621. Chapter 621 summon 3

    Chapter 621 summon 3

    Some dark mirrors in the maze, a path of soft and white lights, and through a lot of mirrors, the whole maze is completely brightened.

    The special structure here, which leads to the entry of any person into the maze, is likely to be rejected at any time and seen by the people inside.

    Lin Sheng wants this effect.

    She gently took out the material and the chart and put it on the ground. One after another.

    Then light one after another of the candles that ceremony needs.

    “Time is urgent, it’s simply the power to upgrade this body, and the only way is that summon is coming…”

    Lin Sheng paved the chart and put one after another on it.

    “Let’s go.”

    the summon Holy Spirit is very skilled for her.

    Before the ceremony chart, she had a huge spiritual force running fast.

    At the same time, the ceremony starts to sing.

    The slightest waves of voices are constantly turbulent in the maze, spreading fresh voices.

    Soon, there was no change in the ceremony chart.

    Lin Sheng’s little eyebrows.

    “Interesting. Even the basic demolition ceremony, is it isolated and repressed by the World?”

    This world’s exclusion, even the Holy Spirit, cannot communicate and come.

    The ceremony, in which it was hoped that the devil World would succeed, was excluded from the useless waste by forcibly.

    “That’s all.”

    Lin Sheng walked forward. Touch cold up your hands.

    Oh, yeah.

    Her eyes lightened up with red light.

    The vast Soul Force slowed the spill, forming a huge vortex, spinning over the ceremony chart.

    a The path of spiritual force, far stronger than just now, is under the control of the soul, and madness is injecting into spiritual ceremony.


    All the candles on the chart were burning out, pulling up a big cut and burning up.

    “I call upon you, in the name of the Lord of the Holy Spirit, to come to a world in which it will be purified.”

    Oh, yeah.

    The slightest shock began to spread over the map.

    A blurred red circle tunnel, slow and difficult to sustain.

    Tunnels seem to be fighting the exclusion of the World, and the pace of expansion is extremely slow.


    Suddenly, a mighty, big bloody hand claws stretched out, and one grabbed the edge of the tunnel.

    Immediately, a bloody red, half-transparent Holy giant beast, slowly climbing out of the tunnel.

    “The aura…” The outside looks like the blood giant beast of the lizard dragon, and when it comes up, it’s going to keep an eye on Lin Sheng.

    “It’s God’s breath… You’re a saint!” The lizard thought you were just responding to a summon’s request. I didn’t think…

    The more red light in Lin Sheng’s eyes is awake.

    “This time I’m going to bother you, Jaroslah.”

    “No, don’t say that!

    Making the world feel justice and rays of light is the wish of my life. “The lizard goes down and goes down to say solemnly.

    “Good. Let’s get started.”

    Lin Sheng raised his hand again, and was allowed to follow the tunnel.

    “Follow your will.” The lizard dragon suddenly melts into a strong black light, quickly attached around the tunnel, and quickly stabilizes the unstable tunnels.

    As the most recent space developed by the Holy Spirit, it is one of his abilities and his only mission.

    “The time line is open.”

    “Space stability begins.”

    “Get in the instructions.”

    “Structure three starts…”

    “Start to finish, the worms of the Holy Spirit.”

    As a path of mechanical voices continues, dark red tunnels are gradually expanding, opening up and creating an elite half-circle of several meters.

    “The corridor was built successfully.”

    On the door, two big giant eagle birds sculpture, slowly grabbing the door and pulling it on both sides.

    “Full start.”






    “Start to succeed.”

    red 门扉彻底敞开。

    Everything is silent.


    That red flood came out of the tunnel.

    In a huge flood, it was made entirely by the mysterious pilgrimage of the Holy Spirit.

    There are no countless Holy Spirits coming out of the tunnels, like swimming souls to the vicinity of the maze. Turn around Lin Sheng quickly.

    This is a pure soul life that people can’t see at all.

    Lin Sheng, open your arms.

    densely packed without count, the Holy Spirit screamed like crying, went crazy out of the maze and moved towards all directions was dispersed.

    At the centre of the maze, the unidentified holy spirits of the sea are like a red line, like ink drops into the water, and are quickly integrated into the world.

    “At first, only one Wing Holy Spirit, but it’s okay, very soon, every two hours, the level of air stability will go up to the floor.

    And then summon wings, even four Wings, are higher. “

    There are more than 10,000 Holy Spirits coming into this world.

    Lin Sheng opened his arms and steam the burning of a large number of substantive spiritual forces for summon’s more numerous holy spirits.


    Holy Spirit is now depleted by the absence of the Holy Spirit because of its own heinous war, which has also led to an increasing accumulation of the Holy Spirit.

    This world, if you want to take the source of the border, seems to be more difficult than the last body World.

    So Lin Sheng intends to mobilize a great deal of spiritual power, which can also alleviate the demographic pressures of the Holy Spirit.

    Soon, the Holy Spirits, close to 900,000, have been released, and these one Wing Holy Spirits cannot even be called sacred, but only Demonic Spirits.

    They are greedy with little reason pointing towards all the living things around the world, despite the orders of Lin Sheng, which does not allow for the erosion of those who have no sins or darkness in their hearts.

    But the presence of Demonic Spirits itself can induce the evil of the human heart.

    A gas release of 900,000 Demonic Spirits is itself a huge load of the population as well as millions of governorates.

    Soon, two hours passed.

    The tunnels were again slowly expanding, as insects generally wore, and the area had grown more than twice as far as the original.

    The second wave of blood is typically coloured by the Holy Spirit.

    This Holy Spirit is under the true Holy Spirit Palace, the two-wing holy knight.

    The number is around 78,000.

    The Knight Regimental Commander is led by the elite of the Black Hand family.

    Two hours are just enough for the knights to succeed.

    Soon, the third Holy Spirit came again.

    At this point, the Holy Spirit of the Three Wings level can be accommodated.

    The third round came with the Royal Corporal of the Beast, which belongs to Centaur King.

    The three Wings Holy Spirit, more than 300,000 miracles, is flowing like sea water.

    Similarly, with the influx of numerous Holy Spirits, the exclusion of the world around Lin Sheng, or the hatred of the world, is becoming increasingly manifold.

    Thousands of Holy Spirits deliberately slaughtered everything that swallowed this world, replacing God and trying all the things you see.

    Whoever is a man, or a mortal.

    Once the trial is not passed, the only result is to be swallowed by the Holy Spirit as a feeder.

    (This chapter is over)

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