299. Chapter 299 World

Chapter 299 World

“And…People are suspected of losing their own Saint Force, who can't increase their growth, who is like me, and fear that Saint Force is too much, that the explosion is dead… "

Lin Sheng's heart is laughing. Turn around and get out of the bathroom.

“In the end, there are not too many courtesies, or there will be no such distress."

He has no heart. The idea can only be hit on Demonic Ability.

“Demonic Ability and Saint Force are one of the types of soul strength that should be connected. It seems possible to look at the way in Demonic Ability's teaching material. "

He thought about it.

“Since Saint Force is motivated by Demonic Ability, there has been an increase in violence. So, what if I consume all the rest of Demonic Ability, and don't let it stimulate Saint Force? "

Lin Sheng suddenly thought of that.

It's not hard to do this.

The Crystal Warrior of Spirit Heart Castle Manor was brought together by Demonic Ability. Demonic Ability needs to be consumed.

“I should be all right to go straight away from the front steps of the exercise, to bring together Crystal Warrior."

Although this could lead to a lack of foundation, the strength of Crystal Warrior, which was shaped, was less than peak. But he's not feeding on Demonic Ability. It doesn't matter.

Lin Sheng was always a brave man. It's fine to stay in the bedroom anyway.

He looked outside the window.

The clock on the wall shows that it's more than 10:00 p.m. It's just the night life that just started. It is also the time for the working people to sleep.

“Try it…”Lin Sheng also thinks he's more than 20,000 Demonic Ability, and it's too wasteful to release it from the door-to-door operating skills.

It's like, a man has a huge aeronautical gasoline with a tanker, but can only drive with a very small motorcycle of fuel.

“Well, according to the teachers' methods. First measurement.Adjustment of psychiatric frequency… ”

Lin Sheng has been reformed by Rock Dragon Bloodline, and his head is more rapid than ever before.

Crystal Warrior, Spirit Heart Castle Manor, is not complex. The difficulty is to control Demonic Ability's long-term and stable manipulation.

Soon, under Lin Sheng's sophisticated operation, a Crystal Warrior image of his subconscious most responsive to his own needs was gradually emerging behind him.

That's a strong human body up to three metres.

Its profile is fantastic, and it shows half transparency. I can only see it carrying a big piece of hard deck on it.

Their feet, knees, shoulders, elbows, all over the world are sharp Breakthrough Thrust, and the head has the same bend as the Horn. Looks like the black version of Brutal Sacred Guardian.

Lin Sheng looked back at his own Crystal Warrior style, which was rough and showed semi-transfer fantasy. But this is one of the most familiar forms of his mind.

“The shell came out…It will also take a long time to refine and adjust to fill. But the point is, Demonic Ability in the body has come down… "

He clearly felt that Demonic Ability, a large part of his body, had been implicated by Crystal Warrior.

The remaining Demonic Ability can no longer stimulate Saint Force growth.

And Saint Force finally stopped absorbing a large amount of infiltration.


Lin Sheng has long been comfortable, and the danger is temporarily lifted.

But his Demonic Ability will increase, and it is estimated that it will have to go to Crystal Warrior Rise.

Unless his body is strong enough to keep up with Saint Force's upsurge.

“Forget it. Just for now.”

Lin Sheng activated the body, and Crystal Warrior slowed down and disappeared in the air.

Looks like it's gone, but this guy is actually Demonic Ability, Lin Sheng, so it's like a demonic Ability bag out there, and he's gonna keep hiding.

Pick up the phone.

Lin Sheng saw the message from the immediate mentor.

“Do you move so fast?”

It was mentioned in the information that all suspects he had recently contacted were arrested and awaited review.

Moreover, as a result of this incident, the high school level was very interested in his performance on the ground, and this time he was going together to participate in the wrap-up meeting.

Voban Tiira has made him ready to face the most powerful of Benne University by then, as well as a member of the Miga Demonic Ability Institute, known as the Mobile Library, the Bee Prince Sanska.

This ranker, but the whole Miga is one of the oldest rankers. Although it is not a hero of power.

There is, however, a great deal of research on the abundance of knowledge, particularly in the application of Demonic Ability simulation.

During his teaching of Benne University, he taught a few students. But it's all high, with great influence.

The elder is said to be over 300 years old.

Lin Sheng is expected to do so.

He came here for the purpose of not looking for ranker powers. It would be better if the purpose could be achieved in advance.

As for exposure, even if he was exposed, there would have been no conflict between the Temple and Miga. It's only a few words to explain and then deported to that’s all.

There is a backbook from the Xilun Government, and Miga is unlikely to be very good at him.

So he thinks it's worth gambling.



Three days later.

Beyne campus.

The rain floats, and it covers the whole campus as a shadow of fog.

Several participants occasionally ran out of the rain and drove into the dormitory. The campus is empty. Most of them entered various factories and formally started their own student career.


Voban Tiira was a good man with a white suit, with Lin Sheng, stepping out of the elevator on the top six floor.

Lin Sheng was behind him, and he was also a decent trainer, white. But clearly and professor patterns differ, with a small black flower in the consulate.

“In fact, this school area, apart from allowing students to reside, is more secure as a hub to control the entire perimeter of the state."

Voban Tiira walked along and introduced it at random.

“Our Benne University ranking wasn't so low, it was the first 20. Unfortunately, since a terrifying attack, two deputy principals under the principal were killed on the scene.

The current vice-president is also later re-elected, and in fact power has broken down. We have a few major factories, and we have changed a few of them because of that war. "

He has a slight regret in his tongue.

Two men went to the end of the other side of the sixth floor.

Voban Tiira stretched his hand to the end of the black wooden door.

Green light flies.

Lin Sheng's eyes are not self-reliant, then he comes back to God.

They've been standing in a dark and vast factory.

Their position seems to be the central high of the factory, a flat steel road.

Both sides of the road are the same holes as huge deep pits.

An empty hole is packed, and the surface covers the same substance as a transparent glass. Like black cheese.

“haha! Voban Tiira, long time no see! "Straight ahead, an old woman with a big step towards the end, gave Voban Tiira a hug.

“It's long time no see, Daisy.”

The two of them were separated, and each of them was frozen with their own proximity.

“Come on, this is my new disciple, Lin Sheng, Xilun, innate talent, not worth mentioning."

Voban Tiira laughed through Lin Sheng's introduction.

“hehe/she.”Daisy, look at this old friend's trick. You've also pulled women's students behind yourself. Lin Sheng's innate talent she already heard from other sources.

“Eiffel, now I'm starting to be my assistant."

(This chapter is over)

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