628. Chapter 628

    Chapter 628

    Kacharo walked into this little garden.

    The yellow main walls, and the grey white ground bricks, appear to be somewhat unmatched.

    But around the corner of the wall, there’s a special kind of lamp everywhere, but it makes him feel weird.

    Those walllights are clear and clear, and they do not seem to feel the flow of electricity, nor do they know what the motives are.

    “Saving batteries?” Carcharo’s boring guess.

    Follow the gates and walk in, and then, under the leadership of the waiter, go up to the second floor.

    Soon, he saw that silhouette that had been surrounded by his heart.

    “There’s something important to tell you, so I came directly.” Carcharo has no habit of crap.

    In his knowledge, once a decision is made to be good for a person, he will make a great deal of tacit efforts and then leave casually before he comes out on the other hand.

    He did not want each other to feel pressured and burdened by his payment.

    This appears to be easing, and it seems to be only a random gift, but no one knows how much time he has spent on it in the dark.

    “Carcharo? Let’s just say, I’m going to be asleep in the afternoon.” Lin Sheng used the old Perola to cope with the tongue of licking dogs, relax replied.

    “I drew a small map, and recently you don’t go to places marked on these maps, and you may be in danger.

    Besides, this is for you. ”

    Kacharo put the scroll map down, then slight delay, or picked up a black semi-annual crystal necklace from his shirt, and then left it in his hand.

    “Take it, it’ll protect you. Bring you good luck.”

    black’s half-man crystal was picked up by Lin Sheng.

    She immediately felt the strong energy fluctuations above it.

    the aura is definitely not an ordinary cargo color that can be compared to a few small Saint Force pools in Al-Quds, and it is not possible to contain such large energy fluctuations.

    “This thing is valuable, isn’t it? I can’t take it!” She’s serious replied.

    “It’s okay. It’s useless for me, and if it helps you, it’s the best thing to do.” Kacharo didn’t mention that this thing was actually the soul treasure that he was born with.

    The existence of a spiritual treasure is like Spirit Treasure, the first day to repair the fairy system. Valuable anomalies.

    And, in general, such infiltrations are formidable power, very rare.

    Before Kacharo arrived, he had been very careful with his brother and asked about the wind.

    After a clear guess, the brother will never let Perola’s soul go. Kacharo thought of meditation, and finally he couldn’t bear the rest of his heart, and chose to give this precious gift to Perola.

    “If you say so, then many thanks.” Lin Sheng said with a slight smile, “but always you keep sending me something, and I’ll give you something this time.”

    She slipped out of her skirt’s invisible pocket, picked up a little bit of something like a handshave.

    That thing was freshly golden, but it was bleak, not very obvious.

    Lin Sheng passed the ring.

    “This is the good luck ring I pray for God to get, and she must wear it.”

    Kacharo looks a little dizzy, and I’m sorry about the microbial circumstance.

    Take over the bracelet, and he wears it on his wrist.

    “Well. I have something to do. I’ll go first.”

    “Well, then I won’t leave you. See you next time.”

    “See you next time.”

    Kacharo left the garden with his hand rings, just when he came, he never thought he’d get a gift from Pedro.

    It’s just that he totally didn’t think that the freshgolden hand rings were on him, slowly and hidden, releasing special breaths.



    With the growing number of holy spirits from sources, the entire city began to evolve into another form of life.

    In the formerly luxurious neighbourhood, few people have dared to wander outside.

    And the rest of it is still going to wander outside, and if a strong man with a good spiritual capacity comes here, it’s even the first time to find out that it’s wrong.

    These people seem to be very normal, but in fact, they’re going to slip through the silly glow from time to time.

    hua la, put down the curtains.

    Dicas expression is indifferent and re-elected to a single seat.


    It’s a long way to conceal the sound of a crumbling explosion.

    The special flames of fire originating from the Black Prison demons are being challenged by constant and polar blossoms.

    It’s not the first time.

    Dinkas’s got a little cold in his eyes.

    He’s not a fool, he started planting, and maybe he’s confused, but as a result of the upsurge.

    He’s allergic to feel wrong.

    The other leaders found little, and the aggressive pollen groups and the St. Angel side had been spared enough fire and had been wiped up with both sides.

    Although it is only a small move, the situation on both sides is beginning to be chaotic.

    It’s just this confusion, and it seems to him that some of it’s too deliberate.

    “It should be designed behind the back, which is a rough tool, without innovation.”

    Dicas is flattering across the opposite two lead lines.

    “Just the three of us have been involved in it. Who is that real ambush?” A redheaded woman with a bent on his head, the expression of the desert.

    “I don’t know, maybe other targeted forces, and we have not touched upon them. Maybe it’s the other one.” Dickas continues to calm down.

    “But what we have to do now, first and foremost, is patience, no matter how provocative each other, we cannot fall into this wanton confusion of each other’s hopes, so I hope that you will, as much as you can, contain your own hands. Don’t add to us…”

    Oh, yeah.

    Suddenly, the window glass was smashed by something, and a high-temperature object with a rainbow light fell into it.


    seems to be some kind of devil with a slice or blood meat. There is also an outbreak of the death of an attack.

    Dickpaused, go on.

    “It’s okay, if this happens, we can take the initiative to conceal ourselves and not give them any chance. This way…”


    The walls on the side of the room were struck by tremendous gravity, showing a large turtle torch.


    seems to be something horrible in the next door and in people’s insane killing.

    “So…” Dicas’ words were interrupted, and paused went on.


    The wall was broken, and a black light was thrown over him.



    TV closet behind him was blown up and the decorated flower bottles were fragmented everywhere.

    There are two different areas across the street looking at him.

    “This way…” Black hair’s middle-aged leaders blink their eyes and can’t hold their voices down.

    “It’s okay, as long as we’re ready in advance…”

    Dinkas didn’t finish saying that a black shadow came out of the window, and a punch hit him with a tattoo red light.

    “Eat my shit!”

    red light crossed the nose in front of Dinkas and hit the refrigerator on the side of the wall.


    The refrigerator collapsed, and a large number of white ice pieces broke out of it.

    The shadow was also immediately dissolved, and it was just a phantom.

    “Don’t do it!” Dickás stops the two leaders who are ready to rise on the other side. “Once we do it, the more we do it, the more we do it, the more the more we do it, the more we do it!”

    “But… Your men are dying.” The redheaded woman has some lateness.

    (This chapter is over)

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