings, and if you come together, you can destroy the temple now.

So if you want to be completely firm, Lin Sheng has to summon out enough six-Wings.

And now, with him, only three Wings levels of strength, it is undoubtedly difficult to do so.

Lin Sheng has a feeling.

Since Xiling White Eagle Base of Operations was raided by ranker, the war will be increasingly widespread.

And then all over the world, plus weird black spot, black fluid, Black Tide, fog.

That kind of weird phenomenon, as it was in the dream.

Perhaps only if the temple is strong will it be true to protect one another and to protect his family's relatives.

Lin Sheng, however, remembers that, even in Black Feather City, the shrine lost its facilitator and, as always, insisted on carrying out its duties, has been so uncertain for years.

Lin Sheng left Adolf with a few words from Cardula, where he was trained in the arms of Cardula.

As a Cardula, once a country, Prince, there is naturally a sense and understanding of weapons.

In particular, she was a powerful monster who lived long enough, and it was easy to remember the way in which some soldiers were trained.

Lin Sheng was relieved of coming from the other side of the mountain, sneaking down the hill and going back to his own rent.

This time, both the needs of the Temple and his own uplifting of power, there is a need to find a powerful monster at the sixth Wings level who killed him.

Otherwise, he does not know how much time he needs to go into 6th Level Saint Force.

After all, his qualifications are not very good, just ordinary, and it takes at least 10 years to make a normal way through 6th Level Saint Force.

This stage, even the Demonic Ability system, ranges from three Wings to four Wings in Terel, is also a jumping process and difficult.

So he has to speed up!

(This chapter is over)

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