640. Chapter 640

    Chapter 640

    Angel World.

    A hotel room in the city.

    Daisy’s hands all over his face, trying to make himself more sober.

    Since the end of that incident, polar groups have been controlled by forces known as the Holy Spirit Palace.

    Even a few remaining Czech Angel, including the Chairman of the Board, Van Enrilli, was unable to resist.

    Just a little struggling, and the real delivery of all the property.

    So, turn around, the polar blossoms, in a few days, have all the brands of the Holy Spirit Palace.

At the

    same time, staff from all polar blocs were organized to focus training on the temple behind Castle Manor.

    Since that training, it seems that, as usual, all the staff of the polar blocs have no opening for the previous group name.

    Instead, all efforts have been invested in the consolidation of municipal order and in the maintenance of peace and security with the Government.

    The Angel Federation has completely abandoned the city, cutting off all links outside the city.

    Soon, however, the Holy Mosque sent people to connect and interact with the five cities around it, and quickly restored to normal goods in the city.

    And the most reassuring of the citizens in the city is that the powerful presence of the Temple is not just not an intrusion. Rather, the sources are constantly transporting large quantities of nutritional synthetic foodstuffs from the precipitation corridor.

    Such dry food is nutritional and also has very high energy heat. That one with a finger long can support a person’s day of activity heat.

    Just a little bit more to add, and one person can’t eat one day.

    This combination of dry food, even fibres, is contained, and even fruit vegetables are not allowed to eat.

    Daisy’s thinking about these days, and it feels a little floating.

    “Sister Daisy, what do you say about Laura now?” Sinda’s got his hair on the side of the bathroom, and he’s asking.

    “I don’t know. I went through the phone with her, and she seemed to recognize my mom. It just feels strange between them, far away.”

    Daisy sighs.

    “It’s normal that I suddenly knew my father was trying to murder me for other purposes. Then I also have great doubts about parents.

    But don’t worry, believe she’ll soon know who’s really good for her. ”Sinda laughs at comfort.

    “So what do we do now? Can’t you stay at the hotel all the time?” Daisy’s asking.

    “Of course not. I intend to go to the temple and look at it.” Sinda’s smiling, whispering.

    “? To the Temple? Are you crazy?” Daisy looks at each other.

    “I’m not crazy.” Sinda, seriously answered, “haven’t you noticed? Temple, very much to defend the lives and deaths of ordinary people.”

    As soon as that comes out, Daisy was silent.

    She thought about it carefully, and it felt different from before.

    The former Angel Federation, treating ordinary people below, is like the king of aloof and remote, treating beggar beggar.

    Not only do they ignore their death, but also seek from the people all kinds of things that are unscrupulous.

    Like a Sister of the Holy Sister, this is the source.

    You know, being a Sister of Notre, it is only through the complete discontinuation of relations with their original families.

    “But we have nothing to understand at all about the Temple… are you too risky to do this?” Daisy goes on the road.

    “adventure? No, of course not. I have my own way to defend myself, and you don’t have to worry. I just want to confirm something.” Sinda is serious.

    “Can’t we just prove it outside?”

    “There’s no way. But don’t worry about the attitude of the Temple towards the people below, and as long as they do not commit acts, they will not do anything else.” Sinda believes in itself.

    She walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked down.

    On the streets down there, a team of White House Warrior, full of white gravity, is slowing down patrols and suppressing all possible chaos.

    “No stealing, no fraud, no beating, if any of the perpetrators, will enter the repentance hall and repent their sins!”

    The next team, Warrior, has spoken loudly about the Magistrate’s Order under the Temple with the horn.

    At first, no one felt how terrifying the confession crime was.

    Until the first mix of unbelievable chaos went in, weeping bitter tears came out. When it comes to a crime, it’s shaking.

    Ever since then, as long as those who go in, they will be as deep as that place, and they will not be afraid to mention it.

    And just the other day, two murders in the streets, injuring more than 10 serious criminals, were held in a confession house.

    Unlike the two hours of previous detention.

    The two homicide criminals were full of 24 hours.

    And then when they come out, the wind swings from cruelty to smile.

    The most terrifying thing is that when these two people come out, whatever they do, they smile.

    They seem to have lost personal personality independent of the outside world, like two human machines that only maintain basic survival needs.

    Eat, sleep, work, then recycle. No desire.

    This change in terrifying also makes it clear to ordinary people outside the world why the Holy Mosque does not have a criminal code of death.

    Daisy looked at a new murderer who was sent down in the downstream parade, showing a look of pity on his face.

    And that murderer was still bleeding, eyeballs, completely unaware of what fate it would be to wait for himself.

    “The Temple… If you really are, like propaganda, able to save people and restore hope. So what does it matter to me to believe in you?”




    Black fog is rolling.

    A giant man with a white bone skin with four arms and a big step into a huge city.

    It carries black burning smoke on its feet, just on the road, and it burns a lot of weird black fog.

    The black fog continues to gush out a large number of large, large and small, blood-borne mosquitoes, and they embrace the crowd, flying fast moving towards life attacks around them.

    Angels led a great deal of soldiers and superiors to fight with madness both inside and outside the city.

    But nothing.

    They resist on the one hand, and in their own members there will be variations from time to time.

    In many cases, they are unaware of the enemies ahead and of the possible mutants behind them.

    Death, blood, ruins.

    A building that was destroyed by giants at random, collapsed.

    The resistance of this great city, in a short period of 15 minutes, declared a complete collapse.

    City Lord is a strong warner of the evolution of Angel level.

    In the Third Fight, she was beaten by giants, pulled out, crashed in a building on the side, fractured in body, bleeding in dirty blood and shocked by brain marrow.

    After the death of City Lord, Deputy City Lord took over the flag and again tried to resist the spell.

    Unfortunately, she just started, and immediately she was surrounded by countless blood-borne mosquitoes in the back. Turn around a big girl and suck into a dry corpse.

    The ordinary civilian population in the city has not suffered too many deaths and injuries.

    Giants and those who suck blood mosquitoes seem to be interested only in obstructing the creatures before them.

    They’ve been passing through the city, and soon disappeared in the eyes of all.

    In the city, there has been a gradual eruption as the vast amount of black fog left by the giants spreads, with another massive variation.

    (This chapter is over)

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